Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Capillary Action

Capillary Action

Capillary Action: The Silent Force Shaping Oil and Gas Reservoirs

Beneath the surface, within the intricate network of pores and fractures that make up oil and gas reservoirs, a complex force governs fluid movements. This force, known as capillary action, is a crucial factor in understanding the behavior of fluids within the reservoir, impacting the efficiency of oil and gas extraction.

A Tale of Adhesion and Tension:

Capillary action arises from the interplay of adhesion and surface tension forces. Adhesion, the attraction between fluid molecules and the solid surface of the pore walls, creates a pulling force on the fluid. Surface tension, the cohesive force that keeps liquid molecules together, acts to minimize the surface area of the fluid, creating a force that resists the pull of adhesion.

The Dance of the Fluid:

This delicate balance between adhesion and surface tension dictates the movement of fluid within a pore. If adhesion dominates, the fluid will "climb" the pore walls, resulting in a level higher than the surrounding fluid in larger pores. Conversely, if surface tension dominates, the fluid will be repelled from the pore walls, leading to a level lower than the surrounding fluid.

Water Blocks: A Capillary Action Dilemma:

One of the most important applications of capillary action in oil and gas exploration is understanding the phenomenon of water blocks. In reservoirs, water often occupies the smaller pores due to the stronger adhesive forces exerted by the pore walls. This "water block" can effectively prevent oil and gas from flowing through the reservoir, significantly impacting production rates.

Unlocking the Secrets:

Understanding capillary action is essential for optimizing oil and gas extraction. By analyzing the size and shape of pores, the properties of the fluids present, and the forces at play, engineers can predict the behavior of fluids within the reservoir. This information enables them to design effective strategies for:

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques: Understanding capillary action helps to develop techniques like water flooding, which can displace oil trapped within the reservoir.
  • Optimizing well design: Engineers can design wells to optimize the flow of fluids by understanding the capillary pressure within the reservoir.
  • Predicting reservoir behavior: By simulating capillary action, geologists and engineers can better predict how fluids will move and interact within the reservoir, improving resource assessment and production planning.

Capillary action, though often invisible, plays a crucial role in the complex world of oil and gas exploration and production. By understanding this silent force, we gain valuable insights into the behavior of fluids within the reservoir, leading to more efficient and sustainable energy extraction.

Test Your Knowledge

Capillary Action Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are the two main forces that contribute to capillary action? a) Gravity and Friction b) Adhesion and Surface Tension c) Pressure and Viscosity d) Buoyancy and Cohesion


b) Adhesion and Surface Tension

2. Which of the following scenarios describes a situation where adhesion dominates over surface tension? a) Water beading up on a waxed surface. b) Water rising in a narrow glass tube. c) Oil separating from water in a container. d) Mercury forming a convex meniscus in a tube.


b) Water rising in a narrow glass tube.

3. What is a "water block" in the context of oil and gas reservoirs? a) A physical barrier preventing oil and gas flow. b) Water trapped in smaller pores due to strong adhesive forces. c) A blockage caused by dissolved minerals in water. d) A region of the reservoir where water has completely replaced oil and gas.


b) Water trapped in smaller pores due to strong adhesive forces.

4. How can understanding capillary action help optimize oil and gas extraction? a) By identifying areas where water flooding will be ineffective. b) By predicting the movement of fluids within the reservoir. c) By determining the optimal size and placement of production wells. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which of the following is NOT a direct application of capillary action in oil and gas exploration and production? a) Designing wells to optimize fluid flow. b) Predicting the behavior of fluids within the reservoir. c) Determining the age of the reservoir. d) Developing techniques for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).


c) Determining the age of the reservoir.

Capillary Action Exercise


Imagine you are a geologist working on an oil and gas exploration project. You have identified a potential reservoir with a high proportion of small pores. The reservoir contains both water and oil. Based on your understanding of capillary action, explain:

  1. What is the likely distribution of oil and water within the reservoir?
  2. How might this distribution affect the extraction of oil?
  3. What strategies could be employed to overcome the challenges posed by this distribution?

Exercise Correction

1. **Distribution of Oil and Water:** Due to the presence of small pores, water is likely to occupy the smaller pores due to stronger adhesive forces. Oil, with its weaker adhesive forces, will occupy the larger pores. This leads to a segregated distribution, with water forming a "water block" around the oil. 2. **Impact on Extraction:** The water block can hinder the flow of oil through the reservoir, reducing production rates. The oil trapped in the larger pores might be difficult to extract due to the surrounding water barrier. 3. **Strategies to Overcome Challenges:** * **Water Flooding:** Injecting water into the reservoir can displace the trapped oil, forcing it towards production wells. * **Chemical Injection:** Surfactants or polymers can be injected to reduce surface tension and improve oil mobility. * **Horizontal Drilling:** Targeting the larger pores containing oil with horizontal wells can increase the efficiency of extraction. * **Improved Reservoir Modeling:** Using simulation software to accurately model the fluid flow within the reservoir and identify optimal locations for production wells.


  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John C. Craft and Michael F. Hawkins: This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of reservoir engineering principles, including capillary action and its implications for oil and gas production.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed: This comprehensive handbook covers a wide range of topics in petroleum engineering, including sections dedicated to capillary pressure, relative permeability, and the impact of capillary action on reservoir performance.
  • Reservoir Simulation by K. Aziz and A. Settari: This book delves into the numerical modeling of reservoir behavior, with dedicated chapters on capillary pressure, relative permeability, and the implementation of these concepts in reservoir simulation software.


  • "Capillary Pressure: A Review of Experimental and Theoretical Concepts" by S.M. Mousavi and M.M. Hatami: This article provides a detailed review of capillary pressure concepts, including its measurement methods, theoretical models, and applications in reservoir engineering.
  • "The Influence of Capillary Action on Oil Recovery: A Review" by J.T. Buckley and J.C. Leverett: This classic article discusses the impact of capillary forces on oil recovery mechanisms, including water flooding, gas injection, and other EOR methods.
  • "Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability Measurements: A Practical Guide" by J.P. Donaldson and R.A. Chilingarian: This article provides practical guidelines for measuring capillary pressure and relative permeability in reservoir rocks, essential for understanding the impact of capillary action.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE website offers a wide range of publications, technical papers, and research related to reservoir engineering and capillary action.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield service company, provides comprehensive resources on capillary pressure, relative permeability, and their applications in reservoir characterization and production optimization.
  • GeoScienceWorld: This online platform hosts a vast collection of articles and research papers on geology, geophysics, and reservoir engineering, including numerous publications on capillary action and its role in oil and gas reservoirs.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "capillary action," "capillary pressure," "relative permeability," "oil recovery," "reservoir engineering," and "EOR" to refine your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing phrases within quotation marks ensures that Google searches for exact matches, providing more relevant results.
  • Specify file types: Use "filetype:pdf" to restrict your search to PDF documents, often containing technical articles and research papers.
  • Combine keywords and file types: Use advanced search operators like "capillary pressure filetype:pdf" or "EOR AND capillary action filetype:pdf" to refine your search further.
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