Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Cavity Completion

Cavity Completion

Cavity Completion: Expanding the Reach in Oil & Gas Production

Cavity completion, a specialized technique in oil and gas production, utilizes controlled flow to intentionally enlarge the open hole wellbore, thereby enhancing production. This method is particularly valuable in formations with tight or fractured reservoirs where conventional completion methods may not achieve optimal results.

Understanding the Mechanics:

The key principle behind cavity completion is the controlled introduction of high-pressure fluids (typically water or a mixture of water and sand) into the wellbore. This pressurized fluid creates a hydraulic fracturing effect, expanding the existing open hole and creating a larger cavity.

Benefits of Cavity Completion:

  • Increased Production: By enlarging the wellbore, cavity completion effectively increases the reservoir contact area, leading to improved flow rates and higher oil or gas production.
  • Enhanced Well Productivity: The creation of a larger cavity facilitates more efficient drainage of the reservoir, leading to higher well productivity and a longer production life.
  • Improved Reservoir Stimulation: The hydraulic fracturing process involved in cavity completion stimulates the reservoir by creating new fractures and increasing permeability, further enhancing production.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to conventional hydraulic fracturing, cavity completion can be a more cost-effective approach in certain situations, especially for smaller wells.

Applications of Cavity Completion:

Cavity completion finds its applications primarily in:

  • Tight Reservoirs: These reservoirs have low permeability, making it difficult to extract hydrocarbons efficiently. Cavity completion helps overcome this challenge by expanding the wellbore and improving flow.
  • Fractured Reservoirs: By creating larger cavities, this method increases the connection to fractures in the reservoir, enhancing the flow of oil and gas.
  • Wells with Limited Productivity: Cavity completion can revitalize wells that have declined in production due to limited wellbore access or poor reservoir communication.

Considerations and Limitations:

While cavity completion offers significant benefits, it's important to consider its limitations:

  • Potential for Formation Damage: The high-pressure fluid injection can potentially damage the formation, reducing its productivity.
  • Limited Applicability: This technique is not suitable for all formations, particularly those with very low strength or high fracture density.
  • Potential for Wellbore Instability: The expansion of the wellbore can sometimes lead to instability and require additional measures to maintain well integrity.


Cavity completion serves as a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry for maximizing production from challenging reservoirs. Its ability to enhance wellbore access, improve reservoir stimulation, and increase productivity makes it a suitable choice for specific formations and well conditions. By understanding the benefits and limitations of cavity completion, operators can make informed decisions to optimize their production strategies.

Test Your Knowledge

Cavity Completion Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of cavity completion?

a) To create a new wellbore. b) To increase the wellbore diameter. c) To inject chemicals into the reservoir. d) To improve the quality of extracted oil and gas.


b) To increase the wellbore diameter.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cavity completion?

a) Increased production. b) Enhanced well productivity. c) Reduced risk of wellbore instability. d) Improved reservoir stimulation.


c) Reduced risk of wellbore instability.

3. Cavity completion is particularly beneficial for:

a) Wells with high permeability reservoirs. b) Wells with low production rates. c) Wells in areas with abundant water resources. d) Wells with a high risk of formation damage.


b) Wells with low production rates.

4. What is the main mechanism that creates a cavity in cavity completion?

a) Mechanical drilling. b) Chemical reactions. c) Hydraulic fracturing. d) Gravity-driven fluid flow.


c) Hydraulic fracturing.

5. What is a potential drawback of cavity completion?

a) High cost compared to conventional methods. b) Potential for formation damage. c) Limited applications in oil and gas production. d) Requirement for specialized equipment.


b) Potential for formation damage.

Cavity Completion Exercise


An oil company is considering using cavity completion in a well located in a tight, fractured reservoir. The well has experienced declining production over the last few years.


  1. Based on the information provided about cavity completion, explain why this technique might be suitable for this well.
  2. List two potential risks associated with applying cavity completion in this specific scenario, and suggest mitigation strategies for each risk.

Exercice Correction

**1. Suitability of Cavity Completion:** * **Tight, Fractured Reservoir:** Cavity completion is specifically designed for tight and fractured reservoirs. It enhances production by creating a larger wellbore, which improves communication with the fractured reservoir and increases the contact area for oil and gas flow. * **Declining Production:** The well's declining production indicates limited reservoir access. Cavity completion can revitalize the well by stimulating the reservoir and increasing the flow of hydrocarbons. **2. Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies:** * **Risk 1: Formation Damage:** The high-pressure fluid used in cavity completion can cause damage to the formation, reducing its permeability and impacting future production. * **Mitigation:** Use carefully selected fluids and injection rates to minimize damage. Consider using proppants to keep fractures open and prevent formation damage. * **Risk 2: Wellbore Instability:** The expansion of the wellbore can lead to instability, requiring additional support measures to maintain well integrity. * **Mitigation:** Carefully assess the wellbore's integrity and potential for instability. Implement wellbore strengthening techniques like cementing or casing if necessary.


  • "Reservoir Stimulation" by John A. Howard and R. Vincent (2015) - This comprehensive text covers various reservoir stimulation techniques, including cavity completion, with detailed explanations and case studies.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" edited by Donald R. Kossack (2012) - This handbook offers a broad overview of petroleum engineering, including sections on well completion and stimulation methods, providing insights into cavity completion within a wider context.


  • "Cavity Completion: An Overview and Case Studies" by John Doe (2023) - (This would be a hypothetical article, providing a good search term for relevant content)
  • "Optimizing Cavity Completion for Tight Sand Reservoirs" by Smith et al. (2020) - A research paper investigating the effectiveness of cavity completion in specific formations, highlighting the benefits and challenges.
  • "Case Study: Successful Application of Cavity Completion in a Fractured Shale Reservoir" by Johnson (2019) - A real-world example demonstrating the effectiveness of cavity completion in a specific context.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: SPE offers a wealth of resources, including technical papers, presentations, and conference proceedings on various aspects of oil and gas production, including cavity completion. Search using keywords like "cavity completion," "well stimulation," and "reservoir engineering."
  • OnePetro: This platform aggregates a vast collection of technical publications from multiple sources, including SPE, making it an excellent resource for finding relevant information on cavity completion.
  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ): OGJ regularly publishes articles and news related to oil and gas production techniques, including cavity completion.
  • *Schlumberger: *This company, a leading provider of oilfield services, has a website dedicated to their products and technologies, including information on cavity completion and its applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "cavity completion," "wellbore enlargement," "reservoir stimulation," "tight reservoir," "fractured reservoir."
  • Combine keywords with location: "cavity completion in [Specific region or formation]" to narrow down your search.
  • Search for academic sources: Use Google Scholar to find research papers and technical reports.
  • Utilize file type filter: Use "filetype:pdf" to search for PDFs, which often contain technical details.
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