Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Butt Cleat (coal)

Butt Cleat (coal)

Butt Cleat: A Key Feature in Coal Seam Characterization

In the oil and gas industry, understanding the geological features of a reservoir is crucial for successful extraction. One such feature, particularly prevalent in coal seam formations, is the butt cleat.

What is a Butt Cleat?

A butt cleat is a transverse fracture that forms perpendicular to the bedding planes of a coal seam. It essentially acts as a vertical crack or joint within the coal layer. These cleats are typically wider and more widely spaced than the face cleats, which run parallel to the bedding planes.

Formation and Significance:

Butt cleats form during the coalification process, where the original plant material undergoes compression and chemical changes to become coal. This process creates stress within the coal, leading to the development of these fractures.

The presence and characteristics of butt cleats have significant implications for oil and gas exploration and production:

  • Reservoir Permeability: Butt cleats act as conduits for fluid flow. Their presence and size directly influence the permeability of the coal seam, impacting the ease with which oil and gas can be extracted.
  • Fracturing and Stimulation: Butt cleats can act as natural fractures that enhance the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing techniques used to increase reservoir permeability and production.
  • Coal Seam Structure: The distribution and orientation of butt cleats provide valuable information about the structural integrity and deformation of the coal seam, aiding in understanding the overall geological structure.
  • Gas Storage: Butt cleats can act as conduits for gas migration and storage, influencing the accumulation and distribution of natural gas within the coal seam.

Identifying Butt Cleats:

Butt cleats can be identified through various methods:

  • Core Analysis: Examination of core samples obtained from drilling operations provides direct observation of butt cleat characteristics.
  • Seismic Data: Seismic surveys can provide indirect evidence of butt cleats through changes in seismic wave propagation.
  • Well Logs: Well logs, particularly those analyzing resistivity and acoustic properties, can help identify the presence and characteristics of butt cleats.


Understanding the characteristics of butt cleats is essential for optimizing oil and gas production from coal seam reservoirs. Their role in influencing permeability, fracturing potential, and gas migration makes them a crucial element in geological analyses for exploration and development. By effectively characterizing these transverse fractures, engineers and geologists can make informed decisions regarding well placement, stimulation techniques, and overall reservoir management.

Test Your Knowledge

Butt Cleat Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a butt cleat? a) A type of mineral found in coal seams b) A horizontal fracture in a coal seam c) A vertical fracture perpendicular to bedding planes in a coal seam d) A layer of sediment above a coal seam


c) A vertical fracture perpendicular to bedding planes in a coal seam

2. How do butt cleats form? a) Erosion by water b) Volcanic activity c) The coalification process d) Earthquakes


c) The coalification process

3. What is the significance of butt cleats in terms of reservoir permeability? a) They decrease permeability, making it harder to extract oil and gas. b) They have no impact on permeability. c) They increase permeability, facilitating fluid flow. d) They are only important for gas storage.


c) They increase permeability, facilitating fluid flow.

4. Which of the following methods can be used to identify butt cleats? a) Satellite imagery b) Soil analysis c) Core analysis d) Weather forecasting


c) Core analysis

5. How do butt cleats impact the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing? a) They make hydraulic fracturing ineffective. b) They have no impact on hydraulic fracturing. c) They enhance the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing. d) They increase the risk of methane leaks.


c) They enhance the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing.

Butt Cleat Exercise:

Scenario: You are a geologist studying a new coal seam for potential oil and gas exploration. You have access to core samples, seismic data, and well logs.

1. Describe how you would use the available data to identify and characterize butt cleats in the coal seam. 2. Explain how the characteristics of the butt cleats (size, spacing, orientation) would influence your decision regarding the potential for oil and gas extraction in this particular coal seam.

Exercice Correction

1. **Identifying and Characterizing Butt Cleats:** - **Core Analysis:** Examine the core samples for the presence of vertical fractures perpendicular to the bedding planes. Measure the width, spacing, and orientation of the butt cleats. - **Seismic Data:** Analyze seismic data for changes in wave propagation patterns that may indicate the presence of fractures. Look for anomalies that align with the predicted orientation of butt cleats. - **Well Logs:** Analyze well logs, particularly resistivity and acoustic logs, for variations that may correspond to the presence of butt cleats. 2. **Impact on Oil & Gas Extraction:** - **Size & Spacing:** Larger and more widely spaced butt cleats indicate higher permeability, making the extraction of oil and gas easier. - **Orientation:** The orientation of butt cleats can impact the direction of fluid flow and the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing. For example, if butt cleats are aligned vertically, they could facilitate vertical fluid flow and make horizontal drilling less effective. - **Overall:** If the analysis suggests a significant presence of well-developed butt cleats, it would indicate a promising coal seam for oil and gas extraction. However, if the butt cleats are small, tightly spaced, or poorly aligned, it might suggest a less permeable reservoir that would require more complex extraction methods.


  • Coal Geology by D.H.B. Teagle (2002): Provides a comprehensive overview of coal geology, including detailed sections on coal structure and cleat development.
  • Petroleum Geology by Arthur E.S. Hunt (2003): Covers the role of geological features in oil and gas exploration, including sections on reservoir characterization and fracture networks.
  • Reservoir Characterization by John R. Fanchi (2006): Focuses on the various techniques and tools used for reservoir characterization, including discussions on fracture identification and permeability analysis.


  • Cleat System Development in Coal Seams: A Review by J.G. Hower, et al. (2004) [Journal of Coal Geology]: A detailed review of cleat development mechanisms and their relationship to coal rank and geological setting.
  • The Role of Cleats in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs by R.D. Gillispie, et al. (2010) [International Journal of Coal Geology]: Focuses on the importance of cleats in the development of coalbed methane reservoirs, including their impact on permeability and gas storage.
  • Coal Seam Gas Exploration and Development: A Review by Y.L. Li, et al. (2015) [Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews]: Provides a comprehensive overview of coal seam gas resources, highlighting the significance of cleat systems in gas production.

Online Resources

  • Geological Survey of Canada: This website offers a wealth of information on Canadian coal resources, including research on cleat development and characterization.
  • American Coal Geology Society: This professional society hosts resources on coal geology research, including publications and presentations on coal seam structure.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers: This organization provides access to research on unconventional reservoirs, including studies on coal bed methane and the role of cleats in production.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "butt cleat" with terms like "coal seam", "reservoir characterization", "permeability", and "coal bed methane" for targeted results.
  • Include location: If you are interested in specific regions, add terms like "Appalachian coal" or "Western Canada coal" for location-specific research.
  • Combine with analysis methods: Add terms like "seismic analysis", "core analysis", or "well logs" to find articles related to specific techniques for characterizing cleats.
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