Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Drag (fluid flow)

Drag (fluid flow)

Drag: The Hidden Force Shaping Oil and Gas Operations

In the world of oil and gas, the concept of drag is a critical player in the success or failure of many operations. While invisible to the naked eye, it's a powerful force that can significantly impact the efficiency and safety of everything from drilling and production to pipeline transportation.

What is Drag?

Drag, in the context of fluid flow, refers to the force exerted by a fluid on a solid surface as the fluid flows past it. Imagine a swimmer pushing through water. The resistance they feel is drag. This force acts in the opposite direction of the fluid flow, essentially slowing down the object moving through it.

Drag in Oil and Gas Operations:

Drag plays a crucial role in numerous oil and gas operations. Here's a glimpse:

  • Drilling: The drilling bit experiences significant drag from the drilling fluid as it penetrates the earth. Understanding and mitigating drag are vital to maintaining drilling efficiency and minimizing wear and tear on equipment.
  • Production: Oil and gas flowing through pipelines experience friction, a form of drag, which reduces the flow rate and increases energy consumption. Optimizing pipeline design and utilizing flow enhancers can minimize this friction.
  • Subsea Operations: In deep-water environments, drag forces act on subsea equipment and structures, impacting their stability and operational efficiency. Sophisticated designs and specialized materials are employed to counteract these forces.
  • Flow Assurance: Drag, particularly friction, plays a significant role in maintaining optimal flow rates in pipelines. Engineers carefully consider factors like fluid properties, pipe diameter, and flow velocity to ensure uninterrupted production.

Key Considerations:

  • Drag Coefficient: This dimensionless quantity represents the resistance of a particular shape to fluid flow. A higher drag coefficient indicates more drag.
  • Fluid Velocity: As fluid velocity increases, drag forces also increase.
  • Fluid Density and Viscosity: Denser and more viscous fluids result in higher drag.
  • Shape of the Object: Objects with larger surface areas or less streamlined shapes experience higher drag.

Understanding and Managing Drag:

By understanding the principles of drag, engineers and operators in the oil and gas industry can:

  • Optimize Equipment Design: Streamlined designs and special coatings can minimize drag and improve efficiency.
  • Improve Flow Assurance: Strategies like pipeline optimization and flow enhancement techniques can maximize production and reduce energy consumption.
  • Ensure Structural Integrity: By analyzing drag forces, engineers can design robust subsea structures that can withstand the harsh marine environment.


Drag, a fundamental force in fluid flow, is a critical factor in the oil and gas industry. By understanding its impact and implementing strategies to manage it, companies can optimize operations, reduce costs, and ensure safety throughout the entire lifecycle of their assets. The invisible force of drag is a powerful reminder of the importance of scientific principles in achieving success in the challenging world of oil and gas extraction.

Test Your Knowledge

Drag: The Hidden Force Shaping Oil and Gas Operations - Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is drag in the context of fluid flow? a) The force exerted by a solid surface on a fluid. b) The force exerted by a fluid on a solid surface as the fluid flows past it. c) The resistance encountered by a fluid flowing through a pipe. d) The weight of a fluid acting on a solid surface.


b) The force exerted by a fluid on a solid surface as the fluid flows past it.

2. How does drag affect drilling operations? a) It increases the drilling rate. b) It reduces wear and tear on the drilling bit. c) It makes it easier to control the drilling process. d) It can cause the drilling bit to wear down faster.


d) It can cause the drilling bit to wear down faster.

3. What is the primary factor influencing the amount of drag experienced by an object in a fluid? a) The color of the object. b) The material the object is made of. c) The shape of the object. d) The temperature of the fluid.


c) The shape of the object.

4. Which of these is NOT a way to manage drag in oil and gas operations? a) Using streamlined designs for equipment. b) Increasing the velocity of the fluid flow. c) Optimizing pipeline design. d) Utilizing flow enhancers.


b) Increasing the velocity of the fluid flow.

5. What is the term for the dimensionless quantity representing the resistance of a particular shape to fluid flow? a) Drag Force b) Fluid Velocity c) Drag Coefficient d) Viscosity


c) Drag Coefficient

Drag: The Hidden Force Shaping Oil and Gas Operations - Exercise


You are designing a new subsea pipeline to transport oil from an offshore platform to a processing facility. The pipeline will be located in a deep-water environment where strong currents can occur.


High drag forces from the currents can significantly impact the stability and efficiency of the pipeline.

Your task is to:

  1. Identify three design considerations to minimize drag forces on the pipeline.
  2. Explain how each consideration will help reduce drag.

Example of a design consideration:

  • Using a streamlined pipe shape: This reduces the surface area exposed to the current, thus lowering the drag force.

Your Answer:

Exercice Correction

Here are three design considerations and their explanations:

  1. Use a larger diameter pipe: A larger diameter pipe reduces the velocity of the fluid flowing through it. This lowers the drag force because drag is directly proportional to the square of the fluid velocity.
  2. Employ a smooth pipe interior: A rough pipe interior creates turbulence and increases drag. Using a smooth, polished pipe surface minimizes turbulence and reduces drag.
  3. Implement flow enhancers: These devices are specifically designed to reduce friction within the pipe. Examples include swirl devices or wire mesh inserts. They help maintain flow and reduce drag by promoting more efficient fluid movement.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White: A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of fluid mechanics, including drag and its applications.
  • Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard: Another popular textbook providing a strong foundation in fluid mechanics with specific chapters dedicated to drag.
  • Pipeline Design and Construction Handbook by Edward C. Ozog: This practical handbook focuses on pipeline design and construction, including considerations for drag and flow assurance.
  • Subsea Engineering Handbook by Michael J. Wilson: This book covers all aspects of subsea engineering, focusing on the challenges of drag forces in deep-water operations.


  • Drag Reduction Techniques in Oil and Gas Pipelines: A Review by A.K. Singh et al.: A comprehensive review of various drag reduction techniques used in oil and gas pipelines.
  • The Role of Drag in Subsea Production Systems by B.J.B. Roberts: This article discusses the impact of drag on subsea equipment and structures and various mitigation strategies.
  • Understanding Drag Forces in Drilling Operations by T.J. O'Brien: This article explores the role of drag in drilling operations, highlighting the importance of drag reduction for efficient and safe drilling.
  • Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Pipelines: A Practical Guide by M.A. Khan: This article provides practical insights into flow assurance strategies, including the importance of drag and friction management.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Drag coefficient" + "oil and gas"
  • "Drag reduction" + "pipeline"
  • "Flow assurance" + "friction" + "oil and gas"
  • "Subsea engineering" + "drag forces"
  • "Drilling fluid" + "drag"
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