Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Economic Limit

Economic Limit

The Economic Limit: When Oil & Gas Production Stops Making Sense

In the world of oil and gas, the pursuit of hydrocarbons is driven by profit. Every decision, from drilling a well to refining crude oil, is ultimately evaluated based on its economic viability. But what happens when the cost of extracting and processing oil and gas surpasses the revenue generated? This is where the economic limit comes into play.

Defining the Economic Limit

The economic limit refers to the point at which the revenue from produced fluids (oil, gas, or natural gas liquids) falls below the cost of operations set by the company. Simply put, it's the threshold where extracting and producing hydrocarbons no longer generates a profit, and potentially even incurs a loss.

Factors Influencing the Economic Limit

Several factors contribute to the determination of the economic limit, including:

  • Production Costs: This includes expenses like labor, equipment maintenance, and transportation. As a well matures and production rates decline, operational costs per unit of production often rise.
  • Oil and Gas Prices: Fluctuating market prices play a significant role. A decrease in oil or gas prices can rapidly push a project below the economic limit, making it unprofitable.
  • Capital Expenditures: Initial investments in exploration, drilling, and infrastructure development are crucial considerations. Higher upfront costs can push the economic limit higher, requiring a longer period of profitable production to recoup investment.
  • Regulatory Environment: Government regulations, including environmental regulations and taxes, can influence operating costs and impact profitability.
  • Depletion Rates: As reservoirs naturally deplete, production rates decline, leading to increased costs per unit of production.

Consequences of Reaching the Economic Limit

Reaching the economic limit can have significant consequences for oil and gas companies:

  • Production Cease: When a well or project falls below the economic limit, companies may choose to cease production to avoid further financial losses.
  • Asset Retirement: In some cases, companies may be required to decommission and dismantle infrastructure associated with the project, incurring additional costs.
  • Job Losses: Production shutdowns can result in job losses within the company and associated industries.
  • Environmental Concerns: If proper decommissioning procedures are not followed, abandoned wells can pose environmental risks.

Strategies to Extend Economic Life

Despite reaching the economic limit, companies may implement strategies to extend the economic life of a project:

  • Improved Technology: Employing advanced extraction technologies can increase production rates and reduce operating costs.
  • Cost Optimization: Streamlining operations, improving efficiency, and renegotiating contracts can help reduce costs.
  • Production Sharing Agreements: Sharing the risk and reward with other companies can make a project more economically viable.
  • Government Incentives: Tax breaks or subsidies may be available to incentivize continued production.


The economic limit is a crucial concept in the oil and gas industry. It serves as a critical factor in decision-making, determining whether a project remains profitable. By understanding the factors that influence the economic limit and employing strategies to extend its reach, companies can maximize returns and ensure sustainable operations in an ever-changing energy landscape.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "The World Oil Market" by Daniel Yergin: A comprehensive exploration of the global oil market, including discussions on production costs, economic viability, and geopolitical factors influencing oil prices.
  • "The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power" by Daniel Yergin: An extensive historical account of the oil industry, highlighting the evolution of production techniques and the interplay of economics and politics.
  • "The Future of Oil and Gas" edited by David Victor: A collection of essays from leading experts on the future of the oil and gas industry, including analyses of production costs, technology advancements, and economic trends.


  • "The Economic Limit of Oil and Gas Production" by Robert W. Campbell, Journal of Petroleum Technology (2018): A technical article discussing the economic limit in detail, including factors influencing its determination and implications for the industry.
  • "The Impact of Low Oil Prices on the Economic Limit of Oil Production" by Michael F. D'Agostino, Energy Policy (2016): Analyzes how low oil prices affect the economic limit and the decisions of oil companies regarding production.
  • "Extending the Economic Life of Mature Oil and Gas Fields" by John A. McArthur, SPE Journal (2015): Examines strategies for extending the economic life of declining oil and gas fields, including technological advancements and cost optimization.

Online Resources

  • "Economic Limit" Definition from Oil & Gas iQ: A concise definition of the economic limit in the context of oil and gas production, with explanations of key factors.
  • "Economic Limit of Oil and Gas Production" by the U.S. Energy Information Administration: A detailed report from the EIA analyzing the economic limit of oil and gas production in the United States, including data on production costs, market prices, and regulatory factors.
  • "The Economic Limit of Oil and Gas Production" by the International Energy Agency: A global analysis of the economic limit in the oil and gas industry, highlighting its impact on production decisions and sustainability.

Search Tips

  • "Economic limit oil and gas production": This basic search query will provide a range of relevant articles and resources.
  • "Oil and gas production costs": Focuses on the financial aspects of production, including costs, profitability, and market factors.
  • "Oil and gas field development economics": Delves into the economic evaluation of oil and gas projects, considering investment costs, operational expenses, and revenue streams.
  • "Economic viability oil and gas projects": Explores the financial feasibility of oil and gas projects, considering the economic limit and other relevant factors.
  • "Oil and gas production decline curve analysis": Analyzes the decline in production rates over time, which is a key factor in determining the economic limit.
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