Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: CDP (rock mechanics)

CDP (rock mechanics)

CDP: A Critical Parameter in Wellbore Stability

CDP stands for Critical Drawdown Pressure in rock mechanics, specifically within the context of wellbore stability. It's a crucial parameter for understanding and predicting the potential for wellbore instability, particularly during oil and gas production.

Defining Critical Drawdown Pressure

CDP refers to the maximum pressure difference between the formation pressure (the pressure exerted by the surrounding rock) and the wellbore pressure (the pressure inside the well) that can be sustained without causing wellbore instability.

In simpler terms, it's the maximum pressure drop you can create inside the wellbore before the surrounding rock starts to fail and potentially collapse into the well.

Why CDP is Important

  • Preventing Wellbore Collapse: Exceeding the CDP can lead to wellbore collapse, causing significant production downtime, damage to the well, and potential environmental hazards.
  • Optimizing Production: Understanding the CDP allows engineers to design wells that can safely handle the desired production rates, maximizing resource recovery without compromising wellbore integrity.
  • Designing Safe Operations: CDP information helps in determining safe operating parameters for drilling, completion, and production operations.

Factors Affecting CDP:

Several factors influence CDP, including:

  • Rock Properties: The strength and permeability of the surrounding rock are key determinants.
  • Stress State: The stress field around the wellbore plays a significant role in determining the critical drawdown pressure.
  • Wellbore Geometry: The diameter and depth of the wellbore can affect the pressure distribution and therefore the CDP.
  • Fluid Properties: The properties of the produced fluids, such as viscosity and density, can influence the pressure gradient and impact the CDP.

Critical Drawdown Pressure for Sand-Free Rate

The maximum drawdown pressure for sand-free rate is a specific application of CDP. It represents the maximum pressure drawdown you can achieve while preventing sand production from the formation. This parameter is especially important for formations prone to sand production, as it ensures sustainable production without jeopardizing wellbore integrity.

Calculating CDP

Calculating CDP typically involves complex numerical simulations and analytical models that consider the factors mentioned above. However, simplified estimations can be made using empirical relationships and available data on the formation properties, stress state, and wellbore conditions.

In Conclusion

Understanding and managing the CDP is essential for the safe and efficient production of hydrocarbons. By carefully considering the relevant factors and employing appropriate techniques, engineers can minimize the risk of wellbore instability, optimize production, and ensure the long-term sustainability of oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge

CDP Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does CDP stand for in the context of wellbore stability? a) Critical Drawdown Pressure b) Critical Downhole Pressure c) Critical Depth Pressure d) Critical Deformation Pressure


a) Critical Drawdown Pressure

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting CDP? a) Rock properties b) Stress state c) Wellbore geometry d) Temperature of the wellbore fluid


d) Temperature of the wellbore fluid

3. Exceeding the CDP can lead to: a) Increased production rates b) Wellbore collapse c) Decreased production costs d) Improved wellbore integrity


b) Wellbore collapse

4. The maximum drawdown pressure for sand-free rate is used to: a) Prevent sand production from the formation b) Increase the pressure inside the wellbore c) Determine the maximum depth of the wellbore d) Calculate the viscosity of the produced fluids


a) Prevent sand production from the formation

5. Which of the following is NOT typically involved in calculating CDP? a) Numerical simulations b) Analytical models c) Empirical relationships d) Laboratory testing of the produced fluids


d) Laboratory testing of the produced fluids

CDP Exercise

Task: Imagine you are an engineer tasked with designing a new oil well. You have gathered the following information:

  • The surrounding rock has a relatively low strength and high permeability.
  • The stress state around the wellbore is estimated to be high.
  • The planned wellbore diameter is 12 inches.
  • The expected production rate will be high.

Based on this information, discuss the following:

  • How would these factors likely affect the CDP of the well?
  • What steps can you take to mitigate the risk of wellbore instability and ensure safe production?

Exercice Correction

**Impact on CDP:** * **Low rock strength and high permeability:** This combination will likely result in a lower CDP, making the well more susceptible to instability. * **High stress state:** This further increases the risk of instability, as the high stresses around the wellbore will push against the rock, making it more likely to fail. * **Large wellbore diameter:** A wider wellbore will result in a larger surface area exposed to the rock, increasing the potential for instability. * **High production rate:** This will create a greater pressure drawdown, making it more likely to exceed the CDP. **Mitigating Risk:** * **Design a wellbore with a smaller diameter:** This will reduce the surface area exposed to the rock and potentially increase the CDP. * **Use casing and cementing techniques:** These techniques can strengthen the wellbore and help contain the pressure gradient, increasing its resistance to failure. * **Implement a carefully controlled production strategy:** Start with a lower production rate and gradually increase it as needed, monitoring the wellbore conditions closely. * **Conduct downhole pressure monitoring:** Use pressure gauges to monitor the pressure inside the wellbore and the surrounding formation, allowing for early detection of potential instability. * **Consider using drilling fluids with appropriate properties:** These fluids can help stabilize the wellbore and reduce the risk of formation collapse. **Overall, the combination of factors in this scenario suggests a high risk of wellbore instability. By implementing appropriate design and operational strategies, engineers can significantly reduce this risk and ensure the safe and efficient production of oil from the well.**


  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by John R. Fanchi: This textbook covers wellbore stability and the role of CDP in reservoir engineering.
  • "Wellbore Stability: A Comprehensive Review" by Robert M. Lewis: This book provides a detailed analysis of wellbore stability, including the calculation and significance of CDP.
  • "Rock Mechanics for Petroleum Engineers" by William C. Haimson: This book focuses on the rock mechanics principles underlying wellbore stability and explores how CDP fits within those principles.


  • "Critical Drawdown Pressure for Wellbore Stability in Shale Formations" by M.A. Zoback et al.: This article discusses the impact of stress state and rock properties on CDP in shale formations.
  • "Modeling Wellbore Stability in Sand-Prone Formations: The Role of CDP in Sand-Free Production" by S.H. Lee et al.: This paper examines the application of CDP to ensure sand-free production in formations prone to sand production.
  • "Evaluating Critical Drawdown Pressure in Hydraulic Fracturing Operations" by J.M. Sifferman et al.: This article explores the role of CDP in hydraulic fracturing operations, considering the unique challenges of fracturing.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Search for "Critical Drawdown Pressure" on SPE's website for a plethora of technical papers, presentations, and industry guidelines related to CDP.
  • OnePetro: OnePetro offers a comprehensive database of technical papers and presentations, including many that focus on wellbore stability and CDP.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger's website provides valuable information on various wellbore stability issues, including the calculation and significance of CDP.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "Critical Drawdown Pressure," "Wellbore Stability," "Rock Mechanics," and "Petroleum Engineering" for relevant results.
  • Include formation type: Specify formations like "shale," "sandstone," or "carbonate" to narrow down the search to relevant applications of CDP.
  • Explore academic databases: Search for articles in databases like Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for in-depth academic research on CDP.
  • Include "PDF" in your search: This will filter results to show primarily downloadable articles and reports.
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