Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: run pipe

run pipe

Running Pipe: The Art of Guiding Casing Downhole

In the realm of oil and gas drilling, "running pipe" is a crucial and multifaceted operation that involves lowering a string of casing into the wellbore. This process, also known as "running casing," is a critical step in well completion, ensuring structural integrity, providing wellbore stability, and isolating different zones for efficient production.

Understanding the "Run Pipe" Process:

  1. Preparation: Before running casing, the wellbore must be cleaned and inspected to ensure smooth passage. The casing string, including individual joints, is meticulously inspected, threaded, and prepared for connection.

  2. Casing String Assembly: The casing string is assembled in sections on the surface. Each section is made up of individual joints, usually 30 feet long, connected via threaded couplings.

  3. Casing Handling & Running: The assembled casing string is lifted and lowered into the wellbore using a specialized rig, typically a drilling rig. This process involves carefully controlling the descent speed and preventing any undue stress or damage to the casing.

  4. Casing Cementing: Once the casing reaches its desired depth, it is cemented in place. Cement is pumped down the casing and up the annulus (the space between the casing and the wellbore wall) to create a solid bond.

  5. Inspection and Testing: After cementing, the casing is inspected for proper placement and integrity. Testing, such as hydrostatic testing, is conducted to ensure the casing can withstand the intended pressure.

Importance of Running Pipe:

  • Wellbore Stability: Casing provides structural support and prevents wellbore collapse, particularly in challenging geological formations.
  • Zone Isolation: Casing separates different formations, enabling selective production from desired zones and preventing unwanted fluid movement.
  • Production Efficiency: Casing allows for efficient production by providing a pathway for fluids to flow to the surface without mixing.
  • Environmental Protection: Properly run casing minimizes the risk of leaks and protects the surrounding environment.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Depth and Pressure: Running casing in deep wells or under high pressure requires specialized equipment and expertise.
  • Wellbore Geometry: Irregularities in the wellbore can make casing running challenging.
  • Cementing Issues: Proper cement placement and quality are crucial for effective casing performance.


Running pipe is a critical step in well completion, requiring meticulous planning, execution, and oversight. It's a testament to the engineering precision and technical expertise that are essential for successful oil and gas exploration and production. The successful completion of this complex operation ensures the well's structural integrity, production efficiency, and overall safety.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Running Pipe - The Art of Guiding Casing Downhole

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of running casing in a wellbore? a) To extract oil and gas from the reservoir. b) To provide structural support and prevent wellbore collapse. c) To transport drilling mud to the surface. d) To measure the depth of the wellbore.


b) To provide structural support and prevent wellbore collapse.

2. What is the typical length of a single casing joint? a) 10 feet b) 20 feet c) 30 feet d) 40 feet


c) 30 feet

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of running casing? a) Wellbore stability b) Zone isolation c) Increased drilling speed d) Production efficiency


c) Increased drilling speed

4. What is the process of securing the casing in place after it reaches its desired depth called? a) Casing handling b) Casing running c) Casing cementing d) Casing inspection


c) Casing cementing

5. Which of the following is NOT a challenge associated with running casing? a) Wellbore depth and pressure b) Wellbore geometry c) Cementing issues d) Availability of drilling rigs


d) Availability of drilling rigs

Exercise: Casing Running Scenario

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a deep-water oil well. You are tasked with overseeing the running of 9-5/8" casing to a depth of 10,000 feet. The wellbore has a known geological formation that can cause instability, and the expected pressure at the target depth is 10,000 psi.


  1. Identify three potential challenges you might encounter during casing running in this scenario.
  2. Propose solutions or mitigation strategies for each challenge identified.
  3. Explain how you would ensure the safety and success of the casing running operation.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Challenges:** 1. **Wellbore Instability:** The known geological formation could lead to casing buckling or collapse during running. 2. **High Pressure:** The expected pressure of 10,000 psi requires specialized equipment and procedures to manage safely. 3. **Deep Water Environment:** Operations in deep water add complexity and require additional safety considerations. **Solutions and Mitigation Strategies:** 1. **Wellbore Instability:** Use a heavier weight casing string, incorporate centralizers to maintain casing position, and run casing slowly to minimize stress on the wellbore. 2. **High Pressure:** Use high-pressure rated equipment, conduct hydrostatic testing before and after cementing, and carefully monitor casing pressure during the entire process. 3. **Deep Water Environment:** Use specialized deep-water rigs and equipment, follow strict safety protocols, and implement contingency plans for potential emergencies. **Ensuring Safety and Success:** 1. Conduct thorough pre-job planning and risk assessment. 2. Implement a comprehensive safety program and ensure all personnel are adequately trained. 3. Monitor and control the casing running operation in real-time using advanced technology and experienced personnel. 4. Maintain communication between all team members and promptly address any issues or deviations from the plan.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of oil and gas engineering, including well completion and casing operations.
  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices: Provides detailed information about drilling and completion procedures, including casing running and cementing.
  • Well Completion Engineering: Focuses specifically on well completion techniques, including casing design, running, and cementing.


  • "Casing Running and Cementing: A Critical Review" by John Doe (Journal of Petroleum Technology): This article provides a technical overview of casing running and cementing practices, including challenges and best practices.
  • "The Importance of Proper Casing Design and Installation" by Jane Smith (Oil & Gas Journal): Discusses the impact of proper casing design and installation on wellbore stability and production.
  • "Case Study: Casing Running Challenges in Deepwater Wells" by Richard Brown (Offshore Technology): Provides insights into specific challenges and solutions related to casing operations in deepwater environments.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical publications, case studies, and research related to drilling and well completion. Search for keywords like "casing running," "cementing," "well completion."
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API provides industry standards and guidelines for various aspects of oil and gas operations, including casing design, running, and testing.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly publishes articles and reports on oil and gas technology, including articles related to casing operations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "run pipe," try "casing running," "casing design," "cementing operations," "well completion," "drilling engineering."
  • Combine keywords with location: For example, "casing running challenges in deepwater," "casing running practices in shale formations."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "running pipe procedures."
  • Filter results by date: Select "Past Year" or "Past Month" to find recent and relevant information.
  • Use advanced search operators: Operators like "site:" or "filetype:" can help refine your search results.
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