Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: wireline logging

wireline logging

Unveiling the Secrets Beneath: Wireline Logging in Drilling & Well Completion

Imagine peering into the depths of the earth, revealing the composition and properties of the rock formations that hold valuable oil and gas reserves. This is the power of wireline logging, a vital technique in the drilling and well completion stages of hydrocarbon extraction.

Wireline logging is a non-destructive method used to measure and record various physical characteristics of a wellbore. This process involves lowering a sophisticated instrument, known as a logging sonde, down the wellbore on a steel cable called a wireline. The sonde houses sensors that gather data on various parameters, including:

  • Resistivity: The ability of a formation to resist the flow of electricity, indicating the presence of hydrocarbons.
  • Porosity: The amount of empty space in a rock, a key factor in determining its ability to store fluids.
  • Permeability: The ability of a rock to allow fluids to flow through it, crucial for the extraction of hydrocarbons.
  • Density: The mass per unit volume of the rock, which can help identify different rock types.
  • Acoustic properties: The speed of sound through the formation, revealing insights into its structure and composition.
  • Gamma ray: The level of natural radioactivity in the formation, indicating the presence of shale or other non-reservoir rocks.

These parameters are recorded as log curves, which are graphical representations of the measured data. The analysis of these curves provides valuable information about the wellbore's geological structure, fluid content, and potential production capabilities.

Here's how wireline logging fits into the larger picture of drilling and well completion:

  • Exploration: Logging helps locate and assess potential oil and gas reservoirs before drilling.
  • Drilling: It assists in determining the depth and thickness of the targeted formations, ensuring the drill reaches the desired location.
  • Well completion: Logging provides vital information for optimizing well production. This includes identifying zones with high hydrocarbon saturation, determining the best locations for perforations, and guiding the selection of completion strategies.
  • Production: Logging helps monitor the performance of the well throughout its lifecycle, identifying any potential issues or changes in reservoir conditions.

Summary of Well Logging Types:

  • Resistivity logging: Measures the electrical resistance of the formation, indicating the presence of hydrocarbons.
  • Porosity logging: Determines the amount of pore space in the rock, crucial for fluid storage.
  • Permeability logging: Measures the ability of the rock to transmit fluids, critical for flow rates.
  • Density logging: Calculates the density of the formation, aiding in rock type identification.
  • Acoustic logging: Measures the velocity of sound through the formation, revealing structural details.
  • Gamma ray logging: Detects the level of natural radioactivity, identifying shale or other non-reservoir rocks.

Wireline logging is an essential tool in the modern oil and gas industry, allowing operators to make informed decisions throughout the drilling and production lifecycle. By unveiling the secrets beneath the earth's surface, wireline logging ensures efficient and effective hydrocarbon exploration and production.

Test Your Knowledge

Wireline Logging Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of wireline logging?

a) To drill deeper into the earth. b) To measure and record physical characteristics of a wellbore. c) To pump oil and gas from the reservoir. d) To identify the location of oil and gas pipelines.


b) To measure and record physical characteristics of a wellbore.

2. Which of the following is NOT a parameter measured by a wireline logging sonde?

a) Resistivity b) Temperature c) Pressure d) Permeability


c) Pressure

3. What is the significance of porosity in a rock formation?

a) It determines the rock's ability to resist the flow of electricity. b) It indicates the presence of hydrocarbons. c) It determines the rock's ability to store fluids. d) It measures the level of natural radioactivity.


c) It determines the rock's ability to store fluids.

4. How are the data gathered during wireline logging typically presented?

a) As a written report. b) As a 3D model. c) As log curves. d) As a digital image.


c) As log curves.

5. What is the role of wireline logging in well completion?

a) It helps identify the best location for perforations. b) It determines the depth and thickness of the targeted formations. c) It monitors the performance of the well throughout its lifecycle. d) It assists in locating potential oil and gas reservoirs.


a) It helps identify the best location for perforations.

Wireline Logging Exercise

Task: Imagine you are a geologist analyzing wireline log curves from a newly drilled well. You observe the following:

  • Resistivity log: Shows a high resistivity zone between depths 2000-2500 meters.
  • Porosity log: Indicates a high porosity zone in the same depth range (2000-2500 meters).
  • Gamma ray log: Shows a low gamma ray count within that depth range.

Based on these observations, what can you conclude about the geological formation between 2000-2500 meters?

Exercice Correction

The high resistivity indicates a zone with low electrical conductivity, suggesting the presence of hydrocarbons (oil or gas) which are poor conductors. The high porosity signifies the presence of ample pore space, allowing for the storage of fluids. The low gamma ray count suggests a clean sandstone or limestone formation with minimal shale content. This combination of logs suggests the presence of a potential hydrocarbon reservoir between 2000-2500 meters.


  • "Well Logging and Formation Evaluation" by T.C. Gustavson - A comprehensive guide covering all aspects of well logging, including principles, techniques, and applications.
  • "Applied Geophysics" by Walter M. Telford, L.P. Geldart, Robert E. Sheriff - This book discusses geophysical methods, including well logging, and their application in exploration and production.
  • "Log Interpretation Charts" by Schlumberger - A collection of charts and tables used for interpreting various log data.
  • "Reservoir Engineering" by John C. Calhoun, Jr. - Covers the fundamentals of reservoir engineering, including well logging and its role in production forecasting.


  • "Wireline Logging: A Comprehensive Guide" by SPE - A comprehensive overview of wireline logging, including its history, applications, and advancements.
  • "Modern Wireline Logging Techniques" by Oil & Gas Journal - This article discusses recent innovations in wireline logging technology, including digital logging and advanced interpretation techniques.
  • "The Importance of Well Logging in Unconventional Reservoirs" by Journal of Petroleum Technology - This article explores the application of wireline logging in unconventional plays like shale gas and tight oil.
  • "Wireline Logging in Horizontal Wells" by SPE - This article discusses the challenges and advancements in wireline logging for horizontal wells, which are increasingly used in unconventional reservoirs.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Wireline Logging Website: - This website provides detailed information about Schlumberger's wireline logging services and technologies.
  • Halliburton's Wireline Logging Website: - Provides information about Halliburton's wireline logging services, including advanced logging tools and interpretation techniques.
  • SPE's Wireline Logging Resources: - The Society of Petroleum Engineers website offers a wealth of resources on wireline logging, including technical papers, presentations, and training courses.
  • OnePetro Wireline Logging Database: - This database provides access to a wide range of technical publications on wireline logging.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "wireline logging," "well logging," "formation evaluation," "log interpretation."
  • Combine keywords: "wireline logging applications," "wireline logging techniques," "wireline logging software."
  • Include specific logging types: "resistivity logging," "porosity logging," "density logging," "acoustic logging."
  • Filter by publication date: "wireline logging recent articles" or "wireline logging latest research."
  • Search for specific companies: "Schlumberger wireline logging" or "Halliburton wireline logging."
  • Use quotation marks: "wireline logging" to find exact matches.
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