Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Deviated Well

Deviated Well

Deviated Wells: Drilling Beyond the Vertical

In the world of oil and gas exploration, drilling wells isn't always a straightforward vertical descent. Sometimes, accessing valuable reservoirs requires a more strategic approach – one that involves drilling at an angle, a technique known as deviated well drilling.

What is a Deviated Well?

A deviated well, simply put, is a well that deviates from a perfectly vertical path. This deviation, measured in degrees from the vertical, is typically greater than 10 degrees.

Why Deviate?

There are several compelling reasons to opt for deviated well drilling:

  • Reaching Remote Targets: Deviated wells allow access to reservoirs located far from the drilling platform, often beneath obstructions like mountains or water bodies.
  • Targeting Multiple Reservoirs: A single deviated well can be designed to tap into multiple reservoirs at different depths and locations, maximizing production efficiency.
  • Minimizing Environmental Impact: By drilling horizontally, deviated wells can access resources while minimizing surface disturbance, reducing the footprint of drilling operations.
  • Enhanced Production: Horizontal wells can increase production by exposing a larger area of the reservoir to fluid flow, leading to higher yields.

Types of Deviated Wells:

  • Directional Wells: These wells are drilled with a specific trajectory to reach a particular target, often involving multiple bends and changes in direction.
  • Horizontal Wells: These wells are drilled at a near-horizontal angle, typically used to enhance production in unconventional reservoirs like shale formations.

Technical Considerations:

Drilling deviated wells presents unique challenges and requires advanced techniques:

  • Advanced Drilling Equipment: Specialized drilling rigs and tools are necessary to control the wellbore's trajectory and maintain stability.
  • Wellbore Stability: Maintaining the integrity of the wellbore is critical, as pressure and stress can cause instability at angles.
  • Directional Drilling Techniques: Advanced technologies like steerable drilling motors and downhole measurements are crucial for accurate wellbore placement.

Benefits of Deviated Well Drilling:

  • Increased Reservoir Access: Reaching previously inaccessible resources, leading to greater recovery rates.
  • Improved Production Efficiency: Maximizing production from a single well, reducing drilling costs and environmental impact.
  • Enhanced Safety: Minimizing surface disturbance, reducing risks of spills or accidents.


Deviated well drilling has revolutionized oil and gas exploration, enabling access to previously unattainable resources and optimizing production. As the industry continues to push the boundaries of technology, deviated wells will undoubtedly play a crucial role in ensuring a sustainable and efficient future for energy extraction.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Deviated Wells: Drilling Beyond the Vertical

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a deviated well?

a) A well drilled straight down. b) A well drilled at an angle greater than 10 degrees from vertical. c) A well drilled horizontally. d) A well drilled using a specific type of drilling rig.


b) A well drilled at an angle greater than 10 degrees from vertical.

2. Why would you choose to drill a deviated well?

a) To reach reservoirs located beneath mountains. b) To maximize production from a single well. c) To minimize environmental impact. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. Which of these is NOT a type of deviated well?

a) Directional well b) Horizontal well c) Vertical well d) None of the above


c) Vertical well.

4. What is a key challenge of drilling deviated wells?

a) Maintaining wellbore stability. b) Reaching remote targets. c) Minimizing environmental impact. d) None of the above.


a) Maintaining wellbore stability.

5. What is a major benefit of deviated well drilling?

a) Increased production efficiency. b) Reduced drilling costs. c) Enhanced safety. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Deviated Well Planning

Instructions: Imagine you are a drilling engineer tasked with planning a deviated well to access a reservoir located 2 km away from your drilling platform, beneath a mountain.

  • Describe the type of deviated well you would recommend for this project.
  • Explain why your chosen type of well is the best option for this scenario.
  • Outline two technical challenges you might face during drilling and how you would overcome them.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution: **Type of Deviated Well:** Directional well. **Reasoning:** A directional well would be the best option for this scenario as it allows for a specific trajectory to reach the target reservoir, even if it involves multiple bends or changes in direction. The wellbore can be carefully planned to navigate around the mountain and reach the desired location. **Technical Challenges:** 1. **Wellbore Stability:** The mountain's presence could create complex geological formations and stress on the wellbore. This could lead to instability and potential wellbore collapse. * **Overcoming the Challenge:** Use advanced downhole tools to monitor wellbore conditions and adjust drilling parameters in real-time. Employ specialized drilling fluids and cementing techniques to enhance wellbore stability. 2. **Directional Control:** Accurately drilling through a complex geological formation requires precise directional control. * **Overcoming the Challenge:** Utilize steerable drilling motors and advanced directional drilling techniques to maintain the desired trajectory. Implement regular downhole surveys to ensure accuracy and make adjustments as needed.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including deviated well drilling.)
  • Drilling Engineering by Robert F. Mitchell (This book offers a detailed exploration of drilling techniques, including directional and horizontal drilling.)
  • Wellbore Stability by M. Chenevert (This book focuses on the challenges of wellbore stability in deviated and horizontal wells.)


  • "Directional Drilling: A Comprehensive Review" by J.P. Mondal and A.K. De (This review paper discusses the history, techniques, and advancements in directional drilling.)
  • "Horizontal Well Drilling: A Revolution in Oil and Gas Production" by M.J. Economides et al. (This article highlights the benefits and challenges of horizontal drilling in unconventional reservoirs.)
  • "Deviated Wells: A Technical Review" by A.K. Singh (This technical review explores the different types of deviated wells, their advantages, and associated challenges.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This website offers a wealth of information on deviated well drilling, including technical papers, conference proceedings, and educational resources.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): This organization provides industry standards and best practices related to directional and horizontal drilling.
  • Schlumberger: This oilfield services company offers detailed information on their advanced drilling technologies and services for deviated wells.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific keywords like "deviated well drilling," "directional drilling," "horizontal drilling," "wellbore stability," and "drilling technology."
  • Refine your search: Specify your interests by adding keywords like "oil and gas," "unconventional reservoirs," "drilling equipment," or "drilling techniques."
  • Use quotation marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches, for example, "deviated well drilling techniques."
  • Filter your results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter by date, file type, or source.
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