Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Drag (pipe movement)

Drag (pipe movement)

Drag: The Invisible Force That Slows Down Oil and Gas Production

In the bustling world of oil and gas, where resources are extracted from deep underground, the concept of drag plays a crucial role. While often invisible and seemingly insignificant, drag can have a significant impact on production efficiency and overall project profitability.

What is Drag?

In the context of oil and gas, drag refers to the resistance to linear motion experienced by fluids, like oil and gas, as they move through pipelines and other equipment. This resistance stems from the interaction between the fluid and the pipe walls and is influenced by several factors, including:

  • Fluid viscosity: The thicker the fluid, the greater the drag.
  • Flow velocity: Higher velocities increase drag.
  • Pipe diameter: Smaller diameter pipes generate greater drag due to increased friction.
  • Pipe roughness: Rougher pipe surfaces create more drag.

Why Does Drag Matter?

Drag has a direct impact on pressure drop within a pipeline system. As fluids encounter resistance, their pressure gradually decreases along the pipeline. This pressure loss can result in:

  • Reduced flow rates: Less fluid reaches the surface, lowering production volumes.
  • Increased energy consumption: More energy is required to overcome drag and maintain desired flow rates.
  • Potential for pipeline blockage: Severe drag can lead to fluid buildup and ultimately pipeline blockage.

Managing Drag for Optimal Production

Understanding and managing drag is essential for efficient and cost-effective oil and gas operations. Here are some strategies employed to mitigate its negative effects:

  • Optimizing pipe design: Choosing appropriate pipe diameters and minimizing pipe roughness can minimize drag.
  • Selecting appropriate fluids: Using fluids with lower viscosities can reduce resistance.
  • Implementing flow control: Regulating flow velocities within the pipeline can help manage drag.
  • Utilizing drag reduction agents: Special chemicals can be injected into the pipeline to reduce friction and increase flow rates.
  • Regular pipeline maintenance: Keeping pipelines clean and free of debris reduces drag and ensures optimal performance.


While often overlooked, drag plays a vital role in the efficiency and profitability of oil and gas operations. By understanding the factors influencing drag and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies, industry professionals can optimize production, minimize costs, and ensure the smooth and sustainable flow of valuable resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Drag in Oil and Gas Production

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary definition of "drag" in the context of oil and gas production?

(a) The force that pulls oil and gas out of the ground (b) The weight of the oil and gas being transported (c) The resistance to linear motion experienced by fluids in pipelines (d) The amount of pressure needed to move fluids through pipelines


(c) The resistance to linear motion experienced by fluids in pipelines

2. Which of the following factors DOES NOT influence drag in a pipeline?

(a) Fluid viscosity (b) Flow velocity (c) Pipeline length (d) Pipe roughness


(c) Pipeline length

3. How does drag impact pressure within a pipeline system?

(a) Drag increases pressure, allowing for faster flow rates (b) Drag decreases pressure, leading to slower flow rates and potential blockages (c) Drag has no impact on pressure within a pipeline (d) Drag increases pressure at the beginning of the pipeline and decreases it at the end


(b) Drag decreases pressure, leading to slower flow rates and potential blockages

4. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for mitigating drag in oil and gas operations?

(a) Utilizing drag reduction agents (b) Increasing the diameter of the pipeline (c) Increasing the flow velocity of the fluids (d) Regularly cleaning the pipelines


(c) Increasing the flow velocity of the fluids

5. Why is managing drag crucial for efficient oil and gas production?

(a) To prevent oil and gas from escaping into the environment (b) To ensure that all of the oil and gas resources are extracted (c) To optimize flow rates, minimize energy consumption, and avoid pipeline blockages (d) To increase the price of oil and gas on the global market


(c) To optimize flow rates, minimize energy consumption, and avoid pipeline blockages

Exercise: Drag Reduction in a Pipeline

Scenario: An oil company is facing a significant drop in production due to high drag within their pipeline. They are exploring different options to reduce drag and improve flow rates.


  • Analyze the situation: Based on the information provided in the text, identify at least three possible causes for the high drag in the pipeline.
  • Suggest three solutions: Propose three specific actions the company could take to address the identified causes and reduce drag. Explain why each solution would be effective.
  • Consider trade-offs: Briefly discuss any potential drawbacks or costs associated with each proposed solution.

Exercice Correction

**Analysis:** * **High Fluid Viscosity:** The oil might have a higher viscosity than anticipated, leading to increased resistance in the pipeline. * **Increased Flow Velocity:** The company might be pushing the oil through the pipeline at a higher speed than ideal, causing excessive drag. * **Pipeline Roughness:** The pipeline could be accumulating deposits or have internal irregularities, increasing friction and drag. **Solutions:** * **Utilize Drag Reduction Agents:** Injecting specialized chemicals into the pipeline can decrease friction between the oil and the pipe walls, thereby reducing drag. This solution is relatively cost-effective and can improve flow rates significantly. * **Optimize Flow Velocity:** Adjusting the flow rate to a more optimal level can minimize drag without sacrificing production volume. This requires careful analysis of the pipeline's design and the oil's properties. * **Clean and Maintain the Pipeline:** Regular cleaning and maintenance programs can remove deposits and smooth out any irregularities in the pipeline, reducing friction and improving flow. This is an ongoing cost but essential for long-term efficiency. **Trade-offs:** * **Drag Reduction Agents:** While effective, these chemicals can add to the overall production cost and might require specific handling and disposal procedures. * **Optimizing Flow Velocity:** Adjusting flow rates might require investment in new equipment or control systems, and finding the perfect balance can be complex. * **Cleaning and Maintenance:** Regular maintenance can be costly, requiring specialized personnel and equipment. However, the potential long-term savings and improved production outweigh the initial investment.


  • Fundamentals of Pipe Flow: This book covers the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, including drag and its impact on pipe flow. It's a good starting point for understanding the theoretical aspects.
  • Pipeline Engineering: This comprehensive book provides in-depth information on pipeline design, construction, and operation, with sections dedicated to drag and its effects on pipeline systems.
  • Petroleum Production Engineering: This book delves into the practical aspects of oil and gas production, including pipeline design, optimization, and flow management, where drag is a key factor.


  • "Drag Reduction in Oil and Gas Pipelines: A Review" by [Author(s)] - This article provides a comprehensive review of drag reduction techniques used in the oil and gas industry, covering both theoretical concepts and practical applications.
  • "The Impact of Drag on Pipeline Performance" by [Author(s)] - This article examines the influence of drag on pipeline flow rates, pressure drop, and overall production efficiency.
  • "Minimizing Drag in Oil and Gas Pipelines: A Practical Guide" by [Author(s)] - This article offers practical advice and tips on managing drag in pipelines, including design considerations, flow control methods, and drag reduction agents.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE website offers a wealth of resources on oil and gas engineering, including numerous articles, technical papers, and presentations on drag and its impact on pipeline performance.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry journal publishes regular articles on various aspects of oil and gas production, including drag-related topics.
  • Google Scholar: This search engine focuses on academic research and can be used to find scholarly articles related to drag in oil and gas pipelines.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information, use specific terms like "drag in oil and gas pipelines," "pipeline drag reduction," or "drag coefficient in pipe flow."
  • Combine keywords: Combine keywords with "oil and gas" or "petroleum engineering" to refine your search results.
  • Include relevant authors or journals: If you know of specific authors or journals that have published relevant research, include them in your search query.
  • Explore related topics: Expand your search to include related topics like fluid mechanics, pipe flow, or pressure drop.
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