Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Communication & Reporting: Consequence (Risk)

Consequence (Risk)

Consequence (Risk): The Price of Uncertainty in Hold

In the realm of project management and decision-making, the term "Consequence" takes on a critical role, intertwined with the concept of "Risk." It acts as a lens through which we analyze potential outcomes of events, understanding their potential impact and guiding us towards informed choices.

Hold: A State of Suspended Decision

"Hold" describes a state of pause, where a decision is deliberately delayed. This might be due to:

  • Lack of Clarity: Insufficient information or uncertainty about the situation.
  • Pending Information: Waiting for crucial data or external factors to solidify the decision.
  • Strategic Delay: Utilizing the time to explore alternatives, weigh options, or gauge market response.

Consequence (Risk): The Potential Fallout

Within the "Hold" state, the concept of "Consequence (Risk)" becomes paramount. It refers to the potential outcome of the event under consideration.

Understanding the Scope

Consequence (Risk) analysis involves a multi-faceted approach:

  • Probability: The likelihood of the event occurring.
  • Impact: The severity of the consequences, ranging from minor inconvenience to catastrophic failure.
  • Type of Consequence: Financial loss, reputational damage, safety concerns, regulatory penalties, or other potential ramifications.

Examples in Hold:

  1. Product Launch Delay: Holding a product launch might mean lost revenue, missed market opportunities, and potential customer dissatisfaction. However, it might also allow for better product refinement, addressing potential flaws, and ensuring a smoother launch.
  2. Contract Negotiation: Holding off on signing a contract might mean missing out on a crucial partnership. But, it could also lead to more favorable terms, increased clarity on responsibilities, and a stronger foundation for the collaboration.
  3. Investment Decision: Holding an investment might prevent immediate gains, but it could also protect against market fluctuations or allow for better entry points.

Managing Consequence (Risk)

  1. Mitigation: Reducing the probability or impact of the event through proactive measures like risk assessments, contingency plans, and preventative actions.
  2. Transfer: Shifting the risk to another entity through insurance, outsourcing, or contractual agreements.
  3. Acceptance: Recognizing the inevitability of some risks and developing strategies to manage their consequences.

Key Takeaway:

Consequence (Risk) assessment is a crucial tool for navigating the "Hold" state effectively. By understanding the potential outcomes, their likelihood, and their impact, decision-makers can make informed choices that mitigate risks, optimize opportunities, and ultimately lead to better decision-making.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Consequence (Risk) in Hold

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "Hold" refer to in project management and decision-making?

a) A state of complete inactivity. b) A state of suspended decision. c) A state of immediate action. d) A state of irreversible commitment.


b) A state of suspended decision.

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for holding a decision?

a) Lack of clarity b) Pending information c) Lack of resources d) Strategic delay


c) Lack of resources

3. What is the primary focus of Consequence (Risk) analysis within a "Hold" state?

a) Determining the cost of delaying the decision. b) Understanding the potential outcomes of the event. c) Identifying the stakeholders involved. d) Prioritizing the available resources.


b) Understanding the potential outcomes of the event.

4. Which of the following is NOT a key aspect of Consequence (Risk) analysis?

a) Probability of the event occurring b) Severity of the consequences c) Timeline for decision-making d) Type of consequences


c) Timeline for decision-making

5. Which of the following is a strategy for managing Consequence (Risk)?

a) Ignoring the risk entirely b) Accepting the risk and taking no action c) Mitigation d) All of the above


c) Mitigation

Exercise: Consequence (Risk) in a Business Decision

Scenario: Your company is considering launching a new product. However, there are concerns about market demand and potential competition. The launch could be delayed to gather more data and refine the product.

Task: Analyze the potential consequences (risks) of delaying the product launch. Consider:

  • Probability: How likely is each consequence to occur?
  • Impact: How severe would the impact be if the consequence materializes?
  • Type of Consequence: What type of consequence is it (financial, reputational, etc.)?


  • Consequence: Loss of market share to competitors
  • Probability: Moderate (depending on market dynamics and competitor activity)
  • Impact: High (could lead to significant revenue loss and difficulty regaining market position)
  • Type: Financial and Market


  1. Identify at least 3 potential consequences of delaying the product launch.
  2. Analyze each consequence using the framework above.
  3. Based on your analysis, discuss potential strategies for managing these risks.

Exercise Correction

This is an example of a possible analysis. Your analysis might include different consequences and strategies depending on your chosen scenario and company specifics.

Potential Consequences of Delaying Product Launch:

  1. Consequence: Loss of First-Mover Advantage
    • Probability: High (especially in rapidly evolving markets)
    • Impact: Moderate to High (could lead to decreased market share and reduced brand awareness)
    • Type: Market, Competitive, and Reputational
  2. Consequence: Decreased Investor Confidence
    • Probability: Moderate (depends on investor expectations and company communication)
    • Impact: Moderate to High (could make future fundraising or investments more challenging)
    • Type: Financial and Investment
  3. Consequence: Increased Development Costs
    • Probability: High (due to continued research, development, and marketing expenses)
    • Impact: Moderate (depends on the scale of the delay and the development budget)
    • Type: Financial

Strategies for Managing Risks:

  • Mitigation: Conduct targeted market research to understand the competitive landscape and potential customer needs. Refine the product based on the insights to ensure its competitiveness.
  • Transfer: Engage with key investors and stakeholders to communicate the reasons for the delay and address concerns. Consider offering incentives or updated timelines to maintain confidence.
  • Acceptance: Accept that some costs will be incurred during the delay. Implement cost-control measures to minimize unnecessary expenses. Focus on maximizing the value of the delay by optimizing the product and market strategy.


  • Risk Management: Concepts and Applications by David L. Olson
  • The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • Decision Traps: The Ten Barriers to Brilliant Decision-Making and How to Overcome Them by Sidney J. De Bono
  • The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman


Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "consequence risk analysis", "risk management in project management", "decision making under uncertainty", "probability impact matrix".
  • Add relevant terms like "business", "investment", "strategy", "project" depending on your specific context.
  • Utilize quotation marks around phrases to find exact matches.
  • Filter your search by date or by specific websites (e.g., "").
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