Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Departure Curves

Departure Curves

Understanding Departure Curves: Navigating the Complexities of Resistivity Logging in Oil & Gas

Departure curves, a fundamental concept in oil and gas exploration and production, represent a powerful tool for interpreting resistivity logs and understanding subsurface formations. They provide insights into the variations in the measured resistivity of a formation compared to its theoretical value, revealing valuable information about the presence of hydrocarbons and other geological factors.

What are Departure Curves?

Departure curves are graphical representations that plot the difference between the measured resistivity of a formation and its theoretical resistivity based on a specific model. These curves are often generated using specialized software that analyzes the data acquired from resistivity logging tools. The "departure" in the name refers to the deviation of the measured resistivity from the expected value, often attributed to various factors affecting the resistivity measurement.

Factors Influencing Departure Curves:

Several factors can influence the shape and magnitude of departure curves, leading to valuable interpretations about the subsurface:

  • Temperature: Higher temperatures generally lead to lower resistivity values. Therefore, the departure curve would show a negative trend with increasing temperature.
  • Hole Diameter: Variations in borehole diameter can significantly affect the measurement accuracy of resistivity tools. A larger hole diameter can lead to a lower measured resistivity, causing a negative departure.
  • Mud Resistivity: The resistivity of the drilling mud used during logging can influence the measured formation resistivity. Mud filtrate invasion into the formation can result in a lower measured resistivity, leading to a negative departure.
  • Bed Thickness: Thin beds can present challenges in accurately measuring resistivity due to the influence of adjacent formations. This can result in departures from the expected values, particularly in cases where the bed resistivity contrasts significantly with the surrounding formations.
  • Adjacent Bed Resistivity: The resistivity of adjacent beds can affect the measured resistivity of the target bed, especially in cases of thin beds or high resistivity contrasts. This effect can be observed as departures from the expected values.
  • Formation Anisotropy: If the formation exhibits anisotropy (different resistivity values in different directions), it can lead to significant departures from the theoretically expected values.

Interpretation and Application of Departure Curves:

Analyzing departure curves allows geologists and engineers to:

  • Identify hydrocarbon zones: Departure curves can reveal zones where the measured resistivity deviates significantly from the theoretical value, often indicating the presence of hydrocarbons.
  • Quantify formation properties: By understanding the factors influencing departure curves, engineers can estimate parameters like formation water saturation and permeability.
  • Assess the quality of the log data: Departure curves can help identify potential errors or uncertainties in the logging measurements, allowing for corrective actions.
  • Optimize production strategies: Understanding the formation characteristics derived from departure curves can help optimize well placement and production operations.

Example Graphs:

Figure 1: The influence of temperature on resistivity measurement.

[Insert graph showing a negative trend between temperature and measured resistivity, with a corresponding departure curve demonstrating the difference from theoretical values.]

Figure 2: The impact of mud resistivity on departure curves.

[Insert graph showing a decrease in measured resistivity with increasing mud resistivity, with a corresponding departure curve showing the deviation from expected values.]


Departure curves are essential tools in the analysis of resistivity logs, providing insights into the complexities of subsurface formations. By understanding the factors influencing departure curves and their interpretations, oil and gas professionals can make informed decisions regarding exploration, production, and reservoir management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Departure Curves

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of departure curves in resistivity logging?

a) To measure the exact resistivity of a formation. b) To visualize the difference between measured and theoretical resistivity values. c) To identify the type of drilling mud used. d) To calculate the depth of a well.


b) To visualize the difference between measured and theoretical resistivity values.

2. Which of the following factors can significantly influence the shape of departure curves?

a) Weather conditions at the surface. b) The type of logging tool used. c) The age of the formation. d) The presence of hydrocarbons in the formation.


d) The presence of hydrocarbons in the formation.

3. How does a higher temperature typically affect the measured resistivity of a formation?

a) It increases the resistivity. b) It decreases the resistivity. c) It has no effect on the resistivity. d) It depends on the type of formation.


b) It decreases the resistivity.

4. What is a potential interpretation of a negative departure curve in resistivity logging?

a) The formation is highly permeable. b) The formation contains high amounts of water. c) The formation contains hydrocarbons. d) The logging data is inaccurate.


b) The formation contains high amounts of water.

5. Which of the following applications is NOT a benefit of analyzing departure curves?

a) Identifying potential hydrocarbon zones. b) Determining the exact depth of a fault. c) Estimating formation water saturation. d) Optimizing production strategies.


b) Determining the exact depth of a fault.

Exercise: Analyzing Departure Curves


You are analyzing a resistivity log from a well in a sandstone formation. The departure curve shows a consistent negative deviation from the theoretical resistivity values. The drilling mud used had a relatively high resistivity, and the formation temperature was elevated.


Based on the information provided, explain the possible causes for the negative departure curve. Discuss how the factors mentioned might have contributed to the observed deviation.

Exercice Correction

The negative departure curve in this scenario could be attributed to a combination of factors: * **High Mud Resistivity:** The drilling mud used had a high resistivity, which means it could have invaded the formation, pushing out the formation fluids (like water). This invasion would lead to a lower measured resistivity, resulting in a negative departure. * **Elevated Formation Temperature:** Higher temperatures generally lower the resistivity of the formation. This effect would further contribute to a lower measured resistivity, adding to the negative departure observed. Therefore, the combination of high mud resistivity invasion and elevated formation temperature likely caused the negative departure curve. This suggests that the measured resistivity may not accurately represent the true resistivity of the formation due to the influence of these factors. Further analysis would be required to accurately interpret the formation properties and the presence of hydrocarbons.


  • "Log Interpretation Principles and Applications" by Schlumberger: Provides a comprehensive overview of logging techniques, including detailed explanations of departure curves and their applications.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by SPE: Includes a dedicated chapter on well logging, covering various logging tools and interpretation techniques, including departure curves.
  • "Reservoir Characterization" by Dake: Explains the fundamentals of reservoir characterization, with relevant sections on the use of well logs and departure curves in assessing formation properties.


  • "Departure Curves: A Powerful Tool for Resistivity Log Interpretation" by J.A. Serra: A detailed explanation of departure curves, their interpretation, and their application in reservoir evaluation.
  • "The Effect of Borehole Conditions on Resistivity Logs" by T.M. Dougherty: Discusses the impact of various borehole factors, such as diameter and mud resistivity, on departure curves.
  • "Anisotropy and Its Impact on Resistivity Log Interpretation" by P.M. Worthington: Addresses the influence of formation anisotropy on departure curves and its implications for reservoir characterization.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's "Oilfield Glossary": Provides definitions and explanations for various logging terms, including departure curves and related concepts. (
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: Offers various resources on well logging, including publications, training materials, and technical discussions related to departure curves. (
  • Geo-Engineering Group's "Well Logging & Interpretation" Blog: Features articles and case studies exploring the application of various logging techniques, including departure curves. (

Search Tips

  • "Departure curves resistivity logging"
  • "Interpretation of departure curves in well logs"
  • "Factors influencing departure curves"
  • "Case studies of departure curve analysis"
  • "Software for departure curve analysis"
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