Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: CMP (depth)

CMP (depth)

CMP (Common Midpoint) in Oil & Gas Exploration: A Deeper Dive

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the subsurface is paramount. One of the key techniques used to gather this information is Seismic Reflection, where sound waves are sent into the earth and their reflections are analyzed. This is where the term CMP (Common Midpoint) comes into play.

CMP stands for Common Midpoint. It represents a point in the earth where seismic waves from multiple source locations converge after reflecting off subsurface layers. This point is considered "common" because it's the same for all these reflections.

Here's a simple breakdown:

  1. Seismic Source: A device emits sound waves (usually vibrations) into the ground.
  2. Geophones: Sensors on the surface record the returning sound waves.
  3. Reflections: Sound waves encounter different rock layers and bounce back (reflect) at varying times and amplitudes.
  4. CMP: Multiple source positions and geophone placements are strategically arranged so that reflections from a specific point in the subsurface (the CMP) are recorded by different geophones at different times.

Why is CMP important?

  • Improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio: By combining reflections from multiple source positions, the signal strength (from the reflections) is amplified, while random noise from the surrounding environment is reduced. This helps create clearer seismic images.
  • Data Acquisition Efficiency: Instead of shooting and recording data from each source location individually, CMP gathers data from multiple source locations simultaneously, saving time and resources.
  • Detailed Subsurface Imaging: By processing and combining data from various CMPs, geophysicists can create a detailed 3D representation of the subsurface, helping identify potential oil and gas reservoirs.

Common Midpoint Gather (CMP Gather):

A CMP gather is a collection of seismic traces (recorded waveforms) from different source positions that share the same CMP. The traces are typically stacked and displayed in a graph, revealing the subsurface characteristics at that specific location.

The Essence of CMP:

The concept of CMP is fundamental in seismic data acquisition and processing. It's a crucial element for achieving high-quality seismic images, leading to better reservoir characterization and ultimately, increasing the likelihood of successful oil and gas exploration.

In essence, CMP helps us see deeper into the earth, providing vital information for uncovering hidden oil and gas resources.

Test Your Knowledge

CMP Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does CMP stand for? a) Common Midpoint b) Central Measurement Point c) Combined Midpoint d) Constant Midpoint


a) Common Midpoint

2. What is the primary function of CMP in seismic exploration? a) To identify the exact location of oil and gas reservoirs. b) To create a 3D representation of the earth's surface. c) To improve the signal-to-noise ratio in seismic data. d) To measure the depth of the earth's crust.


c) To improve the signal-to-noise ratio in seismic data.

3. How does CMP achieve an improved signal-to-noise ratio? a) By using multiple sources to send sound waves. b) By averaging data from multiple geophones. c) By filtering out unwanted noise during data processing. d) By focusing on specific frequency ranges of sound waves.


b) By averaging data from multiple geophones.

4. What is a CMP gather? a) A collection of data from different source positions sharing the same CMP. b) A specific location where multiple sources converge. c) A tool used to measure the velocity of sound waves in the earth. d) A process used to filter seismic data.


a) A collection of data from different source positions sharing the same CMP.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using CMP in seismic exploration? a) Improved signal-to-noise ratio. b) Increased data acquisition efficiency. c) More detailed subsurface imaging. d) More accurate location of oil and gas wells.


d) More accurate location of oil and gas wells.

CMP Exercise

Scenario: Imagine you are a geophysicist working on a seismic exploration project. You have collected data from three source positions (S1, S2, S3) and multiple geophones (G1, G2, G3, G4). You need to identify the CMP point for these data sets.


  1. Draw a simple diagram representing the source positions, geophones, and the earth's subsurface layers.
  2. Mark the CMP point based on the reflected sound waves from each source position.
  3. Explain how you determined the location of the CMP.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

Your diagram should show three source positions (S1, S2, S3) and four geophones (G1, G2, G3, G4). The CMP point is the location in the subsurface where reflections from all three source positions converge. Here's how to determine the CMP: 1. **Identify the reflections:** Trace the path of the sound waves from each source position (S1, S2, S3) as they reflect off the subsurface layers and reach the geophones. 2. **Find the common point:** Notice the specific point in the subsurface where reflections from all three source positions converge. This point is the CMP. 3. **Mark the CMP:** Indicate the CMP point on your diagram. The CMP is crucial for processing seismic data, as it allows for combining reflections from different source positions to enhance signal quality and generate a clear image of the subsurface.


  • "Seismic Exploration: An Introduction" by M.D. Bernabini, C.H. Stolt, and A.M. Weglein - Provides a comprehensive overview of seismic exploration, including detailed explanations of CMP techniques.
  • "Geophysical Exploration: An Introduction to Geophysical Methods in Exploration" by O.G. Yilmaz - Covers a wide range of geophysical methods, with dedicated sections on seismic data acquisition and CMP processing.
  • "Seismic Data Processing" by J.P. Castagna and M.M. Backus - A detailed guide to seismic data processing, including CMP stacking and various processing techniques.


  • "Common Midpoint Stacking: An Overview" by C.H. Stolt - A classic article that provides a thorough introduction to CMP stacking.
  • "The Common Midpoint (CMP) Concept in Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing" by D.H. Johnston and J.P. Castagna - Explains the importance of CMP in seismic data acquisition and its impact on processing and interpretation.
  • "CMP Gathers: Data Acquisition and Processing Techniques" by R.E. Sheriff - A detailed article discussing the acquisition and processing of CMP gathers, including various techniques for improving data quality.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "CMP seismic exploration": This search will return resources related to the role of CMP in seismic exploration.
  • "CMP gather processing": This search will focus on resources discussing the processing of CMP gathers for seismic interpretation.
  • "CMP stacking techniques": This search will lead to articles and research on different CMP stacking techniques used in seismic data processing.
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