Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: secondary recovery

secondary recovery

Secondary Recovery: Boosting Oil Production After Primary Depletion

The extraction of oil from the Earth is a complex process, often involving multiple stages to maximize recovery. While primary recovery refers to the initial production phase using natural reservoir pressure, secondary recovery comes into play when this natural pressure starts to wane. This article delves into the crucial role of secondary recovery techniques in extending the lifespan of oil reservoirs and maximizing oil production.

1. Maintaining Formation Pressure: The First Line of Defense

During primary production, the natural pressure within the reservoir gradually declines. This decrease in pressure leads to a reduction in the flow of oil towards the production well and ultimately results in a decline in production rates.

Secondary recovery methods, such as water-flooding or gas injection, are implemented to combat this pressure decline. By injecting water or gas into the reservoir, we effectively counteract the pressure loss and maintain a driving force for oil production.

How it works:

  • Water-flooding: Water, being less viscous than oil, is injected into the reservoir, displacing the oil towards the production wells. This method is particularly effective in reservoirs with high water saturation.
  • Gas Injection: Gas injection works similarly to water-flooding, pushing the oil towards the production wells. Gas injection is often used in reservoirs with a high gas saturation.

By maintaining formation pressure, these techniques significantly extend the productive life of the reservoir and delay the onset of declining production rates.

2. Revitalizing Depleted Reservoirs: A Second Chance

Once primary recovery methods have exhausted the natural reservoir drive, a reservoir is considered depleted. However, secondary recovery techniques can breathe new life into these depleted reservoirs.

Water-flooding, for instance, can be used to effectively flush out remaining oil that was not accessible through primary production. By injecting water into the reservoir, the remaining oil is pushed towards the production wells, allowing for additional recovery.

3. The First Step Towards Enhanced Oil Recovery:

Secondary recovery methods are often considered the first improved recovery methods applied to a reservoir. They represent the initial step in a progression towards more advanced techniques known as enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

While secondary recovery focuses on maintaining or restoring reservoir pressure, EOR methods involve more complex strategies to improve oil mobility and increase recovery. Examples of EOR techniques include chemical flooding, thermal recovery, and microbial enhanced oil recovery.


Secondary recovery techniques play a vital role in maximizing oil production by extending the lifespan of reservoirs and enabling the recovery of oil that would otherwise remain trapped. By understanding the principles and applications of these techniques, we can ensure efficient and sustainable oil production while optimizing resource utilization.

Test Your Knowledge

Secondary Recovery Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of secondary recovery techniques? a) To increase the initial production rate of a reservoir. b) To extract oil from unconventional sources. c) To maintain or restore reservoir pressure. d) To reduce the viscosity of oil in the reservoir.


c) To maintain or restore reservoir pressure.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common secondary recovery method? a) Water-flooding b) Gas injection c) Chemical flooding d) Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery


c) Chemical flooding

3. How does water-flooding work? a) By injecting hot water to reduce oil viscosity. b) By injecting water to create a pressure gradient and displace oil. c) By injecting water to dissolve oil and extract it. d) By injecting water to create a chemical reaction that releases oil.


b) By injecting water to create a pressure gradient and displace oil.

4. When is secondary recovery typically implemented? a) At the start of oil production. b) When primary recovery methods are no longer effective. c) When EOR methods are deemed too expensive. d) When the oil reservoir is completely depleted.


b) When primary recovery methods are no longer effective.

5. How does secondary recovery relate to enhanced oil recovery (EOR)? a) Secondary recovery is a more advanced technique than EOR. b) Secondary recovery is the first step towards EOR methods. c) Secondary recovery and EOR are independent techniques. d) Secondary recovery is only used in conjunction with EOR.


b) Secondary recovery is the first step towards EOR methods.

Secondary Recovery Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer working on an oil reservoir that is experiencing declining production rates. The reservoir has been in production for 10 years and has reached the end of its primary recovery phase.

Task: Propose a secondary recovery method that could be implemented to increase oil production and explain your reasoning. Consider the factors that might influence your decision, such as reservoir characteristics, cost, and environmental impact.

Exercice Correction

Possible Solutions: 1. **Water-flooding:** Since the reservoir has reached the end of its primary recovery phase, water-flooding could be a cost-effective solution to maintain or restore pressure. It is a relatively mature and well-understood technology. However, the effectiveness of water-flooding depends on factors such as reservoir permeability and water saturation. 2. **Gas Injection:** If the reservoir has a significant gas cap, gas injection might be a viable option. This technique can be more expensive than water-flooding, but it can also be more efficient in pushing oil towards the wells. Factors to Consider: * **Reservoir Characteristics:** The specific geology and fluid properties of the reservoir will determine the suitability of different methods. For example, water-flooding is more effective in reservoirs with high water saturation. * **Cost:** The cost of implementing and maintaining secondary recovery techniques can vary significantly. * **Environmental Impact:** Consider the potential environmental impact of the chosen method, such as the disposal of produced water or the possibility of gas leaks.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook provides detailed information on all aspects of oil and gas production, including secondary recovery methods.
  • Reservoir Engineering: This book covers the fundamentals of reservoir engineering, including reservoir characterization, fluid flow, and recovery methods like secondary recovery.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery: An Overview: This book offers a concise yet thorough explanation of various EOR techniques, including secondary recovery methods.


  • "Secondary Recovery: A Review" by [Author Name] - This review article provides a comprehensive overview of different secondary recovery methods, their advantages and disadvantages.
  • "Waterflooding: A Key to Maximizing Oil Recovery" by [Author Name] - This article focuses specifically on waterflooding, discussing its mechanism, effectiveness, and applications.
  • "Gas Injection: A Promising Secondary Recovery Technique" by [Author Name] - This article delves into the principles and applications of gas injection in secondary recovery operations.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of information on oil and gas production, including detailed resources on secondary recovery techniques.
  • *Schlumberger: * This oilfield service company offers numerous publications and online resources explaining various recovery methods, including secondary recovery.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication features articles and reports on current developments in oil and gas production, including secondary recovery technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Secondary recovery methods", "waterflooding techniques", "gas injection principles"
  • Combine keywords with location: "Secondary recovery in North Sea", "Waterflooding in Texas"
  • Search for specific companies or organizations: "ExxonMobil secondary recovery", "Chevron gas injection"
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