Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Driller’s Method

Driller’s Method

Driller's Method: A Classic Approach to Controlling Kicks During Drilling

During oil and gas drilling operations, encountering a "kick" – an influx of formation fluids (typically gas, oil, or water) into the wellbore – is a potential hazard. The Driller's Method is a well-established technique used to manage such kicks, ensuring wellbore safety and preventing blowouts.

Understanding the Driller's Method

The Driller's Method is a classic approach to kick control, particularly relevant when dealing with gas kicks. It relies on the principle of circulating the gas out of the wellbore while maintaining sufficient pressure to prevent uncontrolled flow. The process involves two distinct phases:

Phase 1: Circulating the Kick Out

  1. Shut-in: The first step is to immediately shut in the well, stopping the drilling operation.
  2. Pressure Control: Backpressure is applied to the well using a choke, a specialized valve that regulates fluid flow. This pressure is maintained at a level sufficient to contain the kick, allowing for safe circulation.
  3. Circulation: The drilling fluid, typically a weighted mud, is circulated through the wellbore, carrying the gas upwards and out of the well. This continuous circulation helps remove the kick and reduces the wellbore pressure.

Phase 2: Weighting Up

  1. Assessing the Kick: Once the gas has been successfully circulated out, the kick is assessed to determine the required mud weight to control the formation pressure.
  2. Mud Weighting: Heavier mud (with increased density) is then mixed and circulated into the wellbore. This heavier mud provides the required hydrostatic pressure to overcome the formation pressure and prevent further influx.
  3. Maintaining Pressure: The choke is carefully adjusted to maintain pressure balance and ensure the well remains under control.

Advantages of the Driller's Method

  • Simplicity: This method is relatively straightforward and can be implemented quickly in emergency situations.
  • Flexibility: The method can be adapted to different kick scenarios by adjusting the backpressure and mud weight as needed.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to other kick control methods, the Driller's Method often requires fewer specialized tools and equipment.

Limitations of the Driller's Method

  • Limited Applicability: This method is primarily suitable for gas kicks. It is less effective for kicks containing large amounts of liquids.
  • Risk of Blowout: If not executed correctly, there is a risk of the kick escalating into a blowout, potentially causing severe damage and endangering personnel.


The Driller's Method remains a cornerstone of kick control in the oil and gas industry, offering a reliable and relatively simple approach to managing gas kicks. While it is a time-tested technique, operators must be fully trained and prepared to execute the method effectively and safely. The use of this method is often supplemented by other kick control measures and advanced technology to ensure the wellbore remains under control at all times.

Test Your Knowledge

Driller's Method Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the Driller's Method?

(a) Isolating the kick zone with specialized tools. (b) Circulating the kick out of the wellbore while maintaining pressure control. (c) Injecting chemicals to neutralize the formation fluids. (d) Immediately abandoning the well and sealing the wellhead.


(b) Circulating the kick out of the wellbore while maintaining pressure control.

2. Which of the following is NOT a step in Phase 1 of the Driller's Method?

(a) Shutting in the well. (b) Applying backpressure using a choke. (c) Circulating drilling fluid to remove the kick. (d) Increasing the mud weight to overcome formation pressure.


(d) Increasing the mud weight to overcome formation pressure.

3. What is the main purpose of weighting up the mud during Phase 2?

(a) To increase the drilling fluid's viscosity. (b) To improve the lubrication properties of the mud. (c) To create a hydrostatic pressure exceeding the formation pressure. (d) To prevent the formation fluids from corroding the wellbore.


(c) To create a hydrostatic pressure exceeding the formation pressure.

4. What is a significant advantage of the Driller's Method?

(a) It is only effective in dealing with liquid kicks. (b) It requires minimal training and expertise. (c) It is a cost-effective solution compared to other kick control methods. (d) It eliminates the risk of a blowout entirely.


(c) It is a cost-effective solution compared to other kick control methods.

5. What is a major limitation of the Driller's Method?

(a) It is not suitable for kicks containing large amounts of gas. (b) It is a complex method requiring specialized equipment. (c) It is ineffective in preventing blowouts. (d) It can cause significant damage to the wellbore.


(a) It is not suitable for kicks containing large amounts of gas.

Driller's Method Exercise

Scenario: A drilling crew encounters a gas kick while drilling at a depth of 8,000 feet. The wellhead pressure gauge indicates a pressure increase of 500 psi. The current mud weight is 12 ppg.


  1. Briefly describe the initial steps the crew should take according to the Driller's Method.
  2. How should the crew assess the kick and determine the required mud weight?
  3. What are the potential risks if the crew fails to properly execute the Driller's Method in this scenario?

Exercice Correction

**1. Initial Steps:** * **Shut in the well:** Immediately stop drilling operations and close the wellhead. * **Apply backpressure:** Use the choke to carefully increase wellhead pressure, gradually bringing it under control. * **Circulate the kick out:** Initiate continuous circulation of the mud, allowing the gas to flow upwards and out of the wellbore. **2. Assessing the Kick and Determining Mud Weight:** * **Analyze the kick:** Observe the flow rate, wellhead pressure, and any changes in the mud properties. * **Calculate the formation pressure:** Estimate the pressure of the formation based on the depth, geological information, and kick behavior. * **Determine the required mud weight:** The mud weight needs to be higher than the formation pressure to prevent further influx. Use appropriate calculations and charts to determine the necessary mud weight. **3. Risks of Improper Execution:** * **Blowout:** If the kick is not properly contained, the pressure could escalate, leading to a blowout. * **Wellbore damage:** The excessive pressure and uncontrolled flow could damage the wellbore and equipment. * **Personnel injury:** A blowout poses a severe risk to personnel working on the rig. * **Environmental damage:** Uncontrolled flow can release formation fluids into the environment, causing pollution.


  • Drilling Engineering: This classic textbook by John A. Lee covers all aspects of drilling, including kick control, and discusses the Driller's Method extensively. (ISBN: 978-0123838663)
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering: Another comprehensive textbook that discusses wellbore control and kick control methods, including the Driller's Method. (ISBN: 978-0123838670)
  • Drilling and Well Service Operations: This book by Richard J. Rogers provides a detailed explanation of the Driller's Method and other kick control techniques. (ISBN: 978-0123838687)
  • Kick Control: An Introduction to the Basic Principles: This book by the American Petroleum Institute (API) provides an in-depth overview of kick control, including the Driller's Method. (API Publication 13B)


  • "A Review of Kick Control Methods for Oil and Gas Wells" by Ahmed, T. et al. (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2014)
  • "The Driller's Method: A Classic Approach to Controlling Kicks" by Baker Hughes (Technical Bulletin, 2017)
  • "Understanding and Controlling Kicks" by Halliburton (Technical Article, 2019)

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API provides valuable resources on drilling and well control, including detailed guidance on the Driller's Method. (
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers technical papers, presentations, and other resources on kick control and the Driller's Method. (
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC): IADC provides training materials and industry best practices for drillers, including those related to kick control. (
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication often features articles on kick control and the Driller's Method. (

Search Tips

  • "Driller's Method Kick Control": This will give you the most relevant search results for the specific topic.
  • "Driller's Method + API": This will help you find resources from the American Petroleum Institute.
  • "Driller's Method + SPE": This will lead you to SPE publications and resources.
  • "Driller's Method + [Specific Company]: Replace "[Specific Company]" with a specific oil and gas company (e.g., Baker Hughes, Schlumberger) to find their technical documents and articles related to the Driller's Method.
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