Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: BHS


BHS: A Window into the Earth's Secrets

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the composition of the earth's subsurface is crucial. One powerful tool in this quest is the Bottom Hole Sample (BHS), often referred to simply as BHS. This article will delve into the world of BHS, exploring its significance, its applications, and the vital role it plays in unlocking the secrets of the earth's geological formations.

What is a BHS?

A Bottom Hole Sample (BHS) is a physical sample of rock or sediment extracted from the very bottom of a wellbore. This sample is meticulously collected during the drilling process, providing invaluable insights into the formation that lies beneath the earth's surface.

Why are BHS Important?

BHS serve as a vital tool for understanding the characteristics of the formation encountered during drilling. They provide crucial information about:

  • Lithology: The type of rock or sediment encountered. This information is critical for determining the potential presence of oil or gas reserves.
  • Porosity and Permeability: These characteristics determine how easily fluids (oil, gas, or water) can flow through the formation.
  • Fluid Content: Analyzing the BHS can reveal the presence of oil, gas, or water within the formation, helping to pinpoint potential hydrocarbon reservoirs.
  • Formation Pressure: BHS can provide data on the pressure of the formation, which is important for wellbore stability and production planning.

How are BHS Collected?

BHS are typically collected using specialized tools called coring barrels. These barrels are lowered down the wellbore and pushed into the formation, extracting a cylindrical core of rock. The core is then carefully brought to the surface and analyzed by geologists and engineers.

Applications of BHS

BHS have numerous applications in the oil and gas industry, including:

  • Reservoir Characterization: BHS help to build detailed models of the reservoir, providing valuable information about its size, shape, and fluid content.
  • Well Completion Design: BHS data helps engineers design optimal well completions, ensuring efficient production from the reservoir.
  • Production Optimization: Understanding the formation characteristics from BHS allows for better production strategies, maximizing oil and gas recovery.
  • Environmental Monitoring: BHS can provide insights into the potential impact of drilling activities on the environment.


Bottom Hole Samples (BHS) are invaluable tools in the oil and gas industry. They provide a direct look into the earth's subsurface, offering crucial information about the geological formations encountered during drilling. This data is essential for understanding reservoir characteristics, optimizing well design, and maximizing oil and gas production. BHS continue to play a critical role in unlocking the earth's secrets, fueling our energy needs and advancing our understanding of the planet we inhabit.

Test Your Knowledge

BHS Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does BHS stand for?

a) Bottom Hole Sampling b) Bottom Hole System c) Bottom Hole Sediment d) Bottom Hole Structure


a) Bottom Hole Sampling

2. What is the primary purpose of collecting BHS?

a) To identify the presence of water in the formation. b) To determine the age of the rock formation. c) To understand the characteristics of the formation encountered during drilling. d) To monitor the pressure inside the wellbore.


c) To understand the characteristics of the formation encountered during drilling.

3. Which of these is NOT a characteristic determined by analyzing BHS?

a) Lithology b) Porosity and Permeability c) Seismic Activity d) Fluid Content


c) Seismic Activity

4. What tool is typically used to collect BHS?

a) Drill bit b) Coring barrel c) Seismic sensor d) Pressure gauge


b) Coring barrel

5. Which of the following is NOT an application of BHS?

a) Reservoir characterization b) Well completion design c) Determining the financial value of the well d) Production optimization


c) Determining the financial value of the well

BHS Exercise:


You are a geologist working on an oil exploration project. You have just received BHS from a new well. The analysis shows the following:

  • Lithology: Sandstone
  • Porosity: 20%
  • Permeability: 50 millidarcies
  • Fluid Content: Oil


  1. Based on the BHS analysis, describe the potential for oil production from this formation.
  2. What additional information might you need to make a more informed decision about the potential of this well?

Exercise Correction

1. The BHS analysis indicates a positive potential for oil production from this formation. Sandstone is a common reservoir rock, and the porosity and permeability values are within a range that suggests the formation is capable of storing and producing oil. 2. To make a more informed decision about the potential of this well, additional information is needed, such as: * **Reservoir Size:** The volume of the oil-bearing sandstone formation. * **Oil Saturation:** The percentage of the pore space filled with oil. * **Formation Pressure:** The pressure within the formation, which influences the flow of oil. * **Oil Quality:** The type and quality of the oil extracted. * **Well Location and Depth:** The position of the well within the formation and its depth.


  • Petroleum Geology: This broad category covers the fundamentals of petroleum exploration, including rock analysis and well sampling. Many textbooks on this topic will have sections on BHS or core analysis. Look for titles by authors like:
    • Selley, R.C.: Elements of Petroleum Geology
    • Levorsen, A.I.: Geology of Petroleum
    • Tissot, B.P., & Welte, D.H.: Petroleum Formation and Occurrence
  • Well Logging and Formation Evaluation: These books focus on the various technologies used to interpret subsurface data, including BHS analysis.
    • Serra, O.: Well Logging Interpretation: Chartbook
    • Ellis, D.V., & Singer, J.M.: Well Logging for Earth Scientists
  • Reservoir Engineering: This discipline addresses production techniques and reservoir simulation, relying heavily on data gathered from BHS and core analysis.
    • Craft, B.C., & Hawkins, M.F.: Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
    • Dake, L.P.: Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering


  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Journal: Look for articles published in this journal under keywords like "Bottom Hole Sample," "Core Analysis," "Reservoir Characterization."
  • Journal of Petroleum Technology: Another reputable source for articles related to BHS and related techniques.
  • Google Scholar: Use specific keywords like "BHS analysis," "core analysis workflow," and "formation evaluation" to find relevant articles.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Their website has numerous resources, including technical papers, publications, and online courses related to petroleum engineering.
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): Similar to SPE, AAPG offers resources and information on various aspects of petroleum geology, including well sampling and analysis.
  • Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication often features articles and news related to BHS and core analysis.
  • Schlumberger: This major oilfield service company offers a wealth of information on well logging, formation evaluation, and related technologies.
  • Halliburton: Another leading service provider with extensive resources on well drilling, completion, and subsurface data interpretation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Bottom Hole Sample," "BHS," "Core Analysis," "Reservoir Characterization," "Formation Evaluation," "Well Logging."
  • Combine keywords: "BHS analysis workflow," "core analysis techniques," "BHS data interpretation."
  • Use quotation marks: "Bottom Hole Sample" will only show results containing the exact phrase.
  • Include relevant terms: "oil and gas," "petroleum exploration," "drilling," "reservoir engineering."
  • Filter results by date: Restrict your search to recent publications or research.
  • Use Google Scholar: Focus on academic publications and research papers.
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