Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Coalescence


Coalescence: The Key to Separating Oil and Water

In the oil and gas industry, the efficient separation of oil, gas, and water is crucial for production and transportation. Often, these substances are found as emulsions, meaning they exist as tiny droplets suspended within each other. This presents a challenge, as these emulsions are difficult to separate. This is where coalescence comes in.

Coalescence is the process of combining small bubbles or droplets into larger ones. In the context of oil and gas, coalescence is used to separate oil and water by encouraging the small water droplets dispersed in the oil to combine into larger droplets, which are then easier to remove.

How Coalescence Works:

  • Surface Tension: Water droplets in oil are held together by surface tension, a force that creates a thin layer of tension on the surface of a liquid. This tension prevents the droplets from easily merging.
  • Coalescence Agents: To overcome surface tension, coalescence agents are introduced. These are chemicals that reduce the surface tension between the water droplets, allowing them to merge.
  • Gravity Separation: Once the water droplets coalesce into larger droplets, gravity takes over. The larger droplets, being denser than oil, settle to the bottom of the tank, allowing for easy separation.

Coalescence in Oil & Gas Applications:

Coalescence plays a crucial role in various oil and gas operations:

  • Production: During oil and gas production, water often mixes with oil, forming emulsions. Coalescence helps separate the water before further processing.
  • Transportation: Pipelines used for transporting oil can contain water. Coalescence is employed to remove water before the oil enters the pipeline to avoid corrosion and other issues.
  • Water Treatment: Coalescence is also used in water treatment plants to remove oil and other contaminants.

Benefits of Coalescence:

  • Increased Efficiency: Coalescence speeds up the separation process, reducing the time needed for oil and water to separate.
  • Improved Product Quality: By removing water, coalescence ensures the quality of the oil produced.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Efficient separation minimizes the discharge of water into the environment.

Different Coalescence Techniques:

Various methods are used to achieve coalescence, including:

  • Chemical Coalescence: Using chemical coalescence agents to reduce surface tension.
  • Electrocoalescence: Applying an electrical field to encourage droplet merging.
  • Mechanical Coalescence: Utilizing filters or other physical structures to promote coalescence.


Coalescence is a crucial process in the oil and gas industry, ensuring efficient separation of oil, gas, and water. By leveraging coalescence techniques, operators can improve production, transportation, and environmental impact, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and efficient oil and gas industry.

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