Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Logistics & Transportation: Common Carrier (petroleum)

Common Carrier (petroleum)

Common Carrier: A Vital Link in the Oil & Gas Supply Chain

In the oil and gas industry, the term "Common Carrier" refers to a company or entity that transports petroleum products for the general public, operating under specific regulations and obligations. These carriers are essential for the efficient movement of crude oil, refined products, and other petroleum derivatives from production sites to refineries, storage facilities, and ultimately to consumers.

Understanding the Role of Common Carriers:

Imagine the vast network of pipelines, tankers, and trucks that carry oil and gas across continents. These are the lifelines of the industry, and common carriers are the ones entrusted with transporting this valuable cargo. They play a crucial role in ensuring the consistent and reliable supply of energy to industries and households.

Common Carrier Obligations & Regulations:

Unlike private carriers, common carriers operate under strict regulations and have specific obligations:

  • Public Service: They are required to provide transportation services to the general public, regardless of the volume or destination.
  • Non-Discrimination: They must treat all customers fairly and cannot discriminate based on the nature of the cargo, the origin, or the destination.
  • Reasonable Rates: Common carriers are obligated to charge fair and reasonable rates for their services, usually determined by regulatory bodies.
  • Safety & Security: They are responsible for ensuring the safe and secure transportation of petroleum products, adhering to industry standards and environmental regulations.

Types of Common Carriers in the Oil & Gas Sector:

  • Pipeline Operators: These companies operate extensive networks of pipelines that transport crude oil and natural gas from production sites to refineries and distribution centers.
  • Tanker Companies: They operate specialized vessels, including ocean tankers, barges, and inland tankers, for the transportation of liquid petroleum products across waterways.
  • Trucking Companies: These companies use specialized tank trucks to transport refined products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel to distribution points and gas stations.

The Importance of Common Carriers:

  • Economic Growth: Common carriers contribute significantly to the economic growth of nations by facilitating the flow of energy, supporting various industries, and creating jobs.
  • Energy Security: They ensure a reliable and continuous supply of energy to consumers, minimizing disruptions and volatility in the market.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Common carriers play a crucial role in transporting petroleum products safely and responsibly, minimizing the risk of spills and environmental damage.

Looking Ahead:

As the oil and gas industry evolves towards cleaner energy sources, the role of common carriers will continue to be vital. They will need to adapt to new technologies, optimize transportation routes, and prioritize safety and environmental compliance. By embracing innovation and working collaboratively with stakeholders, common carriers will remain an indispensable link in the oil and gas supply chain, ensuring the continued flow of energy to the world.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Common Carriers in the Oil & Gas Supply Chain

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a common carrier in the oil and gas industry?

a) To extract oil and gas from the ground b) To refine crude oil into usable products c) To transport petroleum products for the general public d) To sell petroleum products to consumers


c) To transport petroleum products for the general public

2. Which of the following is NOT a common carrier obligation?

a) Providing transportation services to the general public b) Charging discriminatory rates based on the nature of the cargo c) Ensuring safe and secure transportation of petroleum products d) Adhering to industry standards and environmental regulations


b) Charging discriminatory rates based on the nature of the cargo

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of common carrier in the oil and gas sector?

a) Pipeline operators b) Tanker companies c) Trucking companies d) Drilling companies


d) Drilling companies

4. How do common carriers contribute to economic growth?

a) By extracting oil and gas from the ground b) By refining crude oil into usable products c) By facilitating the flow of energy and supporting various industries d) By selling petroleum products to consumers


c) By facilitating the flow of energy and supporting various industries

5. What is a key challenge facing common carriers in the future of the oil and gas industry?

a) Decreasing demand for petroleum products b) Adapting to new technologies and cleaner energy sources c) Lack of regulation and oversight d) Insufficient access to transportation infrastructure


b) Adapting to new technologies and cleaner energy sources


Scenario: Imagine you are a manager at a large oil and gas company responsible for transporting refined products to gas stations across the country. You need to choose a common carrier for this task.

Your Task:

  1. Identify two common carrier types suitable for transporting refined products (e.g., trucking companies, pipeline operators, tanker companies).
  2. List three key factors to consider when selecting a common carrier for this task (e.g., safety record, cost, reliability).
  3. Explain how the chosen carrier types and factors will help you achieve your goal of reliable and efficient delivery of refined products to gas stations.

Exercice Correction

**1. Common Carrier Types:** * **Trucking Companies:** These companies utilize specialized tank trucks to transport refined products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. They offer flexibility in terms of routes and delivery points. * **Pipeline Operators:** While pipelines primarily transport crude oil and natural gas, some pipelines might also be utilized for refined products, especially for long distances. Pipelines offer a cost-effective and efficient solution for bulk transportation. **2. Key Factors to Consider:** * **Safety Record:** Prioritizing safety is paramount. A carrier with a strong safety record minimizes the risk of spills and accidents, protecting the environment and public safety. * **Cost:** Choosing a carrier with competitive pricing is crucial for budget management. Factors like fuel efficiency, fleet size, and route optimization contribute to cost-effectiveness. * **Reliability:** A carrier that delivers products on time and consistently maintains a high level of service ensures a smooth and uninterrupted supply chain. This factor contributes to the overall efficiency of operations. **3. How Chosen Carriers and Factors Contribute to Goal:** * **Trucking companies:** Offer flexibility in delivery routes and points, allowing for efficient delivery to various gas stations across the country. Their reliability and safety record are crucial for ensuring timely and safe product delivery. * **Pipeline operators:** Efficiently transport large volumes of refined products over long distances at a lower cost, reducing overall transportation expenses. However, access to pipelines might be limited, and their use might not be practical for all gas station locations. The selection of a common carrier will depend on the specific needs of the company, including the volume of refined products being transported, the geographical reach, and the available transportation infrastructure. By carefully considering the key factors outlined above, the company can choose a carrier that aligns with their operational goals and ensures a reliable and cost-effective supply chain.


  • "Oil and Gas Transportation: Pipelines, Tankers, and Trucks" by John S. Reynolds: This book provides a comprehensive overview of the transportation of oil and gas, including a dedicated section on common carriers and their role in the industry.
  • "The Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes" by James G. Speight: While not focused solely on common carriers, this book offers valuable insights into the entire refining process, highlighting the importance of transportation in the oil and gas supply chain.
  • "Oil & Gas Law: A Comprehensive Guide" by David R. Hricik: This legal text covers various aspects of oil and gas law, including regulations related to common carriers and their operations.


  • "The Importance of Common Carriers in the Oil & Gas Industry" by [Author Name]: This article, potentially found in industry publications like Oil & Gas Journal or Petroleum Economist, will likely delve into the significance of common carriers and their contributions to the sector.
  • "Common Carrier Regulations: Ensuring Fair and Efficient Transportation" by [Author Name]: This article may be found in legal journals or publications focused on transportation law and could discuss the legal framework governing common carriers in the oil and gas industry.
  • "The Future of Oil & Gas Transportation: Innovation and Sustainability" by [Author Name]: This article, potentially published in industry magazines or research journals, could explore emerging trends and technological advancements impacting the role of common carriers.

Online Resources

  • Energy Information Administration (EIA): The EIA provides a wealth of information and data related to the oil and gas industry, including transportation and logistics. Their website is a valuable resource for understanding the dynamics of the sector and the role of common carriers.
  • National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC): NARUC focuses on regulating the energy sector, including common carriers involved in transporting oil and gas. Their website contains resources and reports on relevant regulations and policies.
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA): The FMCSA regulates the trucking industry, including tank truck companies involved in transporting petroleum products. Their website provides details on safety regulations and enforcement actions.
  • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA): PHMSA regulates the safety of pipelines and hazardous materials transportation, including pipelines transporting oil and gas. Their website offers information on regulations and safety requirements for pipeline operators.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "common carrier," "petroleum," "oil and gas," "transportation," "regulations," "pipeline," "tanker," and "truck" to refine your search results.
  • Include location: Add a geographical location (e.g., "common carriers in the United States") to narrow down your search.
  • Specify time frame: Use the "tools" section in Google search to refine results by date or time period, allowing you to find recent articles and reports.
  • Use Boolean operators: Utilize terms like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search and find results that match your specific criteria.
  • Explore industry websites: Search for relevant information on websites of industry organizations like the American Petroleum Institute (API), the National Petroleum Refiners Association (NPRA), or the International Energy Agency (IEA).
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