Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Delineation Well

Delineation Well

Delineation Wells: Unlocking the Secrets of Oil and Gas Fields

In the world of oil and gas exploration, finding a promising reservoir is only the first step. To truly understand the potential of a discovery, companies need to delve deeper, literally and figuratively, into the field's secrets. This is where delination wells come into play.

Delineation wells are strategically drilled after an initial discovery well, serving as crucial tools in mapping the extent, volume, and production potential of an oil or gas field. They act as scouts, providing valuable data that helps oil and gas companies make informed decisions about future development and investment.

The Role of Delineation Wells:

  • Field Boundary Definition: By drilling delineation wells at different locations, companies can establish the boundaries of the reservoir. They analyze core samples, formation pressures, and fluid types to understand the reservoir's shape, size, and continuity. This allows for a more accurate estimation of the total oil or gas in place.
  • Reservoir Characterization: Delineation wells help characterize the reservoir's structure, permeability, and porosity. This information is crucial for determining the best production strategies and designing efficient well completions.
  • Production Rate Estimation: By testing different locations, delineation wells provide data on the flow rate and fluid composition of the reservoir. This helps predict the field's potential production capacity and the economics of developing it.
  • Risk Mitigation: By providing detailed geological and reservoir data, delineation wells help mitigate risks associated with field development. They enable companies to avoid costly mistakes and ensure the most efficient and profitable extraction process.

Types of Delineation Wells:

  • Horizontal Delineation Wells: These wells are drilled horizontally within the reservoir, allowing for greater contact with the productive zones and increased recovery rates.
  • Step-out Wells: These wells are drilled at distances from the discovery well, further outlining the field's boundaries and testing different geological formations.
  • Sidetrack Wells: These wells are drilled from an existing wellbore to explore nearby zones or areas of interest.

Benefits of Delineation Wells:

  • Reduced Uncertainty: They provide detailed data that significantly reduces uncertainty about the reservoir's characteristics and potential.
  • Optimized Development: They enable the design of efficient well patterns, production strategies, and facilities, maximizing production and minimizing costs.
  • Enhanced Investment Decisions: The data gathered from delineation wells helps companies make informed and confident investment decisions, ensuring the long-term profitability of the field.


Delineation wells are essential for unlocking the potential of oil and gas fields. They provide crucial data that enables companies to understand the reservoir's extent, character, and production capacity, leading to informed development strategies and maximized resource recovery. As exploration and production technology continues to evolve, delineation wells will remain a critical tool in the quest for profitable oil and gas resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Delineation Wells Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of delineation wells?

a) To locate new oil and gas reservoirs. b) To extract oil and gas from a reservoir. c) To map the extent, volume, and production potential of a discovered oil or gas field. d) To inject water or gas into a reservoir to enhance production.


c) To map the extent, volume, and production potential of a discovered oil or gas field.

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of delineation well?

a) Horizontal delineation wells b) Vertical delineation wells c) Step-out wells d) Sidetrack wells


b) Vertical delineation wells

3. What information do delineation wells provide to help determine the best production strategies?

a) The number of oil and gas wells already operating in the field. b) The cost of drilling and completing wells. c) The reservoir's structure, permeability, and porosity. d) The price of oil and gas in the market.


c) The reservoir's structure, permeability, and porosity.

4. How do delineation wells contribute to risk mitigation in oil and gas development?

a) By guaranteeing the success of future production. b) By eliminating all uncertainties related to reservoir characteristics. c) By providing detailed geological and reservoir data, enabling informed decisions and avoiding costly mistakes. d) By predicting the exact amount of oil and gas that can be extracted from the field.


c) By providing detailed geological and reservoir data, enabling informed decisions and avoiding costly mistakes.

5. Which of the following is a major benefit of using delineation wells?

a) Reducing the overall cost of oil and gas production. b) Optimizing the development of the oil or gas field. c) Ensuring the discovery of new oil and gas reservoirs. d) Eliminating the need for further exploration in the area.


b) Optimizing the development of the oil or gas field.

Delineation Wells Exercise:


A company has discovered a new oil reservoir. They have drilled an initial discovery well and are considering drilling delineation wells to better understand the field's potential.


  • Identify at least three key questions the company should be able to answer by drilling delineation wells.
  • Explain how the answers to these questions would impact the company's development plans for the oil field.


  • Question: What is the shape and size of the reservoir?
  • Impact: The shape and size of the reservoir will influence the placement of future production wells and the overall development plan.

Exercice Correction

Here are some potential questions and their impact on development plans:

  • **Question:** What is the thickness and continuity of the productive layers in the reservoir?
    **Impact:** This information helps determine the optimal well placement and spacing for maximum oil recovery, as well as the feasibility of using horizontal wells.
  • **Question:** What is the reservoir's permeability and porosity, and how do these vary across the field?
    **Impact:** This helps determine the flow characteristics of the reservoir and the potential for using enhanced oil recovery methods if necessary.
  • **Question:** What is the fluid composition and pressure within the reservoir?
    **Impact:** This helps determine the optimal production rates and well completion designs, as well as the potential for encountering issues like water or gas coning.
  • **Question:** How does the reservoir's geology change at different locations?
    **Impact:** This information could reveal the presence of separate compartments within the reservoir, impacting well placement and production strategies. It also helps identify potential risks like faults or fractures.

By understanding the answers to these questions, the company can make informed decisions about the design and implementation of their development plan, ensuring efficient and profitable oil production.


  • Petroleum Geology: By K.A. Kvenvolden (2011) - A comprehensive overview of petroleum geology, including sections on exploration, reservoir characterization, and well types.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Edited by Tarek Ahmed (2014) - A practical guide for petroleum engineers, covering reservoir engineering, well drilling, and production.
  • Subsurface Geology for Petroleum Exploration and Production: By Robert J. Weimer & John C. Davis (2015) - A detailed exploration of subsurface geological principles and their applications in oil and gas exploration.


  • "Delineation Wells: Key to Unlock Oil and Gas Potential": An article on the importance and role of delineation wells in field development. This could be found on industry journals like Oil & Gas Journal, World Oil, or SPE Journal.
  • "Horizontal Delineation Wells: Enhancing Reservoir Recovery": An article discussing the benefits and applications of horizontal delineation wells in optimizing production.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: A vast repository of technical papers, research, and publications related to oil and gas exploration and production, including numerous articles on delineation wells and reservoir characterization.
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA) website: Provides comprehensive information on the oil and gas industry, including data on exploration, production, and reserves.
  • Schlumberger website: A leading oilfield services company with detailed information on drilling, reservoir characterization, and production technologies, including sections on delineation wells and well completion.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "delination wells", "reservoir characterization", "field development", "horizontal drilling", "step-out wells", etc.
  • Refine your search with specific operators: Use "+" to include specific words, "-" to exclude words, or " " to search for an exact phrase. For example, "delination wells + reservoir characterization - production costs".
  • Explore academic databases: Utilize databases like Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, or JSTOR to access peer-reviewed research articles on delineation wells and related topics.
  • Search within specific websites: Use "site:" followed by the website address to limit your search to a particular website, for example, " delination wells".
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