Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Incident Investigation & Reporting: Cathodic Corrosion

Cathodic Corrosion

Cathodic Corrosion: A Silent Threat in Oil & Gas Operations

In the harsh environments of oil and gas production, corrosion is a constant adversary. While most often associated with anodic dissolution, a less known but equally dangerous phenomenon called cathodic corrosion can wreak havoc on equipment, leading to costly repairs and potential safety hazards.

Understanding the Basics

Cathodic corrosion, often referred to as alkaline cracking or caustic cracking, occurs when an amphoteric metal, like stainless steel, aluminum, or titanium, is exposed to a highly alkaline fluid. These metals exhibit both acidic and basic properties, making them susceptible to corrosion in extreme pH conditions.

The Mechanism of Attack

The process involves a complex interplay of factors:

  • Hydroxide ions (OH-): In a basic environment, an excess of hydroxide ions accumulates on the metal surface.
  • Metal oxide formation: The hydroxide ions react with the metal, forming a protective oxide layer.
  • Stress: When the oxide layer is subjected to stress, either mechanical or thermal, it can become brittle and crack.
  • Localized attack: The cracks allow the alkaline fluid to penetrate the protective layer, leading to localized corrosion and potentially catastrophic failure.

Common Scenarios in Oil & Gas

Cathodic corrosion is a major concern in various oil and gas operations:

  • Caustic injection: The use of caustic chemicals like sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for pH control, water treatment, or corrosion inhibition can create highly alkaline environments.
  • Downhole environments: High-temperature and high-pressure conditions in oil and gas wells can lead to the formation of alkaline brines, promoting cathodic corrosion.
  • Refinery operations: Processes involving caustic scrubbing and hydrocracking can expose equipment to aggressive alkaline environments.

Consequences and Prevention

Cathodic corrosion can lead to:

  • Equipment failures: Cracks and localized thinning can cause leaks, ruptures, and catastrophic failures in pipelines, tanks, and other critical equipment.
  • Production downtime: Repairs and replacements due to corrosion can disrupt production operations, leading to significant financial losses.
  • Safety hazards: Leaks and releases of hazardous substances can pose serious risks to personnel and the environment.

Preventing Cathodic Corrosion

Several strategies can mitigate the risk of cathodic corrosion:

  • Material selection: Employing corrosion-resistant alloys like high-nickel stainless steels can offer better resistance to alkaline environments.
  • Chemical control: Carefully controlling the pH of the process fluids and minimizing the use of caustic chemicals can help prevent the formation of alkaline conditions.
  • Stress management: Minimizing stress concentrations on equipment through proper design and manufacturing techniques can enhance resistance to cracking.
  • Inhibitor injection: Utilizing corrosion inhibitors specifically designed to protect against alkaline attack can help form a protective layer on the metal surface.


While often overlooked, cathodic corrosion is a serious threat to the integrity and safety of oil and gas operations. By understanding the mechanisms and taking proactive steps to prevent it, operators can ensure the long-term reliability and safety of their equipment and facilities. This involves careful material selection, rigorous process control, and the implementation of appropriate corrosion mitigation strategies.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Cathodic Corrosion in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary cause of cathodic corrosion?

a) Exposure to acidic fluids. b) Exposure to highly alkaline fluids. c) Exposure to high temperatures. d) Exposure to high pressures.


b) Exposure to highly alkaline fluids.

2. Which of the following metals is susceptible to cathodic corrosion?

a) Carbon steel b) Copper c) Stainless steel d) Lead


c) Stainless steel

3. What is the key factor that contributes to the formation of cracks in the protective oxide layer during cathodic corrosion?

a) High temperature b) High pressure c) Stress d) Hydroxide ions


c) Stress

4. Which of the following is NOT a common scenario where cathodic corrosion occurs in oil & gas operations?

a) Caustic injection for pH control b) Downhole environments c) Refinery operations d) Cathodic protection systems


d) Cathodic protection systems

5. What is a common consequence of cathodic corrosion?

a) Increased production rates b) Improved material durability c) Equipment failures d) Reduced operating costs


c) Equipment failures

Exercise: Cathodic Corrosion Case Study

Scenario: An oil production facility is experiencing frequent failures in its high-pressure pipelines. The pipelines are made of stainless steel and are exposed to a high-temperature, highly alkaline brine produced from the well.

Task: Identify at least three potential causes of the pipeline failures related to cathodic corrosion, and suggest a practical solution for each cause.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Causes:**

  • **Stress Concentrations:** The high-pressure environment in the pipelines could create stress concentrations at points of curvature or welds, leading to cracks in the protective oxide layer.
  • **Improper Material Selection:** The specific grade of stainless steel used in the pipelines might not be sufficiently resistant to the high alkalinity of the brine.
  • **Lack of Corrosion Inhibitor:** The brine might not be effectively treated with a corrosion inhibitor specifically designed to protect against alkaline attack.

**Practical Solutions:**

  • **Stress Management:** Optimize pipeline design to minimize stress concentrations. Use proper welding techniques and inspect welds carefully.
  • **Material Upgrade:** Replace the current stainless steel with a high-nickel alloy known for superior resistance to alkaline environments.
  • **Inhibitor Injection:** Implement a system for injecting a corrosion inhibitor specifically formulated to combat alkaline attack into the brine stream.


  • Corrosion Engineering by Uhlig and Revie - A comprehensive text covering various corrosion mechanisms, including cathodic corrosion, with a focus on practical applications.
  • Materials Performance in the Oil and Gas Industry by Schweitzer - A valuable resource for understanding materials selection, corrosion prevention, and failure analysis in the oil and gas sector.
  • Corrosion Basics: An Introduction by ASM International - A beginner-friendly guide providing an overview of corrosion principles and types, including cathodic corrosion.


  • "Caustic Cracking in Oil and Gas Production" by NACE International - A technical paper discussing the causes, mechanisms, and mitigation strategies for caustic cracking in oil and gas operations.
  • "Cathodic Corrosion of Stainless Steels in Alkaline Environments" by Corrosion Science - A research article exploring the electrochemical behavior of stainless steels in highly alkaline solutions.
  • "The Role of Stress in Caustic Cracking of Stainless Steels" by Materials Chemistry and Physics - A study investigating the impact of stress on the susceptibility of stainless steels to caustic cracking.

Online Resources

  • NACE International (National Association of Corrosion Engineers): NACE is a leading organization in the corrosion field, offering resources, publications, and training materials on cathodic corrosion and other corrosion-related topics.
  • Corrosion Doctors: This website provides comprehensive information on corrosion science, including explanations of cathodic corrosion, its causes, and prevention methods.
  • ASM International: ASM is a materials science and engineering society that provides resources and publications on various aspects of corrosion, including cathodic corrosion in different industries.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use keywords like "cathodic corrosion," "caustic cracking," "alkaline corrosion," "oil and gas," "stainless steel," and "corrosion prevention" in your searches.
  • Specific material: If you are interested in a specific material, such as stainless steel, include the material name in your search, e.g., "cathodic corrosion stainless steel oil and gas."
  • Focus on industry: Include "oil and gas" in your searches to find relevant articles and resources specific to the industry.
  • Use quotation marks: For more precise searches, use quotation marks around specific phrases, e.g., "caustic cracking mechanism."
  • Filter by date: To find recent research or news articles, use Google's advanced search options to filter by date.
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