Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Block Fault

Block Fault

Block Faults: The Foundation of Oil and Gas Exploration

Understanding the Terrain: Block Faults in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the underlying geology is crucial. One key concept is the block fault, a fundamental feature that can significantly impact reservoir formation and hydrocarbon accumulation.

What are Block Faults?

Block faults are geological structures formed when tectonic forces cause the Earth's crust to fracture and shift. These fractures, known as normal faults, create blocks of rock that are displaced relative to one another. Imagine a stack of books with a gap between them, representing the fault plane. The book above the gap is shifted upwards, creating a "hanging wall" block, while the book below remains stationary, forming the "footwall" block.

Impact on Oil and Gas Exploration

Block faults play a crucial role in oil and gas exploration for several reasons:

  • Reservoir Formation: The displacement of rock blocks due to block faults can create traps for oil and gas. These traps form when a permeable reservoir rock (like sandstone) is sealed by an impermeable caprock (like shale). Block faults can act as both reservoir and caprock, leading to the formation of various trap types, including fault-trap, rollover anticline, and hanging wall accumulation.
  • Hydrocarbon Migration: Block faults can act as conduits for hydrocarbon migration. Faults can act as pathways for oil and gas to move from source rocks to reservoir rocks, often along the fault plane or through fractures created by fault movement.
  • Seal Integrity: The displacement of rock blocks can affect the seal integrity of the reservoir. If the fault plane is poorly sealed, it can allow hydrocarbons to escape, making the reservoir less productive.
  • Structural Analysis: Block faults are a key indicator of the geological history of a region. By studying the patterns of block faulting, geologists can gain valuable insights into the tectonic forces that shaped the area and potentially identify areas with favorable reservoir conditions.


Imagine a block fault system in a sedimentary basin. The hanging wall block, uplifted by the fault, could contain a porous sandstone reservoir. The footwall block, downthrown by the fault, could contain a shale layer acting as a seal. This scenario creates a classic fault-trap, where hydrocarbons can accumulate in the sandstone reservoir beneath the shale seal.


Block faults are fundamental elements in the formation and exploration of oil and gas reservoirs. Understanding their structure and impact on reservoir formation, hydrocarbon migration, and seal integrity is crucial for successful exploration and development. By carefully analyzing block fault systems, geologists can identify areas with high potential for oil and gas accumulation, leading to the discovery and exploitation of valuable hydrocarbon resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Block Faults in Oil & Gas Exploration

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are block faults formed by? a) Volcanic eruptions b) Erosion c) Tectonic forces d) Weathering


c) Tectonic forces

2. Which type of fault is responsible for the creation of block faults? a) Reverse fault b) Strike-slip fault c) Normal fault d) Transform fault


c) Normal fault

3. What is the term for the block of rock that moves upward in a block fault? a) Footwall b) Hanging wall c) Fault plane d) Displacement


b) Hanging wall

4. How can block faults contribute to the formation of oil and gas reservoirs? a) By creating traps for hydrocarbons b) By acting as conduits for hydrocarbon migration c) By providing a seal for the reservoir d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. Why is understanding block faults important for oil and gas exploration? a) They can indicate areas with high potential for hydrocarbon accumulation b) They can help geologists determine the geological history of a region c) They can help predict the flow of hydrocarbons within a reservoir d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Exercise: Fault Trap Formation


Imagine a geological cross-section of a sedimentary basin. There is a layer of porous sandstone (reservoir rock) overlying a layer of shale (impermeable caprock). A block fault cuts through both layers, with the hanging wall moving upwards and the footwall moving downwards.


  1. Draw a simple diagram of this scenario, showing the fault, the sandstone reservoir, and the shale caprock.
  2. Label the hanging wall and footwall blocks.
  3. Explain how this block fault system creates a potential fault-trap for oil and gas accumulation.

Exercice Correction


____________ / \ / Sandstone \ / (Reservoir) \ /_____________________ \ | | | Shale | | (Caprock) | |_____________________| / \ / \ Fault /_____ \ Footwall Hanging Wall


This block fault system creates a fault-trap because:

  • The hanging wall block, which is uplifted due to the fault, provides a structural high.
  • The shale layer beneath the sandstone, which is continuous across the fault, acts as an impermeable seal.
  • Hydrocarbons migrating upwards from a source rock below the shale layer will be trapped in the sandstone reservoir beneath the shale seal, creating a potential oil or gas accumulation.


  • Petroleum Geology: by John M. Hunt (This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of petroleum geology, including fault systems.)
  • Structural Geology: by Philip F. Williams, and Stephen P. Tullos (This book delves into the fundamentals of structural geology, with sections dedicated to fault analysis and interpretation.)
  • The Geology of Petroleum: by Arthur E. Longman (This book focuses on the geological aspects of oil and gas exploration, including the role of faults in reservoir formation.)
  • Reservoir Characterization: by Lars Nordeng (This book provides a detailed examination of reservoir properties and how faults affect reservoir characteristics.)


  • Fault Seal Analysis: A Review: by Robert C. Selley (This article reviews various approaches to evaluating fault seal capacity, critical for understanding hydrocarbon trapping.)
  • The Role of Faults in Hydrocarbon Accumulation: by Jean-Claude Roure (This article focuses on the influence of faults on hydrocarbon migration and entrapment.)
  • Block Faults and Their Impact on Reservoir Formation and Development: by John Wood (This article specifically examines the role of block faults in reservoir architecture and production.)

Online Resources

  • Search for "block fault" on the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: This website provides access to technical papers and articles on various topics related to oil and gas exploration, including fault analysis.
  • Search for "block fault" on the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) website: Similar to the SPE website, AAPG offers a wealth of technical information on oil and gas exploration, including fault-related research.
  • "Fault Seal Analysis" Wikipedia Page: This page provides an overview of fault seal analysis techniques used to assess the sealing capacity of faults.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "block fault", "fault seal", "fault trap", "reservoir formation", "hydrocarbon migration".
  • Include location-specific terms: "block fault North Sea", "fault trap Gulf of Mexico", "reservoir formation Middle East".
  • Combine keywords with "oil and gas exploration" or "petroleum geology" for more targeted results.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: "" for academic resources, "filetype:pdf" for downloadable articles.
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