Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Edge water

Edge water

Edge Water: A Stealthy Threat in Oil & Gas Production

In the world of oil and gas extraction, understanding the nuances of subsurface formations is crucial. One such nuance is "edge water," a term that refers to water found at the periphery of a hydrocarbon deposit. While seemingly innocuous, edge water presents a significant challenge to efficient and profitable production.

The Nature of the Beast:

Edge water is essentially water trapped in the reservoir rock outside the main oil or gas accumulation. It typically resides in the rock's pore spaces, often in areas of higher permeability – think of it as a "highway" for fluids.

Why is edge water a problem?

  • Water production: As hydrocarbons are extracted, pressure within the reservoir drops. This pressure differential can cause edge water to migrate into the wellbore, diluting the oil or gas production and leading to significant water production.
  • Reduced reservoir pressure: This migration of water can also lead to a rapid decline in reservoir pressure, further hindering hydrocarbon recovery.
  • Increased operational costs: Handling and disposing of produced water can be expensive and environmentally challenging.

The Catch-22:

The irony is that the high permeability channels, which allow for rapid oil and gas production, are the same channels that edge water utilizes to quickly invade the reservoir.

Mitigating the Threat:

Despite the challenges, edge water issues can be addressed with proper planning and technology:

  • Waterflood: In some cases, waterflooding is used to push the hydrocarbons towards the production wells. This method can be effective in managing edge water intrusion.
  • Well design and completion: Proper well design and completion strategies can help isolate edge water zones, minimizing its impact on production.
  • Chemical injection: Chemical treatments can be injected into the well to alter the water's properties, making it easier to separate from the oil or gas.
  • Reservoir simulation: Advanced reservoir simulation models can help predict edge water movement and optimize production strategies.

The Bottom Line:

Edge water is a persistent challenge in the oil and gas industry. Understanding its nature, the problems it poses, and the available mitigation strategies is essential for achieving efficient and sustainable hydrocarbon production.

By implementing well-designed production plans and utilizing innovative technologies, oil and gas companies can effectively manage edge water and maximize their resource recovery.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Edge Water in Oil & Gas Production

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is edge water?

a) Water found in the center of an oil or gas reservoir. b) Water found at the periphery of a hydrocarbon deposit. c) Water that naturally mixes with oil or gas. d) Water used for drilling operations.


b) Water found at the periphery of a hydrocarbon deposit.

2. Why is edge water a problem for oil and gas production?

a) It increases the viscosity of oil, making it harder to extract. b) It can dilute oil or gas production, leading to lower yields. c) It can cause corrosion in pipelines and equipment. d) All of the above.


b) It can dilute oil or gas production, leading to lower yields.

3. Which of the following is NOT a method for mitigating edge water problems?

a) Waterflooding. b) Well design and completion. c) Using explosives to create new pathways for oil and gas. d) Chemical injection.


c) Using explosives to create new pathways for oil and gas.

4. What is the primary reason edge water moves into a reservoir during production?

a) Gravity. b) The difference in pressure between the reservoir and the edge water zone. c) The presence of dissolved gases in the water. d) The injection of chemicals during production.


b) The difference in pressure between the reservoir and the edge water zone.

5. What is the importance of reservoir simulation in managing edge water?

a) It helps predict future oil and gas production rates. b) It helps visualize the movement of edge water within the reservoir. c) It helps optimize production strategies to minimize edge water intrusion. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Edge Water Management

Scenario: An oil production company is experiencing increased water production from one of its wells. The reservoir is known to have a significant edge water zone. The company has access to various technologies and resources, including waterflooding, well design optimization, chemical injection, and reservoir simulation.

Task: Develop a plan to address the edge water issue and minimize its impact on production.


  • Cost-effectiveness: The plan should be economically feasible.
  • Environmental impact: The plan should minimize any negative environmental effects.
  • Long-term sustainability: The plan should aim for long-term, sustainable oil production.

Exercice Correction

A possible plan to address the edge water issue could include:

  • **Reservoir Simulation:** Conduct detailed reservoir simulation to model the edge water movement and its potential impact on production. This will provide valuable insights for planning further actions.
  • **Well Design Optimization:** Evaluate the current well design and explore possible modifications to isolate the edge water zone. This could involve re-completion or plugging specific zones.
  • **Chemical Injection:** Consider using chemical treatments to alter the water's properties and make it easier to separate from the oil. This could include polymer injection to increase water viscosity or demulsifiers to break down water-oil emulsions.
  • **Waterflooding:** If appropriate and cost-effective, consider implementing a waterflooding strategy. This could be used to push the remaining oil towards the production well and manage the edge water movement.

The plan should prioritize cost-effectiveness, environmental responsibility, and long-term sustainability. Regular monitoring and adjustments to the plan should be implemented based on the results of the chosen actions.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: By Tarek Ahmed (A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of reservoir engineering, including edge water issues).
  • Petroleum Production Engineering: By Donald L. Katz and Robert L. F. Boyd (Provides in-depth knowledge about reservoir fluid behavior, including water influx and management).
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery: By Larry W. Lake (Explains various methods of enhancing oil recovery, including waterflooding and other techniques to combat edge water).


  • "Edge Water: A Hidden Threat to Oil and Gas Production" by [author name] (If you can find a relevant article on this topic, include it here).
  • "Understanding and Managing Edge Water in Oil and Gas Reservoirs" by [author name] (Search for articles on this subject in relevant journals or online databases like Google Scholar).
  • "Waterflooding for Improved Oil Recovery: A Review" by [author name] (Find articles about waterflooding techniques, which are often used to manage edge water).

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): - The SPE website offers a wealth of information on various aspects of oil and gas production, including reservoir characterization, fluid flow, and water management.
  • OnePetro: - This platform provides access to technical papers and other resources related to the oil and gas industry.
  • Google Scholar: - Use this search engine to find academic articles and research papers on edge water and oil and gas production.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "edge water," "reservoir engineering," "waterflood," "oil recovery," and "production optimization."
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms like "oil and gas," "petroleum," "reservoir characterization," and "fluid flow."
  • Use quotation marks around phrases to refine your search, e.g., "edge water management."
  • Explore advanced search operators like "+" (include), "-" (exclude), and "site: (specific website)."
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