Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Dissolved Gas Drive

Dissolved Gas Drive

Dissolved Gas Drive: The Power of Bubbles in Oil Production

In the world of oil and gas, understanding reservoir drive mechanisms is crucial for optimizing production and maximizing recovery. One such mechanism, Dissolved Gas Drive, plays a significant role in driving hydrocarbons towards the wellbore. This article will delve into the intricacies of this process and its impact on oil production.

The Science Behind the Bubbles

Dissolved Gas Drive relies on the principle of gas solubility, where natural gas components, like methane and ethane, dissolve into the crude oil under high pressure within the reservoir. As oil is extracted and the pressure drops, the dissolved gas starts to break out of solution, forming tiny gas bubbles. These bubbles act as a potent driving force, pushing the oil towards the wellbore.

A Three-Stage Process:

  1. Initial Stage: In the initial phase, the reservoir pressure is high, and the dissolved gas remains in solution. Oil production is primarily driven by the pressure gradient created by the reservoir's natural energy.
  2. Transitional Stage: As oil is produced, the pressure decreases, leading to the dissolved gas coming out of solution and forming bubbles. These bubbles, along with the remaining reservoir pressure, contribute to driving the oil.
  3. Decline Stage: As production continues, the pressure further decreases, and the bubble volume decreases, leading to a decline in oil production rate. This stage is often characterized by a significant decrease in the gas-oil ratio (GOR).

Factors Influencing Dissolved Gas Drive:

  • Reservoir Pressure: Higher initial pressure leads to more dissolved gas and a more efficient drive mechanism.
  • Gas Saturation: The amount of dissolved gas in the oil directly influences the driving force.
  • Reservoir Properties: Reservoir characteristics, like porosity and permeability, impact the movement of fluids and gas bubbles.
  • Oil Properties: The type of oil and its composition affect the amount of gas dissolved and the bubble formation process.

Advantages and Disadvantages:


  • Relatively efficient: Compared to other drive mechanisms, Dissolved Gas Drive can be highly effective in driving oil production.
  • Predictable: The behavior of dissolved gas drive is often predictable, making it easier to plan production strategies.


  • Limited Production: The drive mechanism eventually becomes inefficient as the pressure drops, leading to declining production rates.
  • Gas Production: The release of gas can lead to a higher GOR, requiring additional processing and potential environmental considerations.

Applications and Importance:

Dissolved Gas Drive is a common reservoir drive mechanism, particularly in reservoirs with high gas saturation and moderate pressure. It's crucial for oil production estimations, reservoir simulation, and well management strategies. Understanding the complexities of this mechanism helps engineers optimize production, estimate reserves, and ensure a sustainable oil extraction process.


Dissolved Gas Drive is a vital force in oil production, utilizing the power of bubbles to push hydrocarbons towards the wellbore. By understanding the underlying principles and factors influencing this mechanism, industry professionals can optimize production strategies and maximize oil recovery from reservoirs driven by this natural phenomenon.

Test Your Knowledge

Dissolved Gas Drive Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind Dissolved Gas Drive?

a) The solubility of gas in oil under high pressure. b) The buoyancy of gas bubbles in oil. c) The expansion of gas due to heat. d) The chemical reaction between oil and gas.


a) The solubility of gas in oil under high pressure.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing Dissolved Gas Drive?

a) Reservoir pressure. b) Oil viscosity. c) Weather conditions. d) Gas saturation.


c) Weather conditions.

3. In which stage of Dissolved Gas Drive does the gas start to come out of solution and form bubbles?

a) Initial Stage. b) Transitional Stage. c) Decline Stage. d) None of the above.


b) Transitional Stage.

4. What is a potential disadvantage of Dissolved Gas Drive?

a) Increased oil viscosity. b) Reduced reservoir pressure. c) Higher gas-oil ratio (GOR). d) Lower production cost.


c) Higher gas-oil ratio (GOR).

5. Why is understanding Dissolved Gas Drive crucial for oil production?

a) To predict oil recovery rates. b) To determine the best drilling techniques. c) To monitor the environmental impact of oil extraction. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Dissolved Gas Drive Exercise:


A reservoir contains oil with a high gas saturation. The initial reservoir pressure is 3000 psi. As oil production begins, the pressure drops to 2000 psi.


Based on your understanding of Dissolved Gas Drive, explain how the oil production rate would be affected by this pressure drop. Discuss the role of gas bubbles in this process and consider the potential impact on the gas-oil ratio (GOR).

Exercice Correction

The pressure drop from 3000 psi to 2000 psi would significantly impact the oil production rate due to the principles of Dissolved Gas Drive. Here's why:

  • **Gas Expansion:** As the pressure decreases, the dissolved gas in the oil becomes less soluble and starts to come out of solution, forming bubbles. This gas expansion contributes to the driving force that pushes oil towards the wellbore.
  • **Increased Oil Production:** Initially, the gas expansion would likely lead to a temporary increase in oil production rate as the gas bubbles push the oil towards the wellbore.
  • **Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR):** The release of dissolved gas would also lead to a higher GOR. This means more gas would be produced alongside the oil, potentially requiring additional processing and impacting the economics of production.
  • **Long-Term Impact:** As production continues and pressure further drops, the bubble volume will eventually decrease, leading to a decline in oil production rate. The reservoir will eventually transition to a different drive mechanism, such as water drive or gravity drive, which are less efficient.

In conclusion, the pressure drop would initially stimulate oil production due to gas expansion, but it would also increase the GOR and lead to a declining production rate in the long term. This scenario highlights the complex interplay of pressure, gas solubility, and oil production dynamics in a reservoir driven by Dissolved Gas Drive.


  • Petroleum Reservoir Engineering by John M. Campbell (This is a classic textbook covering reservoir drive mechanisms, including dissolved gas drive, in detail.)
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Provides a comprehensive overview of reservoir engineering principles, including sections dedicated to drive mechanisms.)
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John D. S. Franklin (Covers the basics of reservoir engineering, including reservoir drive mechanisms.)


  • "Dissolved Gas Drive in Oil Reservoirs" by J.P. Buckley (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1975) (This classic article provides a detailed analysis of the principles and applications of dissolved gas drive.)
  • "Reservoir Drive Mechanisms" by G.F. Hodge and M.E. Thompson (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1979) (This article discusses different reservoir drive mechanisms, including dissolved gas drive, and their impact on oil production.)
  • "The Role of Dissolved Gas Drive in Oil Production" by A.K. Islam (Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 1997) (This article explores the role of dissolved gas drive in oil production and its importance for reservoir management.)

Online Resources

  • "Dissolved Gas Drive" on SPE's website (Society of Petroleum Engineers) (Offers technical information, publications, and resources on the subject.)
  • "Reservoir Drive Mechanisms" on the Schlumberger website (Provides an overview of reservoir drive mechanisms, including dissolved gas drive.)
  • "Oil and Gas Production: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms" on the University of Texas at Austin website (Offers educational resources and information on reservoir engineering, including drive mechanisms.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "Dissolved Gas Drive," "Reservoir Drive Mechanisms," "Oil Production," and "Reservoir Engineering."
  • Combine keywords with specific terms like "applications," "advantages," "disadvantages," or "case studies."
  • Explore academic databases like Google Scholar and Scopus for relevant research papers and publications.
  • Search for industry-specific websites like SPE, Schlumberger, and other oil and gas companies for technical resources and articles.
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