Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: Face Cleat (coal)

Face Cleat (coal)

Face Cleat: A Crack in the Coal Seam

In the world of oil and gas, understanding the nuances of geological formations is crucial for efficient extraction. One such geological feature found in coal seams is the face cleat.

Face cleats are longitudinal fractures that run parallel to the bedding plane of the coal seam. These fractures are often found in sets, creating a network of interconnected cracks within the coal. While seemingly simple, face cleats have a significant impact on both coal mining and methane gas extraction.

Understanding the Formation:

Face cleats are formed through a combination of factors including:

  • Tectonic stress: As the earth's crust shifts, the pressure exerted on the coal seam can cause it to fracture along planes of weakness.
  • Differential compaction: The uneven compression of overlying sediments can create stress in the coal seam, leading to the formation of face cleats.
  • Dehydration: As the coal seam undergoes diagenesis (the process of turning sediment into rock), it loses water. This dehydration can cause the coal to shrink and crack.

Impact on Mining and Methane Extraction:


  • Increased stability: Face cleats can enhance the stability of the coal seam by providing a pathway for stress relief. This is particularly important in areas with high overburden pressure.
  • Ease of extraction: Face cleats facilitate the breaking and extraction of coal, making mining operations more efficient.
  • Risk of methane release: However, face cleats can also increase the risk of methane gas release. The fractures provide pathways for methane to escape from the coal seam into the mine atmosphere.

Methane Extraction:

  • Increased permeability: Face cleats enhance the permeability of the coal seam, allowing for greater flow of methane gas.
  • Enhanced extraction efficiency: By facilitating methane flow, face cleats contribute to more efficient methane extraction from coal seams.
  • Challenges in extraction: The presence of face cleats can also pose challenges for methane extraction. The interconnected network of fractures can create complex flow patterns, making it difficult to predict and control gas flow.

In Conclusion:

Face cleats are an important geological feature in coal seams that impact both coal mining and methane extraction. While they can facilitate easier extraction and enhance methane flow, they also pose risks regarding methane release and complex flow patterns. Understanding the characteristics of face cleats is crucial for optimizing both mining and methane extraction operations and ensuring safety.

Test Your Knowledge

Face Cleat Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are face cleats? a) Horizontal fractures in a coal seam. b) Longitudinal fractures in a coal seam. c) Vertical fractures in a coal seam. d) Rounded cavities in a coal seam.


b) Longitudinal fractures in a coal seam.

2. How are face cleats formed? a) Only by tectonic stress. b) Only by differential compaction. c) Only by dehydration. d) By a combination of tectonic stress, differential compaction, and dehydration.


d) By a combination of tectonic stress, differential compaction, and dehydration.

3. How do face cleats affect coal mining? a) They make the coal seam less stable. b) They make the coal seam more difficult to extract. c) They can increase the risk of methane release. d) They have no effect on coal mining.


c) They can increase the risk of methane release.

4. How do face cleats affect methane extraction? a) They decrease the permeability of the coal seam. b) They make methane extraction less efficient. c) They can create complex flow patterns, making gas flow difficult to control. d) They have no effect on methane extraction.


c) They can create complex flow patterns, making gas flow difficult to control.

5. What is the most important reason for understanding face cleats in oil and gas operations? a) To predict the location of oil and gas deposits. b) To optimize extraction processes and ensure safety. c) To determine the age of the coal seam. d) To analyze the chemical composition of the coal.


b) To optimize extraction processes and ensure safety.

Face Cleat Exercise

Scenario: You are a geologist working on a methane extraction project in a coal seam. You have identified a high concentration of face cleats in the seam.

Task: Based on your knowledge of face cleats, describe two potential benefits and two potential challenges of this situation for your methane extraction project.

Exercice Correction

**Benefits:** 1. **Increased Permeability:** The presence of face cleats will enhance the permeability of the coal seam, allowing for greater flow of methane gas. This will lead to a more efficient methane extraction process. 2. **Potential for Enhanced Drainage:** Face cleats provide pathways for methane to escape from the coal seam, potentially reducing the risk of methane accumulation and explosions during mining operations. **Challenges:** 1. **Complex Flow Patterns:** The interconnected network of face cleats can create complex flow patterns, making it difficult to predict and control gas flow. This could lead to uneven extraction and potentially reduce the overall efficiency of the project. 2. **Risk of Methane Release:** While face cleats can facilitate methane flow, they can also increase the risk of methane release into the atmosphere. This could lead to environmental concerns and potentially require additional safety measures.


  • Coal Geology by D.G. Murchison & T.S. Westoll (2008): This comprehensive book provides a detailed understanding of coal geology, including sections on cleats and their impact on mining and methane extraction.
  • Coal: Resources and Utilization by D.W. van Krevelen (1993): This book covers various aspects of coal science and engineering, including chapters on coal structure, properties, and mining. It provides insights into the role of cleats in coal behavior.
  • Coal Seam Gas - A Guide to the Industry by M.J. Morgan & D.R. Watts (2012): This book specifically focuses on coal seam gas exploration and production, offering a detailed discussion on cleats' impact on gas flow and extraction.


  • "Cleat Development and Its Impact on Methane Transport in Coal" by D.H. Kwon & R.D. Zimmerman (2005): This research article explores the relationship between cleats and methane transport in coal seams, analyzing their influence on gas flow and extraction.
  • "The Role of Cleat Systems in Methane Emission from Coal Seams" by J.B. Nance & M.A. Bustin (2005): This article investigates the role of different types of cleats in methane emission from coal seams, highlighting their influence on gas release during mining operations.
  • "Cleat Characterization and Its Significance in Coalbed Methane Production" by L.A. Goodman & M.E. Schrag (2009): This study examines the correlation between cleat characteristics and the production of coalbed methane, emphasizing their role in optimizing gas recovery.

Online Resources

  • Coal Seam Gas: A Guide for Landholders (Australian Government): This guide provides information about coal seam gas development and its potential impacts, including sections on cleat systems and their influence on gas extraction.
  • Coal Geology (University of Kentucky): This website offers a detailed overview of coal geology, including a section on cleat systems and their impact on mining and gas production.
  • Coal Seam Gas: A Technical Guide (CSIRO): This resource provides comprehensive technical information about coal seam gas, covering topics like cleat development, gas flow, and extraction techniques.

Search Tips

  • "Face cleat" "coal" "mining": This search term helps find information related to the influence of face cleats on coal mining operations.
  • "Face cleat" "coal" "methane extraction": This search term retrieves resources focusing on the impact of face cleats on methane extraction from coal seams.
  • "Cleat development" "coal" "geology": This search term will provide information on the formation and characteristics of cleat systems in coal geology.
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