Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: spontaneous potential (SP)

spontaneous potential (SP)

Delving into the Depths: Understanding Spontaneous Potential (SP) in Drilling and Well Completion

When exploring the vast subterranean world, geologists and engineers rely on a variety of tools to unveil the secrets hidden within. One such tool, crucial in the realms of drilling and well completion, is the Spontaneous Potential (SP) log. This article dives into the fascinating world of SP, unraveling its nature, significance, and applications in unlocking the secrets of the earth's formations.

What is Spontaneous Potential (SP)?

Spontaneous Potential (SP), also known as self-potential, is a naturally occurring electrical potential difference that exists between a formation and the drilling mud in a wellbore. It's essentially a "natural voltage" generated within the earth's formations, measurable through specialized logging tools lowered into the well. This potential difference arises primarily due to two distinct electrochemical phenomena:

  1. Electrochemical Potential: Different formations possess varying concentrations of dissolved salts and ions. When in contact with drilling mud, these differences lead to the movement of ions, generating an electrical potential. This potential is influenced by the formation's permeability, porosity, and the nature of its fluids (oil, gas, water).
  2. Streaming Potential: When formation fluids, like water or oil, flow through porous rock, they interact with the rock's surface, generating an electrical potential. This "streaming potential" depends on the fluid's conductivity, velocity, and the formation's permeability.

Decoding the SP Log:

The SP log, a graphical representation of the SP measurements, reveals valuable information about the formation's characteristics. Its primary interpretations include:

  • Identifying Formation Boundaries: The SP log exhibits sharp deflections at the boundaries between different formations, aiding in the identification of rock types and their thicknesses.
  • Determining Formation Water Salinity: The magnitude of the SP deflection is directly proportional to the salinity of the formation water. This allows for estimations of the water's salinity and its potential impact on production.
  • Locating Permeable Zones: Permeable formations, allowing for easier fluid flow, tend to generate stronger SP deflections than less permeable ones. This helps in identifying potential reservoir zones and understanding the flow patterns of hydrocarbons.

SP in Action: Applications and Significance

The SP log plays a crucial role in various aspects of drilling and well completion:

  • Reservoir Characterization: It assists in delineating reservoir boundaries, understanding the distribution of fluids, and assessing the reservoir's potential productivity.
  • Formation Evaluation: The SP log provides insights into the formation's porosity, permeability, and fluid type, aiding in the selection of suitable completion strategies.
  • Well Logging Interpretation: SP data, combined with other logging measurements, helps build a comprehensive picture of the subsurface, facilitating informed decisions regarding well design and completion.

In Conclusion:

Spontaneous Potential (SP) logging stands as a powerful tool in the exploration and development of subsurface resources. By unveiling the electrical signatures inherent within formations, SP provides valuable insights into the geological landscape, guiding decisions on well drilling, completion, and production optimization. This fundamental understanding of SP empowers geologists and engineers to unravel the secrets hidden beneath the earth's surface, driving the efficient and sustainable extraction of natural resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Spontaneous Potential (SP) Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Spontaneous Potential (SP)?

a) A naturally occurring electrical potential difference between the formation and drilling mud. b) A man-made electrical potential used to stimulate oil production. c) A measurement of the pressure within a formation. d) A method for determining the age of rocks.


a) A naturally occurring electrical potential difference between the formation and drilling mud.

2. Which of these phenomena contribute to SP readings?

a) Electrochemical potential b) Streaming potential c) Magnetic field fluctuations d) Both a) and b)


d) Both a) and b)

3. What can SP logs help identify?

a) Formation boundaries b) Formation water salinity c) Permeable zones d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. A stronger SP deflection typically indicates:

a) A less permeable formation b) A more permeable formation c) A lower salinity formation water d) The presence of a gas reservoir


b) A more permeable formation

5. What is a key application of SP logs in well completion?

a) Selecting the appropriate completion strategy b) Estimating the amount of oil or gas in a reservoir c) Determining the depth of a well d) Monitoring the drilling process


a) Selecting the appropriate completion strategy

Spontaneous Potential (SP) Exercise


A geologist is analyzing an SP log from a newly drilled well. The log shows a sharp negative deflection at a depth of 2500 meters, followed by a gradual increase in SP readings until a depth of 2650 meters. The formation water salinity is estimated to be 100,000 ppm at 2500 meters.


  1. Describe the likely formation boundaries based on the SP log.
  2. Explain the potential implications of the SP deflection at 2500 meters for the well's productivity.
  3. Suggest how the SP data could be used to refine the well completion strategy.

Exercice Correction

1. The sharp negative deflection at 2500 meters likely indicates a boundary between two formations, possibly a transition from a less permeable to a more permeable zone. The gradual increase in SP readings suggests a continued change in formation properties until 2650 meters, potentially marking another boundary. 2. The significant negative SP deflection at 2500 meters, combined with the high salinity of formation water, suggests a possible change in lithology or fluid content, potentially impacting the well's productivity. This could indicate a transition from a low-permeability zone to a more productive reservoir or vice versa. 3. The SP data can be used to refine the well completion strategy. For instance, if the deflection represents a transition into a productive reservoir zone, the completion design could focus on optimizing production from this area. Conversely, if the deflection suggests a transition to a low-permeability zone, the well completion might prioritize production from other intervals or potentially consider stimulation techniques.


  • Well Logging for Petroleum Exploration and Production by John A. Rider
  • Applied Geophysics by William Lowrie
  • Reservoir Characterization by John C. S. Long
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed


  • Spontaneous Potential (SP) Logging by Schlumberger
  • Interpretation of Spontaneous Potential Logs by Halliburton
  • The Use of Spontaneous Potential Logs in Reservoir Characterization by Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • Application of Spontaneous Potential Logs in Formation Evaluation by American Association of Petroleum Geologists

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  • "Spontaneous Potential" + "Well Logging"
  • "SP Log" + "Interpretation"
  • "Self-Potential" + "Reservoir Characterization"
  • "Formation Evaluation" + "SP Log"
  • "Drilling" + "Well Completion" + "SP"
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