Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: throw the chain

throw the chain

Throwing the Chain: A Crucial Step in Drilling Operations

In the world of drilling and well completion, every step requires precision and efficiency. One such crucial step is the act of "throwing the chain," a maneuver that involves the skillful manipulation of a spinning chain to connect a new stand of drill pipe. This article delves into the intricacies of this operation, highlighting its significance and the techniques involved.

The Mechanics of Throwing the Chain

  1. The Setup: The process begins with a stand of drill pipe (a single joint) resting on the floor, its box end tool joint facing upward. A spinning chain, attached to a cathead on the drawworks, is positioned near the box end tool joint.

  2. The "Stab": A second stand of drill pipe is carefully lowered, its pin end tool joint aiming directly at the box end of the stationary pipe. This operation, known as "stabbing," requires precision to ensure a proper connection.

  3. Throwing the Chain: Here lies the art of the maneuver. The chain is swiftly and accurately thrown upward, aiming to jump over the box end tool joint and wrap itself around the pin end tool joint. This action is crucial as it allows the spinning chain to connect to the newly added pipe.

  4. Rotation and Connection: Once the chain is successfully thrown, the cathead engages the chain, initiating the rotation of the newly added pipe. The spinning chain pulls the stand of pipe upward, tightening the connection between the box and pin end tool joints.

The Importance of a Clean Throw:

A successful throw of the chain is critical for several reasons:

  • Efficiency: A clean throw ensures a rapid and efficient connection, minimizing downtime and maximizing drilling progress.
  • Safety: A miscalculated throw can lead to chain entanglement, potentially damaging equipment and jeopardizing the safety of personnel.
  • Secure Connection: A properly thrown chain guarantees a secure connection between the pipe sections, preventing leaks and other complications.

Challenges and Solutions:

Throwing the chain can pose challenges, particularly in adverse weather conditions or when dealing with large pipe diameters. Experienced drillers employ various techniques to address these challenges, including:

  • Adjusting chain tension: Proper tension ensures the chain's trajectory and prevents entanglement.
  • Using specialized equipment: Tools like chain-throwing devices and hydraulic spinning chain systems offer greater control and precision.
  • Training and experience: Drillers undergo rigorous training and gain expertise through practical experience, mastering the art of chain throwing.


Throwing the chain is a fundamental but often overlooked aspect of drilling operations. Its seemingly simple execution requires meticulous technique, precise timing, and experience. This maneuver, crucial for efficient and safe drilling, exemplifies the delicate balance of skill and precision that characterizes the industry. As drilling technology evolves, the art of throwing the chain continues to play a vital role, demonstrating the enduring importance of human expertise in the complex world of oil and gas exploration.

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