Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Bottom Hole Temperature

Bottom Hole Temperature

Understanding Bottom Hole Temperature in Oil & Gas

In the oil and gas industry, Bottom Hole Temperature (BHT) is a crucial parameter that provides valuable information about the subsurface environment. It refers to the temperature measured at the bottom of a well, and its value can be used to:

  • Estimate reservoir temperature: BHT is essential for determining the temperature of the reservoir, which impacts fluid properties like viscosity and density.
  • Assess formation pressure: BHT is crucial for calculating formation pressure, a key factor in well productivity.
  • Analyze wellbore stability: Understanding BHT allows engineers to predict potential issues like wellbore instability caused by temperature-induced stresses.
  • Optimize production: BHT helps determine the optimal conditions for production, including the use of appropriate drilling fluids and completion methods.

BHT can be measured in different conditions:

1. Static Bottom Hole Temperature (SBHT):

  • Non-circulating, non-flowing, and stable: SBHT is measured when the well is not being circulated or produced, allowing the formation to reach a stable temperature equilibrium.
  • Most accurate representation of the reservoir temperature: SBHT is considered the most accurate measure of the reservoir temperature as it is not influenced by the drilling or production process.
  • Measurement method: SBHT is typically measured using a temperature sensor placed at the bottom of the well and allowed to equilibrate with the formation.

2. Flowing Bottom Hole Temperature (FBHT):

  • Measured during production: FBHT is measured when the well is producing hydrocarbons, and the temperature can be influenced by the flow of fluids.
  • Can be used to estimate flow rates: FBHT can be used to estimate flow rates and other production parameters.
  • Measurement method: FBHT is typically measured using a temperature sensor placed in the production tubing string.

3. Circulating Bottom Hole Temperature (CBHT):

  • Measured during drilling or workover: CBHT is measured while drilling or performing workover operations, with drilling mud circulating through the well.
  • Influenced by drilling fluid temperature: CBHT is influenced by the temperature of the drilling fluid, which can be different from the reservoir temperature.
  • Measurement method: CBHT is typically measured using a temperature sensor placed in the drill string or workover string.

Understanding the different types of BHT measurements is crucial for interpreting subsurface data and making informed decisions about well development and production optimization.

In addition to the above, several factors can influence BHT:

  • Formation temperature gradient: The temperature of the formation increases with depth, creating a temperature gradient.
  • Depth of the well: BHT increases with the depth of the well.
  • Production rate: Flowing BHT can be affected by the production rate.
  • Drilling mud temperature: CBHT can be influenced by the temperature of the drilling fluid.

Accurate BHT measurements are essential for safe and efficient oil and gas operations. By understanding the different types of BHT measurements and their influences, engineers and geologists can make informed decisions about well design, production optimization, and reservoir management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Bottom Hole Temperature (BHT)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the definition of Bottom Hole Temperature (BHT)? a) The temperature at the surface of the well.


Incorrect. BHT is measured at the bottom of the well.

b) The temperature at the bottom of the well.

Correct! BHT is the temperature measured at the bottom of the well.

c) The temperature of the drilling mud.

Incorrect. While drilling mud temperature can influence BHT, it's not the same as BHT.

d) The temperature of the reservoir.

Incorrect. BHT is a measurement, while reservoir temperature is a property of the formation.

2. Which type of BHT measurement is considered the most accurate representation of reservoir temperature? a) Circulating Bottom Hole Temperature (CBHT)


Incorrect. CBHT is influenced by the drilling fluid temperature.

b) Flowing Bottom Hole Temperature (FBHT)

Incorrect. FBHT is affected by the flow of fluids, making it less accurate.

c) Static Bottom Hole Temperature (SBHT)

Correct! SBHT is measured in a stable, non-flowing environment, providing the most accurate representation of reservoir temperature.

d) All of the above are equally accurate.

Incorrect. Each type of BHT measurement has different levels of accuracy.

3. Which of these factors can influence Bottom Hole Temperature? a) Formation temperature gradient


Correct. Temperature increases with depth, creating a gradient.

b) Depth of the well

Correct. Deeper wells have higher BHTs.

c) Production rate

Correct. Flowing BHT is influenced by the production rate.

d) All of the above

Correct! All of these factors can impact BHT.

4. What is the primary purpose of measuring Flowing Bottom Hole Temperature (FBHT)? a) To determine the reservoir temperature.


Incorrect. FBHT is not the most accurate representation of reservoir temperature.

b) To assess formation pressure.

Incorrect. While BHT is used in pressure calculations, FBHT is not the most reliable measure for this.

c) To estimate flow rates and production parameters.

Correct! FBHT provides information related to production.

d) To predict wellbore stability.

Incorrect. Wellbore stability is better assessed using other data.

5. Why are accurate Bottom Hole Temperature measurements important in the oil and gas industry? a) To calculate the amount of oil and gas in a reservoir.


Incorrect. BHT is not directly used for calculating reservoir volume.

b) To ensure safe and efficient operations.

Correct! Accurate BHT measurements support safe drilling and production processes.

c) To determine the market price of oil and gas.

Incorrect. Market prices are influenced by various factors, not just BHT.

d) To identify new oil and gas deposits.

Incorrect. BHT is used after a well is drilled, not for exploration.

Exercise: BHT Analysis

Scenario: You are a geologist analyzing data from a newly drilled well. The well is 2,500 meters deep, and the Static Bottom Hole Temperature (SBHT) is measured to be 120°C.


  1. Based on the information provided, calculate the average temperature gradient of the formation.
  2. If the well starts producing oil at a rate of 1,000 barrels per day, would you expect the Flowing Bottom Hole Temperature (FBHT) to be higher or lower than the SBHT? Explain your reasoning.


Exercise Correction

  1. Average Temperature Gradient Calculation:

Temperature gradient is the rate of temperature change with depth. It can be calculated using the formula:

Temperature Gradient = (SBHT - Surface Temperature) / Depth

Assuming a surface temperature of 20°C, the temperature gradient is:

Temperature Gradient = (120°C - 20°C) / 2500 meters = 0.04°C/meter

Therefore, the average temperature gradient of the formation is 0.04°C per meter.

  1. Flowing Bottom Hole Temperature (FBHT) Comparison:

You would expect the FBHT to be lower than the SBHT.

  • Reasoning: When oil is produced, it flows up the wellbore. This flow causes a cooling effect due to pressure reduction and expansion of the fluid. Consequently, the FBHT will be lower than the SBHT, which represents the static temperature of the formation.


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of petroleum engineering, including wellbore heat transfer and BHT.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by John Lee: This book delves into the principles of reservoir engineering, including reservoir temperature and its impact on fluid behavior.
  • "Well Testing" by R.G. Matthews: This classic textbook discusses various well testing methods, including those used to measure BHT and analyze reservoir conditions.


  • "Understanding the Importance of Bottom Hole Temperature in Oil & Gas Production" by EnergyX: An informative article that provides a good overview of BHT and its significance. (
  • "Bottom Hole Temperature Measurement and Analysis" by SPE: A technical paper discussing different BHT measurement techniques and their applications. (
  • "The Effect of Flowing Bottom Hole Temperature on Production" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: A study examining the relationship between FBHT and production rates. (

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): A valuable source for technical information on oil and gas engineering, including resources on BHT and wellbore heat transfer. (
  • OnePetro: An online repository of technical papers and publications related to oil and gas, including information on BHT and reservoir engineering. (
  • Schlumberger: A leading oilfield services company offering technical resources and training materials on BHT and other subsurface analysis techniques. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "bottom hole temperature", "BHT measurement", "static BHT", "flowing BHT", "BHT analysis", "wellbore heat transfer", "reservoir temperature", etc.
  • Combine keywords with specific topics, like "BHT in unconventional reservoirs" or "BHT for geothermal energy."
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, e.g., "bottom hole temperature measurement techniques."
  • Use the "filetype:pdf" filter to find specific research papers or technical documents.
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