Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Doubles (pipe)

Doubles (pipe)

Doubles (Pipe) - The Heart of Oil and Gas Pipelines

In the oil and gas industry, the term "doubles" refers to two joints of pipe that are screwed together. This simple yet crucial element plays a vital role in the construction and operation of pipelines, ensuring the safe and efficient flow of valuable resources.

Why Doubles?

  • Strength and Stability: Joining two pipe segments together increases the overall strength and stability of the pipeline. This is particularly important for dealing with pressure fluctuations, seismic activity, and other external forces.
  • Flexibility: The use of doubles allows for greater flexibility during the construction process, as sections can be easily connected and adjusted on-site. This is essential for navigating challenging terrain and accommodating changes in pipeline alignment.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Using pre-manufactured pipe segments allows for efficient production and transport, ultimately lowering construction costs.

The Mechanics of Doubles:

The process of creating a doubles involves:

  1. Preparation: The ends of the two pipe segments are carefully cleaned and prepared for threading.
  2. Threading: The ends of the pipes are threaded using specialized equipment to create a precise, interlocking pattern.
  3. Joining: The two threaded pipe ends are screwed together using a torque wrench, ensuring a tight and secure connection.
  4. Inspection: The joined section is thoroughly inspected to ensure proper alignment and sealing.

Beyond Basic Doubles:

While the standard doubles joint is a fundamental element of pipeline construction, there are several variations used in specific applications:

  • Full-Length Doubles: These join two full-length pipe segments, commonly used for larger pipeline sections.
  • Half-Length Doubles: Used to connect smaller segments, these are often used for tighter turns or areas with limited space.
  • Couplings: These are pre-engineered fittings that can connect two pipe segments with different diameters or materials.

The Significance of Doubles:

The quality and reliability of doubles joints are paramount to the safe and efficient operation of oil and gas pipelines. A properly constructed doubles joint ensures:

  • Leak-Proof Seal: Prevents leakage of valuable resources, reducing waste and environmental impact.
  • Pressure Containment: Maintains the integrity of the pipeline system under varying pressures.
  • Long-Term Durability: Ensures the pipeline remains functional and reliable for extended periods.


Doubles, seemingly simple components, are the backbone of oil and gas pipelines. They play a critical role in connecting, strengthening, and stabilizing these vital infrastructure systems. Understanding the importance and intricacies of doubles is essential for anyone working in the oil and gas industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Doubles (Pipe) - The Heart of Oil and Gas Pipelines

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "doubles" refer to in the oil and gas industry? a) Two pipes joined together with a welding process.


b) Two joints of pipe that are screwed together.

c) Two different types of pipe used in a pipeline. d) Two pipelines running parallel to each other.

2. Why are doubles essential for pipeline construction? a) They provide a cheaper alternative to welding.


b) They offer strength, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

c) They allow for easier transportation of large pipe sections. d) They are mandatory by safety regulations.

3. What is the correct order of steps involved in creating a doubles joint? a) Threading, Joining, Preparation, Inspection


b) Preparation, Threading, Joining, Inspection

c) Inspection, Joining, Preparation, Threading d) Joining, Inspection, Threading, Preparation

4. Which type of doubles joint is commonly used for connecting smaller segments in tighter spaces? a) Full-Length Doubles


b) Half-Length Doubles

c) Couplings d) Welded Joints

5. What is the primary benefit of a properly constructed doubles joint? a) Increased pipeline length


b) A leak-proof seal and pressure containment

c) Reduced construction time d) Enhanced pipeline aesthetics

Exercise: Doubles and Pipeline Construction

Scenario: You are a pipeline engineer tasked with designing a pipeline section that crosses a mountainous region. The terrain is challenging, with steep inclines and tight curves.

Task: Explain how the use of doubles would be beneficial in this scenario and what type of doubles would be most suitable. Consider the challenges posed by the terrain and the importance of a secure connection.

Exercice Correction

Using doubles in this scenario would be highly beneficial due to the following reasons: * **Flexibility:** Doubles allow for adjusting the pipeline's alignment to navigate the steep inclines and tight curves. This is crucial for a mountainous terrain where a perfectly straight pipeline might be impossible. * **Strength and Stability:** Doubles ensure a strong and secure connection, which is essential to withstand the pressure and potential stresses associated with mountainous terrain. * **Cost-Effectiveness:** Doubles can be pre-manufactured and easily transported to the site, minimizing construction time and labor costs. Given the terrain's challenges, **Half-Length Doubles** would be the most suitable option. They offer the flexibility required for navigating tight curves and steep inclines, and their shorter length allows for easier maneuvering in the mountainous region. Additionally, using **Couplings** might be necessary at specific points where the pipeline needs to change diameter or material due to the terrain's changes.


  • Pipelines and Pipelining: A Practical Guide to the Design, Construction and Operation of Pipelines by M.S. Shetty - This comprehensive book provides detailed information on pipeline design, construction, and operation, including a section on pipe joints and fittings.
  • Pipeline Engineering: Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance by J.F. Kenny - This book covers various aspects of pipeline engineering, with sections on pipeline materials, joints, and welding.
  • Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering by C.D. Foster - A detailed resource focusing on the engineering principles behind oil and gas pipelines, including the mechanics of pipe joints and their importance.


  • Pipeline Construction: A Comprehensive Guide by Engineering News-Record - This article provides an overview of pipeline construction, including the use of pipe joints and the different types of couplings employed.
  • The Importance of Pipe Joints in Oil and Gas Pipelines by Oil & Gas Journal - An article highlighting the crucial role of pipe joints in ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of pipelines.
  • Pipeline Integrity Management: A Review of Best Practices by SPE - This article discusses the importance of maintaining pipeline integrity, including the proper inspection and maintenance of pipe joints.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API provides standards and guidelines for the oil and gas industry, including those related to pipe joints and welding.
  • National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE): NACE provides resources and expertise on corrosion control in pipelines, with information on the impact of corrosion on pipe joints.
  • Pipeline Safety Trust: A non-profit organization dedicated to pipeline safety, providing resources and information on various aspects of pipeline operations, including joint integrity.

Search Tips

  • "Pipe joints in oil and gas pipelines": This search phrase will provide articles and resources related to the specific topic of pipe joints in the industry.
  • "API pipeline standards": This search will lead you to API standards for pipelines, including those related to pipe joints and welding.
  • "Pipeline integrity management": This search will provide information on pipeline maintenance and inspection, including best practices for joint integrity.
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