Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Bound Fluid Log

Bound Fluid Log

Bound Fluid Log: Unlocking the Secrets of Reservoir Fluids with NMR

In the realm of oil and gas exploration and production, understanding the characteristics of reservoir fluids is paramount for efficient and profitable operations. One powerful tool employed to gain this insight is the Bound Fluid Log, a specialized NMR log that measures the volume of bound fluids within the reservoir rock.

What are Bound Fluids?

Bound fluids refer to water molecules that are tightly held within the pore structure of the rock due to strong capillary forces. These fluids are essentially immobile and cannot contribute to the flow of oil or gas. Understanding the volume of bound fluids is crucial for various reasons:

  • Reservoir Characterization: Bound fluid volume provides insights into the pore size distribution and the overall characteristics of the reservoir rock.
  • Water Saturation Estimation: By subtracting the bound fluid volume from the total water volume, we can estimate the amount of free water available for production.
  • Oil and Gas Recovery Optimization: Understanding the distribution of bound and free fluids helps optimize production strategies and predict the potential for enhanced oil recovery techniques.

How does a Bound Fluid Log Work?

The Bound Fluid Log utilizes Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology to measure the volume of bound fluids. NMR works by applying a strong magnetic field to the rock sample, causing the nuclei of certain atoms (like hydrogen in water) to align themselves with the field. When a radio frequency pulse is applied, these aligned nuclei absorb energy and then release it as they return to their original state. The time it takes for this energy release, known as the relaxation time, is directly related to the mobility of the fluid.

Bound fluids, due to their tight association with the rock matrix, exhibit much longer relaxation times compared to free fluids. By analyzing the relaxation time spectrum, the Bound Fluid Log can differentiate between bound and free fluids, providing a detailed picture of the fluid distribution within the reservoir.

Benefits of Using a Bound Fluid Log:

  • Quantitative Measurement: Provides a direct and quantitative measure of bound fluid volume, eliminating the need for estimations based on indirect methods.
  • Detailed Fluid Characterization: Offers a comprehensive view of fluid distribution, including free and bound fluids, allowing for accurate reservoir characterization.
  • Enhanced Reservoir Management: Enables optimized production strategies, improves water saturation estimation, and facilitates the application of enhanced oil recovery techniques.


The Bound Fluid Log is a valuable tool for oil and gas professionals, providing critical information about the distribution of fluids within a reservoir. This technology empowers better reservoir characterization, leading to enhanced production efficiency and ultimately maximizing the economic potential of oil and gas fields.

Test Your Knowledge

Bound Fluid Log Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are bound fluids in the context of reservoir rocks?

(a) Fluids that are easily extracted from the reservoir. (b) Fluids that are trapped in the pore space and cannot flow freely. (c) Fluids that are only found in the upper layers of a reservoir. (d) Fluids that have a high viscosity and cannot be pumped.


**(b) Fluids that are trapped in the pore space and cannot flow freely.**

2. What is the primary technology used by a Bound Fluid Log?

(a) Acoustic logging (b) Electrical logging (c) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (d) Seismic imaging


**(c) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)**

3. What is the main difference between the relaxation times of bound and free fluids?

(a) Bound fluids have shorter relaxation times. (b) Bound fluids have longer relaxation times. (c) There is no difference in relaxation times between bound and free fluids. (d) Relaxation times are not relevant in differentiating bound and free fluids.


**(b) Bound fluids have longer relaxation times.**

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a Bound Fluid Log?

(a) Quantitative measurement of bound fluid volume. (b) Improved understanding of the reservoir rock's pore size distribution. (c) Direct measurement of oil and gas production rates. (d) Enhanced reservoir management for optimized production strategies.


**(c) Direct measurement of oil and gas production rates.**

5. Why is understanding the volume of bound fluids important for reservoir characterization?

(a) It helps determine the total amount of oil and gas in the reservoir. (b) It provides information about the amount of free water available for production. (c) It helps identify the presence of harmful contaminants in the reservoir. (d) It determines the best drilling technique for accessing the reservoir.


**(b) It provides information about the amount of free water available for production.**

Bound Fluid Log Exercise:

Scenario: A Bound Fluid Log was run on a reservoir formation and revealed the following data:

  • Total water saturation: 40%
  • Bound fluid volume: 15%

Task: Calculate the free water saturation of the reservoir.

Exercice Correction

**Free water saturation = Total water saturation - Bound fluid volume**

**Free water saturation = 40% - 15% = 25%**


  • "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Well Logging" by M.A. Kenyon: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of NMR logging, including detailed discussions on bound fluid analysis and interpretation of NMR data for reservoir characterization.
  • "Reservoir Characterization" by R.E. Sheriff: This book provides an overview of various techniques used for reservoir characterization, including a dedicated section on NMR logging and its applications in understanding fluid distribution.
  • "Petrophysics" by B.R. Katz: This textbook offers a thorough treatment of petrophysical principles and their applications in reservoir engineering. It covers NMR logging in detail, emphasizing the analysis of bound fluids and their relevance to production.


  • "Bound Fluid Analysis in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging: An Overview" by M.A. Kenyon: This review article summarizes the fundamentals and applications of bound fluid analysis using NMR logging, including its benefits and limitations.
  • "NMR Logging: A Powerful Tool for Reservoir Characterization and Production Optimization" by P.J. Coates: This article highlights the importance of NMR logging in reservoir management, emphasizing its role in identifying bound fluids and optimizing production strategies.
  • "Understanding the Impact of Bound Fluids on Reservoir Performance: An NMR Perspective" by D.A. Hilt: This paper focuses on the implications of bound fluids on reservoir performance, using NMR data to quantify their impact on production and water saturation.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger: The Schlumberger website offers comprehensive resources on NMR logging, including detailed technical information on bound fluid analysis, case studies, and software solutions for data interpretation.
  • Halliburton: Halliburton provides similar resources on their website, showcasing their expertise in NMR logging and its applications in various reservoir scenarios.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website hosts a vast library of research papers, technical presentations, and online courses related to reservoir characterization, including numerous publications focused on NMR logging and bound fluid analysis.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Bound Fluid Log," "NMR Logging," "Reservoir Characterization," "Petrophysics," "Fluid Saturation," "NMR Relaxation Times."
  • Combine keywords with terms like "applications," "techniques," "case studies," and "interpretation."
  • Filter your search results by publication date, source type (e.g., scholarly articles, websites), and specific websites (e.g., Schlumberger, Halliburton, SPE).
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