Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: wireline log

wireline log

Wireline Logs: The Eyes of the Oil & Gas Industry

Wireline logs are essential tools in the oil and gas industry, providing a detailed picture of subsurface formations and guiding critical decisions during drilling and well completion. These logs are collected by lowering specialized instruments down the wellbore on a wireline, allowing exploration and production companies to analyze reservoir characteristics, optimize production, and mitigate potential risks.

What are Wireline Logs?

Wireline logs are measurements of various physical properties of rock formations, recorded along the length of a wellbore. These measurements are typically obtained using specialized sensors and equipment attached to a wireline cable that is lowered down the well. The resulting data, often presented as graphs or images, provide a comprehensive understanding of the geological formations encountered.

Types of Wireline Logs:

Wireline logs encompass a wide range of measurements, each providing unique insights into the subsurface:

  • Resistivity Logs: Measure the electrical resistance of rock formations, providing information about the presence and saturation of hydrocarbons. Examples include:
    • Induction Log (IL): Measures the conductivity of the formation, particularly useful for identifying hydrocarbons in formations with high resistivity.
    • Laterolog (LL): Measures the resistivity of a formation by focusing current through a specific zone, helpful for resolving thin layers.
    • Microresistivity Log (MSFL): Measures the resistivity of the invaded zone, offering insights into the permeability of the rock.
  • Porosity Logs: Determine the amount of pore space within a rock formation, indicating its potential to hold fluids. Examples include:
    • Sonic Log (DT): Measures the travel time of sound waves through the formation, providing information about the porosity and lithology.
    • Density Log (RHOB): Measures the density of the rock, revealing the porosity and the presence of fluids within the pores.
    • Neutron Log (NPHI): Measures the amount of hydrogen in the formation, providing a proxy for porosity and identifying fluid types.
  • Lithology Logs: Identify the types of rocks encountered in the wellbore, contributing to the overall geological understanding. Examples include:
    • Gamma Ray Log (GR): Measures the natural radioactivity of the formation, helping to distinguish between different types of rocks (e.g., shale vs. sandstone).
    • Spectral Gamma Ray Log: Identifies specific radioactive elements, providing a more precise lithology determination.
  • Production Logs: Monitor well performance and evaluate production potential. Examples include:
    • Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA): Measures the pressure response of a well to various stimuli, providing insights into reservoir characteristics and production potential.
    • Flow Meter Logs: Measure the flow rate of fluids produced from a well, allowing for the optimization of production strategies.
  • Cement Bond Logs: Evaluate the quality of cement bond between the casing and the surrounding formation, ensuring well integrity.

Applications of Wireline Logs:

Wireline logs play a crucial role in various aspects of the oil and gas industry:

  • Exploration: Identifying potential hydrocarbon reservoirs and evaluating their size and productivity.
  • Drilling: Optimizing drilling operations, selecting drilling fluids, and avoiding drilling hazards.
  • Completion: Selecting well completion strategies, determining optimal well spacing, and evaluating reservoir performance.
  • Production: Monitoring well performance, identifying reservoir depletion, and optimizing production strategies.
  • Reservoir Characterization: Building detailed geological models of the reservoir, improving understanding of its fluid flow properties, and enhancing reservoir management.


Wireline logs are indispensable tools for navigating the complex world of oil and gas exploration and production. They provide detailed information about subsurface formations, guiding critical decisions, optimizing operations, and ultimately enhancing the efficiency and profitability of oil and gas projects. As the industry continues to evolve and face increasingly challenging conditions, the role of wireline logs will remain paramount in unlocking the potential of subsurface resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Wireline Logs Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of wireline logs in the oil and gas industry? a) To measure the temperature of the wellbore. b) To provide a detailed picture of subsurface formations. c) To determine the age of the rock formations. d) To monitor the flow rate of water in the well.


The correct answer is **b) To provide a detailed picture of subsurface formations.**

2. Which type of wireline log measures the electrical resistance of rock formations? a) Porosity logs b) Lithology logs c) Resistivity logs d) Production logs


The correct answer is **c) Resistivity logs.**

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of resistivity log? a) Induction Log (IL) b) Laterolog (LL) c) Gamma Ray Log (GR) d) Microresistivity Log (MSFL)


The correct answer is **c) Gamma Ray Log (GR).** This is a lithology log.

4. Wireline logs are used in which of the following stages of oil and gas exploration and production? a) Exploration only b) Drilling only c) Completion only d) All of the above


The correct answer is **d) All of the above.** Wireline logs are used throughout the entire process.

5. What is the main purpose of a cement bond log? a) To evaluate the quality of the cement bond between the casing and the formation. b) To measure the pressure of the reservoir. c) To identify the type of hydrocarbons present. d) To determine the porosity of the rock.


The correct answer is **a) To evaluate the quality of the cement bond between the casing and the formation.** This ensures well integrity.

Wireline Logs Exercise


You are working on a new oil well and have obtained the following wireline log data:

  • Resistivity Log: Shows high resistivity values in a certain zone, indicating the presence of hydrocarbons.
  • Porosity Log: Shows relatively low porosity values in the same zone.
  • Gamma Ray Log: Indicates the presence of shale in the zone.


Based on the provided log data, what can you conclude about the potential of this zone as a hydrocarbon reservoir? Explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

The zone appears to have potential for a hydrocarbon reservoir. Here's why:

  • High resistivity suggests the presence of hydrocarbons, as they are typically non-conductive.
  • Low porosity might indicate that the rock is relatively tight, which could be beneficial for trapping hydrocarbons.
  • Presence of shale could be a concern as shales are often associated with lower permeability, potentially hindering the flow of hydrocarbons.

However, further analysis is needed to determine the true potential. Factors like permeability, saturation, and the presence of faults should be considered. Additionally, other logs like sonic or density logs could provide more insights.


  • "Log Interpretation Charts" by Schlumberger: A comprehensive guide to interpreting various wireline logs, with charts, graphs, and explanations of different log types.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" edited by John Lee: A standard reference for petroleum engineers, including a chapter on wireline logging and its applications.
  • "Well Logging for Earth Scientists" by Michael H. Worthington: A detailed overview of wireline logging principles, techniques, and data interpretation for geoscientists.
  • "Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering" by John Lee: Provides in-depth coverage on well testing and reservoir characterization using wireline logs.


  • "A Review of Wireline Logging Technology and Its Applications" by M. H. Worthington: A comprehensive review of wireline logging techniques, advancements, and applications in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Wireline Logging: A Powerful Tool for Reservoir Characterization" by Schlumberger: Highlights the role of wireline logging in understanding reservoir properties and optimizing production.
  • "The Evolution of Wireline Logging: From Analog to Digital" by Halliburton: Discusses the advancements in wireline logging technology over the years, from traditional analog logs to modern digital systems.
  • "Wireline Logs: The Eyes of the Oil & Gas Industry" by SPE: An overview of wireline logging principles, types, and their significance in various stages of oil and gas development.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Wireline Logging Website: Offers a wealth of information on wireline logging services, technologies, and applications, with interactive tools and tutorials. (
  • Halliburton's Wireline Logging Website: Provides detailed information on their wireline logging services, including data analysis and interpretation software. (
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Contains a vast library of research papers and articles on wireline logging, reservoir characterization, and related topics. (

Search Tips

  • "Wireline Log Interpretation" + [specific log type]: Use this search to find resources related to interpreting specific wireline logs, like "Wireline Log Interpretation Density Log".
  • "Wireline Logging Case Studies" + [reservoir type]: Find real-world examples of wireline log applications in different reservoir settings, like "Wireline Logging Case Studies Shale Gas."
  • "Wireline Logging Software" + [software name]: Search for information and tutorials on various wireline log analysis software, like "Wireline Logging Software Petrel."
  • "Wireline Logging Training" + [location]: Look for online courses and workshops on wireline logging techniques and interpretation offered by industry providers.
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