Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Double Board

Double Board

Double Board: The Derricksman's Essential Work Platform

In the demanding world of drilling and well completion, safety and efficiency are paramount. One crucial component ensuring both is the "Double Board," a specialized platform used by the derrickman on a drilling rig.

What is a Double Board?

A Double Board is a sturdy wooden platform, typically made of multiple layers of 2x12 planks, strategically positioned around the derrick. It provides the derrickman with a safe and stable work platform, allowing them to safely navigate the complex machinery and execute critical tasks.

Why is it Called Double Board?

The name "Double Board" comes from the platform's construction. It's comprised of two separate boards or layers, separated by a space. This design offers several benefits:

  • Stability: The double layer construction enhances the platform's stability, ensuring it can withstand the rig's vibrations and movements.
  • Flexibility: The space between the layers allows the derrickman to access different equipment and positions on the derrick, enhancing their maneuverability.
  • Safety: The double board provides a secure and stable platform, reducing the risk of falls and accidents while working at height.

Essential Functions of the Derricksman on the Double Board:

The derrickman plays a critical role in the drilling process, managing various tasks from the Double Board:

  • Handling Drilling Pipe: The derrickman utilizes the Double Board to handle the heavy drilling pipe, safely connecting and disconnecting it from the drill string.
  • Operating the Derrick Hoist: This involves controlling the hoisting machinery to lift and lower the drilling pipe, tools, and other equipment.
  • Monitoring Derrick Equipment: The derrickman constantly monitors the derrick's mechanical systems and equipment to ensure smooth and safe operation.
  • Maintaining Derrick Safety: They are responsible for inspecting the derrick and its components, ensuring everything is in proper working order.

Safety Considerations:

The Double Board is a crucial element of derrickman safety, but it's essential to adhere to strict safety protocols:

  • Proper Inspection: The Double Board should be thoroughly inspected before every use to ensure its integrity and stability.
  • Fall Protection: Derricksmen must wear harnesses and safety lines when working on the Double Board, ensuring they are securely tethered to the derrick.
  • Safe Practices: Proper procedures and communication with other rig personnel are crucial for safe operations on the Double Board.


The Double Board is an integral part of the drilling rig, providing a stable and safe work platform for the derrickman. Its sturdy construction, flexibility, and strategic placement allow the derrickman to perform critical tasks effectively and safely, contributing significantly to the efficiency and success of drilling operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Double Board Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the Double Board on a drilling rig?

a) To provide a platform for the driller to operate the drill string. b) To support the derrick's main structure. c) To provide a safe work platform for the derrickman. d) To store drilling equipment and tools.


c) To provide a safe work platform for the derrickman.

2. Why is the Double Board called "Double Board"?

a) It's made of two different types of wood. b) It's located on two levels of the derrick. c) It consists of two layers of planks. d) It's used for two different purposes.


c) It consists of two layers of planks.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the Double Board's construction?

a) Enhanced stability b) Increased weight capacity c) Flexibility for accessing different positions d) Improved safety for the derrickman


b) Increased weight capacity

4. What is one of the essential tasks performed by the derrickman from the Double Board?

a) Operating the mud pumps b) Handling the drilling pipe c) Monitoring the mud pit d) Drilling the well


b) Handling the drilling pipe

5. Which of the following is a crucial safety consideration when working on the Double Board?

a) Using proper lifting techniques for heavy objects b) Maintaining a clean and organized work space c) Wearing fall protection equipment d) Communicating with other rig personnel


c) Wearing fall protection equipment

Double Board Exercise:

Scenario: You are the derrickman on a drilling rig. You need to connect a new section of drill pipe to the existing drill string. The drill string is currently suspended above the wellhead, and you must maneuver the new pipe into position for connection.


  1. Describe the steps you would take to safely connect the new drill pipe to the existing string, utilizing the Double Board and proper safety protocols.
  2. Explain how the Double Board's design contributes to your ability to complete this task safely and efficiently.

Exercice Correction

**Steps to Safely Connect Drill Pipe:** 1. **Safety Check:** Before starting, ensure the Double Board is properly inspected and secured, and wear your harness and safety line, securely tethered to the derrick. Communicate with the driller and other crew members regarding the upcoming operation. 2. **Maneuver the New Pipe:** Use the derrick hoist to carefully lower the new pipe section onto the Double Board. The spacing between the boards allows you to safely maneuver the pipe and position it for connection. 3. **Align and Connect:** Carefully align the new pipe with the existing string using the Double Board as a stable platform. Utilize the derrick hoist to manipulate the pipe for accurate alignment. Connect the pipes using the appropriate tools and procedures. 4. **Inspection:** Once connected, inspect the connection thoroughly for any leaks or issues. 5. **Communication:** Communicate with the driller to confirm the connection is secure and ready for drilling operations. **How the Double Board Contributes:** * **Stability:** The Double Board's sturdy construction provides a solid base for handling the heavy drill pipe, ensuring safe and controlled maneuvering. * **Flexibility:** The space between the boards enables you to access different positions and angles, facilitating proper alignment and connection of the pipes. * **Safety:** The platform elevates you to the correct working height, while the harness and safety line prevent falls, minimizing the risk of accidents during the operation.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert E. Creek - Offers comprehensive insights into drilling operations, including equipment and safety practices.
  • "Drilling and Well Completion" by John C. Spath - Covers the fundamentals of drilling and completion, with sections on rig equipment and safety.
  • "Rig Operations: A Comprehensive Guide" by [Author Name] - A detailed resource on drilling rig operations, focusing on equipment, safety, and procedures. (Search for books on drilling rig operations for specific titles).


  • "Derrickman Safety: Best Practices and Essential Equipment" - Search for articles on derrickman safety, focusing on equipment like double boards and fall protection.
  • "Double Board Safety: A Comprehensive Review" - Search for specific articles on double board safety, focusing on design, inspection, and best practices.
  • "Rig Safety: A Guide for Derricksmen" - Search for articles on rig safety from industry publications like "Oil & Gas Journal" or "World Oil".

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API) - The API website provides resources on drilling safety standards, including guidelines on derrick operations and equipment.
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) - The IADC website offers information on drilling best practices, safety guidelines, and training resources.
  • - This website provides industry news, data, and resources related to drilling, exploration, and production.

Search Tips

  • "Double Board Safety"
  • "Derrickman Safety Guidelines"
  • "Drilling Rig Equipment"
  • "API Drilling Standards"
  • "IADC Drilling Best Practices"
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