Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Human Resources Management: Capillary Pressure Curve

Capillary Pressure Curve

Unlocking the Secrets of Reservoir Rocks: The Capillary Pressure Curve

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the intricate relationships between fluids and rocks is paramount. The capillary pressure curve is a powerful tool that helps engineers and geologists decipher these interactions, specifically focusing on the pressure required to displace one fluid by another within the porous network of a reservoir rock.

What is Capillary Pressure?

Imagine a tiny pore in a rock, filled with water (the wetting fluid). Now, imagine trying to push oil (the non-wetting fluid) into that pore. Due to surface tension forces, the water clings to the pore walls, creating a pressure difference between the oil and water phases. This difference is called capillary pressure.

The Capillary Pressure Curve: A Graphical Representation

The capillary pressure curve graphically depicts the relationship between the capillary pressure and the saturation of the non-wetting phase (e.g., oil or gas). It's typically presented as a plot with capillary pressure on the y-axis and non-wetting phase saturation on the x-axis.

The curve reveals several critical insights:

  • Entry Pressure: The minimum capillary pressure required to displace the wetting phase and allow the non-wetting phase to enter a pore. This pressure depends on the pore size, surface tension, and the contact angle between the fluids and the rock.
  • Saturation Behavior: As capillary pressure increases, the non-wetting phase saturation also increases, illustrating how much of the pore space is occupied by the non-wetting fluid.
  • Hysteresis: The capillary pressure curve differs depending on whether the non-wetting phase is being injected or withdrawn. This phenomenon, known as hysteresis, highlights the complex, non-linear nature of fluid displacement in porous media.

Why is the Capillary Pressure Curve Important?

The capillary pressure curve plays a crucial role in various oil and gas applications:

  • Reservoir Characterization: It helps determine the pore size distribution, connectivity, and wettability of the reservoir rock, essential for accurate reservoir modeling.
  • Production Forecasting: Understanding the capillary pressure behavior enables engineers to predict how much oil or gas can be recovered from the reservoir based on different production strategies.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Capillary pressure curves are instrumental in evaluating the effectiveness of different EOR techniques, such as waterflooding or gas injection.
  • Fluid Flow Simulation: Capillary pressure data is incorporated into numerical simulations to model the complex fluid flow behavior in the reservoir, crucial for predicting production performance and optimizing well placement.

Measuring the Capillary Pressure Curve:

Several methods exist to determine the capillary pressure curve, including:

  • Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure (MICP): This technique involves injecting mercury into a rock sample, allowing for the measurement of the pressure required to displace air.
  • Centrifuge Method: A rock sample is spun in a centrifuge, generating a pressure gradient across the sample, which can be used to measure the capillary pressure.
  • Drainage and Imbibition Experiments: These experiments involve injecting or withdrawing fluids from the sample under controlled conditions, allowing for the measurement of the capillary pressure at different saturations.

In Conclusion:

The capillary pressure curve is a valuable tool for understanding the complex interactions between fluids and rocks in reservoir systems. By analyzing its features, engineers and geologists gain vital insights into reservoir characterization, production forecasting, and optimization of oil and gas recovery processes. As technology advances, the capillary pressure curve continues to be a cornerstone in the pursuit of unlocking the full potential of hydrocarbon resources.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by John M. Campbell: Provides a comprehensive overview of reservoir engineering concepts, including capillary pressure.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William J. D. van Poollen: A reference handbook with a chapter dedicated to capillary pressure and its applications.
  • "Reservoir Simulation" by K. Aziz and A. Settari: Covers the use of capillary pressure data in numerical reservoir simulation models.
  • "Petrophysics" by Donald R. Archie: Provides in-depth explanations of rock and fluid properties, including capillary pressure.


  • "Capillary Pressure Measurement and Applications" by R. J. Watson: A classic article discussing different measurement techniques and applications of capillary pressure curves.
  • "Capillary Pressure Hysteresis in Porous Media: A Review" by P. C. Carman: An article exploring the phenomenon of hysteresis in capillary pressure curves.
  • "Impact of Capillary Pressure on Oil Recovery" by M. J. Ramey Jr. and J. R. Wasson: Examines the influence of capillary pressure on oil production.
  • "Capillary Pressure Curves: A Review of Measurement Techniques and Applications" by J. F. Davidson and A. P. Roberts: A recent review article summarizing recent developments in capillary pressure measurement and applications.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: Offers numerous technical articles, papers, and presentations related to capillary pressure.
  • Schlumberger website: Provides educational resources and technical documentation on reservoir characterization and fluid flow modeling.
  • Halliburton website: Offers insights into their technologies and services related to reservoir simulation and production optimization.
  • Oilfield Wiki: A comprehensive online resource with articles on various petroleum engineering topics, including capillary pressure.

Search Tips

  • "Capillary pressure curve" + "reservoir engineering": Refine your search to include specific keywords related to the oil and gas industry.
  • "Capillary pressure curve" + "measurement techniques": Focus on articles discussing the different methods used to measure capillary pressure.
  • "Capillary pressure curve" + "applications": Find information about the various applications of capillary pressure data in reservoir analysis and production.
  • "Capillary pressure curve" + "hysteresis": Explore the topic of hysteresis in capillary pressure curves and its impact on fluid flow.
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