Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: DFIT


Deciphering DFIT: A Vital Tool in Understanding Reservoir Behavior

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the nuances of a reservoir's behavior is crucial for efficient and profitable production. One of the key tools used to glean this understanding is the Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (DFIT), often abbreviated as DFIT. This article delves into the significance and application of DFIT in the oil and gas industry.

What is a DFIT?

A DFIT is a specialized type of well test conducted during hydraulic fracturing operations. It involves injecting a carefully measured volume of fluid into a newly created fracture at a controlled rate. The pressure response during the injection and subsequent shut-in periods is then meticulously recorded and analyzed.

Why is DFIT Important?

DFIT provides invaluable information about the fractured reservoir, including:

  • Fracture Geometry: DFIT helps determine the length, width, and orientation of the created fracture. This data is crucial for optimizing future fracturing stages.
  • Reservoir Properties: The test reveals the permeability and porosity of the reservoir, providing insights into the flow capacity of the rock.
  • Stress State: DFIT data can be used to determine the in-situ stress field, which helps in selecting the optimal fracture orientation for maximizing production.
  • Fracture Conductivity: The test assesses the ability of the fracture to transmit fluids, providing information on the potential productivity of the well.
  • Fluid Loss: DFIT helps quantify the amount of injected fluid lost to the surrounding formation, which is vital for optimizing the fracturing fluid design.

How is DFIT Performed?

DFIT typically follows these steps:

  1. Injection: A controlled volume of fluid is injected into the newly created fracture at a specific rate.
  2. Pressure Monitoring: Pressure changes within the wellbore are continuously monitored throughout the injection and subsequent shut-in periods.
  3. Data Analysis: The collected pressure data is analyzed using specialized software to extract meaningful parameters like fracture geometry, reservoir properties, and fluid loss.

Benefits of DFIT:

  • Improved Well Performance: Understanding the fracture characteristics through DFIT allows for more effective completion designs, leading to increased production and well longevity.
  • Reduced Costs: DFIT can help identify and mitigate potential issues during fracturing operations, minimizing costs associated with unexpected delays or rework.
  • Optimized Reservoir Management: DFIT insights contribute to informed decisions regarding reservoir development, production strategies, and well spacing.


The Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (DFIT) is a powerful tool for understanding the characteristics of fractured reservoirs. Its ability to provide detailed information about fracture geometry, reservoir properties, and fluid loss allows for optimizing hydraulic fracturing operations and maximizing well productivity. This makes DFIT an indispensable component of modern oil and gas exploration and development.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (DFIT)?

a) To assess the overall health of a well. b) To measure the amount of oil or gas produced from a well. c) To understand the characteristics of a newly created fracture in a reservoir. d) To determine the best location to drill a new well.


The correct answer is **c) To understand the characteristics of a newly created fracture in a reservoir.**

2. Which of the following is NOT a piece of information that can be obtained from a DFIT?

a) Fracture length b) Reservoir porosity c) Wellbore pressure d) Amount of water in the reservoir


The correct answer is **d) Amount of water in the reservoir.** While DFIT can provide information about fluid loss, it doesn't directly determine the amount of water present in the reservoir.

3. During a DFIT, what is monitored throughout the injection and shut-in periods?

a) Flow rate of oil or gas production b) Temperature changes in the wellbore c) Pressure changes within the wellbore d) Vibration levels in the surrounding area


The correct answer is **c) Pressure changes within the wellbore.** DFIT focuses on understanding the pressure response in the wellbore to analyze the fracture characteristics.

4. How does DFIT contribute to improved well performance?

a) By identifying potential hazards during drilling operations. b) By optimizing the design of well completions based on fracture characteristics. c) By predicting the future production of a well for many years. d) By determining the best chemical treatment to increase oil recovery.


The correct answer is **b) By optimizing the design of well completions based on fracture characteristics.** Understanding fracture characteristics through DFIT helps create more effective completion designs, leading to increased production.

5. What is the most significant benefit of using DFIT in the oil and gas industry?

a) Reducing the environmental impact of drilling operations. b) Increasing the overall safety of oil and gas production. c) Improving the efficiency and profitability of hydraulic fracturing operations. d) Enabling faster drilling times for new oil and gas wells.


The correct answer is **c) Improving the efficiency and profitability of hydraulic fracturing operations.** DFIT provides valuable data for optimizing fracturing operations, leading to increased production and reduced costs.

DFIT Exercise

Scenario: You are a reservoir engineer working on a new oil and gas exploration project. Your team has just completed a hydraulic fracturing stage in a well. The DFIT results show the following:

  • Fracture length: 200 meters
  • Fracture width: 0.5 meters
  • Reservoir permeability: 50 millidarcies
  • Fluid loss: 10 gallons per minute

Task: Based on the DFIT results, explain how you would use this information to optimize future fracturing stages in the well.

Exercice Correction

Here's how you could use the DFIT results to optimize future fracturing stages:

  • Fracture Geometry: The DFIT data indicates a 200-meter long fracture with a 0.5-meter width. This suggests the fracture has a good extent but might not be optimally wide. In future stages, consider adjusting the fracturing fluid volume or injection rate to potentially increase fracture width and improve reservoir contact.
  • Reservoir Permeability: The permeability of 50 millidarcies suggests a moderately permeable reservoir. This information will help determine the optimal injection pressure and rate for future fracturing stages to ensure effective fracture propagation.
  • Fluid Loss: The fluid loss rate of 10 gallons per minute suggests some degree of fluid loss into the surrounding formation. This could impact fracture conductivity. To minimize fluid loss in future stages, consider using specialized proppants or fracturing fluids with lower viscosity or higher gel strength.

Overall Optimization: By carefully analyzing the DFIT results, we can adjust the parameters for future fracturing stages to optimize fracture geometry, minimize fluid loss, and enhance reservoir contact. This will lead to improved well productivity and potentially increased oil or gas production.


  • "Hydraulic Fracturing" by M.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte: A comprehensive book on hydraulic fracturing, including detailed chapters on Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests.
  • "Reservoir Simulation" by D.W. Peaceman: This book focuses on reservoir simulation, with a section on the application of DFIT data for model calibration.
  • "Well Testing" by R.N. Horne: This classic text covers well testing techniques, including DFIT and its analysis.


  • "Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests: A Powerful Tool for Understanding Reservoir Behavior" by M.J. Economides: A review article discussing the importance and application of DFIT.
  • "Analysis of Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests for Characterizing Fracture Geometry and Reservoir Properties" by K.G. Nolte: An article delving into the mathematical methods used to analyze DFIT data.
  • "Optimizing Hydraulic Fracturing through Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests" by J.P. Mayerhofer: A practical guide on utilizing DFIT for optimizing fracturing stages.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website has a vast library of papers and presentations on DFIT, including technical discussions and case studies.
  • OnePetro: This online database provides access to a wide range of industry publications and research, including many articles and reports related to DFIT.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, provides comprehensive information about DFIT and its applications on their website.

Search Tips

  • "DFIT well test" - This query will lead you to articles and resources specifically related to the technique and its applications.
  • "DFIT analysis software" - This will help you find information on software tools used to analyze DFIT data.
  • "DFIT case studies" - Searching for case studies will provide practical examples of DFIT applications in different geological settings.
  • "DFIT and fracture geometry" - This specific query will guide you to resources focusing on the use of DFIT to determine fracture characteristics.
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