Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: slip-and-cutoff program

slip-and-cutoff program

Slip-and-Cutoff Program: Maximizing Drilling Line Longevity

In the demanding world of drilling and well completion, maintaining the integrity of the drilling line is paramount. The drilling line, a critical component for hoisting and lowering equipment, faces significant wear and tear during operations. To ensure optimal performance and extend its lifespan, a well-established practice known as the slip-and-cutoff program is implemented.

Understanding the Concept

The slip-and-cutoff program is a preventative maintenance strategy designed to distribute wear evenly across the entire drilling line. This is achieved by periodically "slipping" the line, a process that involves:

  1. Suspending the traveling block: The traveling block is either hoisted into the derrick or propped on the rig floor, effectively stopping its movement.

  2. Loosening deadline anchor bolts: These bolts secure the line to the drawworks drum, allowing for the controlled release and respooling of the line.

  3. Spooling the line: The line is spooled onto the drawworks drum, ensuring the worn sections are repositioned.

Why Slip-and-Cut?

Drilling lines experience concentrated wear in specific areas, primarily where they pass through sheaves and other guiding components. Without intervention, these high-wear zones weaken and eventually fail, jeopardizing the safety and efficiency of drilling operations.

The slip-and-cutoff program addresses this by strategically shifting the line's position, ensuring that wear is distributed evenly across the entire length. This approach prolongs the line's lifespan and minimizes the risk of catastrophic failure.

Cutoff and Discarding

The program's name, "slip-and-cutoff," refers to the final step: cutting off the worn section of the line. This is necessary to prevent the accumulation of excessive line on the drawworks drum, potentially leading to operational issues. The cut-off line is then discarded, and a fresh, unused section is spliced in, further extending the line's overall service life.

Benefits of Slip-and-Cutoff

  • Increased Line Lifespan: By distributing wear and discarding worn sections, the program significantly extends the drilling line's operational life.

  • Enhanced Safety: Prevents premature line failure, reducing the risk of accidents and costly downtime.

  • Operational Efficiency: Minimizes unplanned maintenance and ensures smooth, uninterrupted drilling operations.

  • Cost Savings: The program's preventative nature helps avoid the significant expenses associated with unscheduled line replacements.


The slip-and-cutoff program is a crucial element of any responsible drilling operation. By addressing wear and tear before it becomes problematic, this program safeguards the drilling line's integrity, enhancing safety, productivity, and cost-effectiveness in the long run.

Test Your Knowledge

Slip-and-Cutoff Program Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of the slip-and-cutoff program?

a) To replace the drilling line with a new one. b) To identify and repair damaged sections of the line. c) To distribute wear evenly across the entire drilling line. d) To increase the speed of drilling operations.


c) To distribute wear evenly across the entire drilling line.

2. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in the slip-and-cutoff process?

a) Suspending the traveling block. b) Loosening deadline anchor bolts. c) Replacing the drawworks drum. d) Spooling the line onto the drawworks drum.


c) Replacing the drawworks drum.

3. Why is "cutoff" a necessary part of the slip-and-cutoff program?

a) To prevent the line from becoming too long. b) To remove worn sections of the line and prevent further damage. c) To reduce the weight of the line. d) To improve the appearance of the line.


b) To remove worn sections of the line and prevent further damage.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the slip-and-cutoff program?

a) Increased line lifespan. b) Enhanced safety. c) Reduced drilling costs. d) Improved drilling speed.


d) Improved drilling speed.

5. When should the slip-and-cutoff program be implemented?

a) Only when the drilling line shows signs of wear. b) At regular intervals, regardless of the line's condition. c) Only during emergency situations. d) When the drilling operation is complete.


b) At regular intervals, regardless of the line's condition.

Slip-and-Cutoff Program Exercise:


Imagine you are a drilling supervisor responsible for implementing the slip-and-cutoff program. A new drilling line has been installed, and you need to determine the appropriate intervals for performing the slip-and-cutoff procedure.

Factors to consider:

  • The type of drilling line (wire rope, synthetic fiber)
  • The diameter of the drilling line
  • The weight of the equipment being lifted
  • The frequency and intensity of drilling operations
  • Manufacturer recommendations for the specific drilling line


  1. Research and list at least three factors that influence the frequency of slip-and-cutoff procedures.
  2. Based on your research and the factors listed above, propose a realistic schedule for performing slip-and-cutoff procedures on the new drilling line.

Note: This is a hypothetical exercise. The specific frequency and details of the schedule will vary depending on the specific drilling operation.

Exercice Correction

**Factors Influencing Slip-and-Cutoff Frequency:** * **Line Type and Diameter:** Wire rope lines typically require more frequent slip-and-cutoff procedures than synthetic fiber lines. Larger diameter lines generally experience less wear per unit of length, so they may require less frequent procedures. * **Load Weight:** Higher load weights result in greater stress on the drilling line, necessitating more frequent slip-and-cutoff procedures. * **Drilling Operations Intensity:** Continuous and heavy drilling operations will lead to faster wear on the line, requiring more frequent slip-and-cutoff procedures. * **Manufacturer Recommendations:** The manufacturer of the drilling line will provide specific guidelines for recommended slip-and-cutoff intervals based on the line's design and materials. **Proposed Schedule:** Based on the above factors, a realistic schedule could be: * For wire rope lines: Slip-and-cutoff every 2-3 weeks during heavy drilling operations, every 4-6 weeks during moderate drilling operations, and every 6-8 weeks during lighter operations. * For synthetic fiber lines: Slip-and-cutoff every 4-6 weeks during heavy drilling operations, every 6-8 weeks during moderate operations, and every 8-10 weeks during lighter operations. **Note:** This schedule is just a starting point. The actual frequency should be adjusted based on the specific drilling conditions, equipment used, and manufacturer recommendations.


  • Drilling Engineering: This classic text provides a foundational understanding of drilling practices, including line maintenance and slip-and-cutoff programs.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Covers a broad range of drilling and production engineering topics, including line maintenance and safety considerations.
  • Drilling & Completion Fundamentals: A practical resource with detailed information on drilling operations, equipment, and maintenance procedures.


  • "Optimizing Drilling Line Maintenance for Improved Well Construction" (Journal of Petroleum Technology): This article examines various aspects of drilling line maintenance, including the effectiveness of slip-and-cutoff programs.
  • "Impact of Slip-and-Cutoff Programs on Drilling Line Longevity and Safety" (Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal): This paper analyzes the safety and economic benefits of implementing regular slip-and-cutoff programs.
  • "Case Study: Analyzing the Cost-Effectiveness of Slip-and-Cutoff Programs in Deepwater Drilling" (Oil & Gas Journal): This case study showcases the practical application and benefits of slip-and-cutoff programs in a specific drilling scenario.

Online Resources

  • API (American Petroleum Institute): The API website offers standards and guidelines for drilling operations, including line maintenance practices and safety protocols.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): IADC provides resources on drilling equipment, safety, and operational best practices, including information on line maintenance.
  • Drillinginfo: This industry data platform offers insights into drilling operations, including drilling line trends and best practices.

Search Tips

  • "Slip-and-cutoff drilling line maintenance" - This specific search term will bring up relevant articles, studies, and technical documents.
  • "Drilling line wear analysis" - This term can lead to resources on understanding and mitigating drilling line wear, which is crucial for effective slip-and-cutoff programs.
  • "API drilling line standards" - Searching for API standards related to drilling lines will provide detailed guidance on line inspection, maintenance, and replacement.
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