Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Confirmation Well

Confirmation Well

Confirmation Wells: Validating Discoveries and Shaping Oil & Gas Development

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the discovery of a hydrocarbon reservoir is just the beginning. While exciting, it's crucial to understand the extent, volume, and potential of the newfound resource. This is where Confirmation Wells play a vital role.

What are Confirmation Wells?

Confirmation wells, also known as delineation wells or secondary wells, are drilled after a successful discovery well. Their primary purpose is to provide crucial information to:

  • Define the reservoir boundaries: By drilling strategically around the discovery well, confirmation wells help determine the size and shape of the reservoir.
  • Estimate the volume of hydrocarbons: Data from confirmation wells provides insight into the volume of oil or gas trapped within the reservoir.
  • Assess the production potential: Analyzing flow rates and pressure data from confirmation wells helps predict the long-term productivity of the field.

The Importance of Confirmation Wells

Confirmation wells are essential for several reasons:

  • Reducing risk: They provide vital information for assessing the viability of the discovery and reducing the financial risk associated with further development.
  • Optimizing field development: Understanding reservoir characteristics allows for efficient well placement, production optimization, and efficient resource extraction.
  • Guiding future exploration: Data gathered from confirmation wells can be utilized to identify additional prospects within the same basin or nearby areas.

Types of Confirmation Wells

Confirmation wells can be categorized based on their purpose:

  • Outcrop wells: Drilled near the edge of the reservoir to determine its extent.
  • Step-out wells: Drilled at a distance from the discovery well to assess the reservoir's continuity.
  • Infill wells: Drilled within the existing reservoir to optimize production and enhance recovery.

The Confirmation Well Drilling Process

The drilling of a confirmation well follows similar steps to a discovery well. However, the planning and execution are guided by the information gathered from the initial discovery. This includes:

  • Geological and seismic analysis: Existing data is reviewed and reinterpreted to guide the placement of the confirmation well.
  • Drilling and completion: The well is drilled and completed, ensuring proper placement and access to the targeted reservoir.
  • Testing and analysis: The well is tested to determine its flow rate, pressure, and other production characteristics.


Confirmation wells are crucial for maximizing the value of oil and gas discoveries. They provide valuable insights into reservoir characteristics, production potential, and field development strategies. By gathering crucial data and reducing uncertainty, confirmation wells enable informed decision-making, optimizing resource recovery and maximizing the return on investment in oil and gas exploration.

Test Your Knowledge

Confirmation Wells Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a confirmation well?

a) To discover new hydrocarbon reservoirs. b) To determine the extent and volume of a discovered reservoir. c) To extract oil and gas from a reservoir. d) To monitor seismic activity in a region.


b) To determine the extent and volume of a discovered reservoir.

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of confirmation well?

a) Outcrop well b) Step-out well c) Infill well d) Production well


d) Production well

3. What is the primary benefit of confirmation wells in terms of field development?

a) Reducing the need for further exploration. b) Optimizing well placement and production strategies. c) Eliminating the risk of financial losses. d) Increasing the volume of oil and gas extracted.


b) Optimizing well placement and production strategies.

4. How does data gathered from confirmation wells guide future exploration?

a) Identifying potential risks associated with new discoveries. b) Determining the optimal drilling techniques for different reservoirs. c) Identifying new prospects within the same basin or nearby areas. d) Assessing the environmental impact of oil and gas production.


c) Identifying new prospects within the same basin or nearby areas.

5. Which of the following is a key step in the confirmation well drilling process?

a) Analyzing existing geological and seismic data. b) Developing new drilling technologies. c) Obtaining government permits for drilling. d) Conducting a feasibility study for the project.


a) Analyzing existing geological and seismic data.

Confirmation Wells Exercise

Scenario: An oil company has discovered a new oil reservoir in a remote location. They have drilled a discovery well and gathered initial data. To assess the potential of the discovery, they plan to drill a confirmation well.

Task: You are the project manager responsible for planning the confirmation well drilling operation. Describe the key steps you would take to ensure the success of the project, including:

  • Planning and Data Analysis: How would you use existing data to determine the optimal location for the confirmation well?
  • Well Design and Execution: What factors would you consider when designing the well and selecting drilling equipment?
  • Testing and Evaluation: How would you conduct testing and analyze the results to determine the reservoir's characteristics and production potential?

Exercise Correction

**Planning and Data Analysis:** * **Analyze Existing Data:** Review seismic data, well logs, and core samples from the discovery well to understand the reservoir's structure, stratigraphy, and fluid properties. * **Geological Modeling:** Create a 3D geological model of the reservoir to visualize its extent and potential for oil accumulation. * **Location Optimization:** Use the model to identify optimal locations for the confirmation well, considering factors such as proximity to the discovery well, potential for reservoir delineation, and access to infrastructure. **Well Design and Execution:** * **Well Trajectory:** Determine the optimal well path to intersect the reservoir at the chosen location, considering potential drilling hazards and target depth. * **Drilling Equipment:** Select drilling rigs, mud systems, and other equipment suitable for the geological conditions and target depth. * **Completion Design:** Plan the well's completion design, including the type of casing, tubing, and production equipment, to ensure efficient oil extraction. **Testing and Evaluation:** * **Well Testing:** Conduct production testing to determine the well's flow rate, pressure, and oil composition. * **Data Analysis:** Analyze the test results to determine the reservoir's pressure, permeability, and oil saturation, providing insights into the reservoir's production potential. * **Reservoir Simulation:** Use reservoir simulation models to predict future production performance and optimize field development plans.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by John Lee: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of petroleum engineering, including reservoir characterization and well planning.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed: A detailed guide on reservoir engineering principles, including well testing, production optimization, and reservoir simulation.
  • Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering by John S. Archer: A practical text on reservoir engineering concepts and applications, with a focus on well testing and reservoir simulation.


  • "Confirmation Wells: A Key to Successful Oil and Gas Field Development" by [Author Name], [Journal Name], [Year]: A specific article discussing the importance and applications of confirmation wells in the oil and gas industry.
  • "The Role of Confirmation Wells in Defining Reservoir Boundaries" by [Author Name], [Journal Name], [Year]: An article focusing on the use of confirmation wells for determining the extent of oil and gas reservoirs.
  • "Optimizing Production through Infill Wells: A Case Study" by [Author Name], [Journal Name], [Year]: A case study demonstrating the application of infill wells for enhancing oil and gas production.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast collection of technical papers, articles, and presentations related to oil and gas exploration and development, including information on confirmation wells.
  • OnePetro: A comprehensive online resource with access to a wealth of technical publications and data on oil and gas exploration and production, including articles and case studies on confirmation wells.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry journal regularly publishes articles on various aspects of oil and gas exploration and development, including topics related to confirmation wells.

Search Tips

  • "Confirmation Wells" + "oil and gas" + "reservoir characterization": To find articles and resources specifically focusing on the application of confirmation wells in reservoir characterization.
  • "Delineation Wells" + "oil and gas" + "development strategy": To explore articles discussing the use of delineation wells in planning the development of oil and gas fields.
  • "Secondary Wells" + "oil and gas" + "production optimization": To find resources addressing the role of secondary wells in maximizing oil and gas production.
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