Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: sonic log

sonic log

Sonic Logging: A Sound Approach to Well Integrity

In the world of drilling and well completion, understanding the intricate details of a wellbore's structure is paramount. This knowledge helps in optimizing production, ensuring safety, and minimizing environmental impact. One crucial tool in this pursuit is the sonic log, a powerful acoustic technique that provides valuable insights into the properties of the wellbore and its surrounding formations.

What is Sonic Logging?

Sonic logging involves transmitting sound waves through the wellbore and recording the time it takes for these waves to travel through different materials, such as cement, casing, and formation rocks. By analyzing the travel time of these sound waves, geophysicists can deduce various properties:

  • Cement Bond Quality: One of the most prominent applications of sonic logging is to assess the bond between the cement sheath and the casing. Poor cement bonding can create voids, compromising the wellbore's integrity and potentially leading to fluid migration, pressure loss, and even wellbore collapse. By analyzing the travel time of sound waves through cement and casing, sonic logs can detect and characterize these voids.
  • Formation Properties: Sound waves travel differently through various rock types. Analyzing these travel time variations helps determine the lithology (rock type), porosity, and permeability of the formation surrounding the wellbore. This information is vital for optimizing production by identifying zones with high oil or gas potential.
  • Stress and Fracture Detection: Sonic logs can also reveal information about the stress state and fracture patterns in the surrounding formations. This data is crucial for designing well completions that minimize the risk of wellbore instability and optimize production efficiency.

Types of Sonic Logs:

  • Cement Bond Log: Specifically designed to assess the bond quality of cement behind the casing, this log utilizes a transmitter and receiver placed against the casing.
  • Formation Sonic Log: Provides information about the rock properties surrounding the wellbore by analyzing the travel time of sound waves through the formation.
  • Borehole Sonic Log: Used to measure the diameter of the borehole and identify any changes in borehole shape or size.

Benefits of Sonic Logging:

  • Improved Well Integrity: Detecting and characterizing voids in cement behind the casing helps ensure wellbore stability and prevents fluid migration.
  • Enhanced Production: Understanding formation properties allows for optimizing well completion strategies, maximizing production from high-potential zones.
  • Reduced Risks: Identifying stress and fracture patterns in the formations helps minimize wellbore instability and potential risks associated with well operations.


Sonic logging is a valuable tool in the drilling and well completion industry, providing critical information for optimizing well design, ensuring well integrity, and enhancing production efficiency. By utilizing the unique properties of sound waves, sonic logging offers a comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between the wellbore and its surrounding formations. As technology advances, sonic logging techniques continue to evolve, offering even greater accuracy and insights into the hidden world beneath the earth's surface.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Well Logging and Formation Evaluation" by John A. Rider (This book covers various well logging techniques, including sonic logging, and is a good starting point for understanding the fundamentals.)
  • "Well Logging: Principles and Applications" by B.H. Berryman (This comprehensive book provides an in-depth explanation of well logging principles, including detailed information about sonic logging and its applications.)
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by William E. Bourgoyne Jr. et al. (This book covers drilling and well completion aspects, including the use of sonic logs for evaluating wellbore integrity.)


  • "Sonic Logging: A Powerful Tool for Cement Bond Evaluation" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) (This SPE paper delves into the use of sonic logging for evaluating cement bond quality and its importance in well integrity.)
  • "Acoustic Logging: A Review of the Basic Principles and Applications" by Journal of Petroleum Technology (This article provides a comprehensive overview of acoustic logging techniques and their applications in various aspects of well evaluation.)
  • "Recent Advances in Sonic Logging for Wellbore Characterization" by SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) (This article discusses the latest advancements in sonic logging technology and its evolving role in wellbore characterization and reservoir evaluation.)

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger: Sonic Logging (Schlumberger, a leading oilfield service company, provides detailed information on their sonic logging services and applications on their website.)
  • Halliburton: Sonic Logging Services (Halliburton, another major oilfield service provider, offers comprehensive information about their sonic logging services and related technologies on their website.)
  • Baker Hughes: Acoustic Logging (Baker Hughes, another oilfield service company, provides information about their acoustic logging services, including sonic logs and their applications.)
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Sonic Logging (SPE's website offers a wealth of resources, including technical papers and presentations, on various aspects of sonic logging and its applications in the oil and gas industry.)

Search Tips

  • "Sonic Logging + Cement Bond Evaluation" (Find articles and resources specific to using sonic logging for evaluating cement bond quality.)
  • "Sonic Logging + Formation Characterization" (Search for information about sonic logging applications in identifying rock types and understanding formation properties.)
  • "Sonic Logging + Wellbore Integrity" (Focus your search on the use of sonic logging for assessing wellbore integrity and detecting potential issues.)
  • "Sonic Logging + [Specific Company Name]" (Replace "[Specific Company Name]" with the name of a relevant oilfield service company to find their specific information and services related to sonic logging.)
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