Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Behind Pipe Reserves

Behind Pipe Reserves

Behind-Pipe Reserves: Unearthing Hidden Potential in Existing Wells

In the world of oil and gas exploration, finding new reserves can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor. But what if the answer lies within already drilled wells? This is where behind-pipe reserves come into play.

Behind-pipe reserves represent the potential for additional oil and gas recovery from zones within existing wells that have not yet been fully exploited. These zones may have been bypassed during the initial completion process, left untouched due to limited technology at the time, or simply not identified during the initial exploration.

Key Characteristics:

  • Existing Infrastructure: The biggest advantage of behind-pipe reserves is the pre-existing infrastructure. This includes the wellbore, surface facilities, and potentially existing pipelines, significantly reducing the capital investment needed for production.
  • Potential for Increased Production: By accessing previously untapped zones, companies can potentially increase production from existing wells, extending their lifespan and generating additional revenue.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Compared to new drilling, exploiting behind-pipe reserves can have a lower environmental footprint, as it avoids the need for new well construction and land disturbance.

Unleashing the Potential:

To unlock the potential of behind-pipe reserves, specific actions are required:

  • Re-evaluation and Re-completion: Detailed geological and engineering studies are needed to identify the potential zones within existing wells and determine the best re-completion strategy. This may involve re-fracturing existing zones, targeting new zones with advanced technologies, or utilizing horizontal drilling techniques to access difficult-to-reach areas.
  • Technological Advancements: Recent technological advancements, including advanced imaging techniques, horizontal drilling, and improved completion tools, have made accessing behind-pipe reserves more feasible and economically viable.
  • Cost-Effective Approach: The potential for increased production, coupled with the pre-existing infrastructure, makes targeting behind-pipe reserves a cost-effective strategy compared to drilling new wells.


While promising, tapping into behind-pipe reserves comes with challenges:

  • Uncertainty: Identifying and characterizing behind-pipe reserves can be challenging, requiring significant investment in advanced geological and engineering studies.
  • Technical Complexity: Re-completing existing wells to access behind-pipe reserves can be technically complex and require specialized expertise.
  • Cost Considerations: Although cost-effective compared to new wells, re-completion projects still require significant investments and careful planning.


Behind-pipe reserves offer a promising opportunity to increase production from existing wells, extending their lifespan and providing a more sustainable approach to oil and gas exploration. By embracing advancements in technology and adopting strategic approaches, companies can unlock the hidden potential of these reserves, contributing to a more efficient and responsible energy sector.

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