Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: reserve tank

reserve tank

The Reserve Tank: A Vital Backup in Drilling & Well Completion Operations

In the high-pressure, high-stakes world of drilling and well completion, every aspect of the operation needs to be meticulously planned and executed. One crucial component in this process is the reserve tank, a dedicated mud tank that holds a specific type of drilling mud, ready for deployment in a moment's notice. Unlike the active mud circulating through the wellbore, the reserve tank's contents are strategically chosen to address potential emergencies or specific challenges during drilling.

The Role of the Reserve Tank:

The reserve tank serves as a vital safety net and a valuable tool for well control and drilling efficiency. Its primary purpose is to store mud with properties tailored for specific scenarios, including:

  • Emergency Well Control: Heavy mud, often with higher viscosity and density, is commonly stored in the reserve tank. This specialized mud can be quickly deployed to counter uncontrolled flows or well kicks, effectively sealing the wellbore and preventing catastrophic events.
  • Lost Circulation Control: When drilling fluids are lost into porous formations, the reserve tank may contain a special mud designed to seal the leak. This could involve using a polymer-based mud or a high-viscosity cement slurry.
  • Drilling Challenges: If a specific mud type is needed for specific drilling conditions, like highly deviated wells or wells with challenging formation pressures, the reserve tank can hold the appropriate mud in advance, ensuring a smooth transition without delays.
  • Backup Mud Supply: The reserve tank can also act as a backup source of mud for routine operations. This provides an extra layer of protection against unforeseen issues with the primary mud system.

Types of Mud in the Reserve Tank:

The specific mud type stored in the reserve tank depends on the anticipated challenges and the needs of the drilling operation. Some common reserve muds include:

  • Heavy Mud: Used primarily for well control, this mud has a higher density and viscosity to overcome well pressures and seal the wellbore.
  • Polymer-based Mud: This type of mud is often used for lost circulation control, as it forms a gel-like seal that can effectively plug porous formations.
  • Cement Slurry: A high-viscosity cement slurry can be used to permanently seal the wellbore, especially during casing operations.

Benefits of Using a Reserve Tank:

  • Enhanced Safety: The reserve tank provides a readily available solution for well control emergencies, minimizing risks and potentially saving lives.
  • Increased Efficiency: Having the right mud on hand eliminates the need for time-consuming mixing and preparation in critical situations.
  • Flexibility: The reserve tank allows for rapid adaptation to changing drilling conditions, enabling a more efficient and effective drilling process.


The reserve tank is an often overlooked but essential component of a successful drilling and well completion operation. Its role in ensuring safety, efficiency, and flexibility makes it an invaluable tool for any drilling team. By strategically planning and preparing the reserve tank, operators can navigate unforeseen challenges and optimize the overall drilling process, maximizing well productivity while minimizing risks.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Reserve Tank

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the reserve tank in drilling operations?

a) Store fresh water for the drilling crew. b) Hold a backup supply of drilling mud for routine operations. c) Provide a source of clean water for wellbore cleaning. d) Act as a disposal tank for used drilling mud.


b) Hold a backup supply of drilling mud for routine operations.

2. Which type of mud is commonly stored in the reserve tank for emergency well control?

a) Lightweight mud b) Water-based mud c) Heavy mud d) Synthetic-based mud


c) Heavy mud

3. How does the reserve tank contribute to increased efficiency in drilling operations?

a) It eliminates the need for any mud mixing during the drilling process. b) It allows for quick deployment of specialized mud in emergency situations. c) It reduces the overall volume of mud required for the drilling project. d) It simplifies the process of transporting mud to the drilling site.


b) It allows for quick deployment of specialized mud in emergency situations.

4. Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of using a reserve tank?

a) Enhanced safety during drilling operations. b) Reduced risk of environmental contamination. c) Increased flexibility to handle unexpected challenges. d) Improved well productivity and performance.


b) Reduced risk of environmental contamination. While proper handling of drilling fluids is crucial for environmental protection, the reserve tank itself doesn't directly address this specific concern.

5. What type of mud is often used to seal lost circulation zones in the wellbore?

a) Cement slurry b) Heavy mud c) Polymer-based mud d) All of the above


c) Polymer-based mud


Scenario: You are a drilling engineer working on a well in a challenging formation with high pressure and potential for lost circulation. You are responsible for planning the reserve tank setup for this operation.


  • Identify the potential risks and challenges associated with this well.
  • Determine the types of mud that should be stored in the reserve tank, based on the potential risks.
  • Explain your reasoning for choosing those specific mud types.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Risks and Challenges:** * **High pressure:** The wellbore could experience uncontrolled flows (kicks) or blowouts if the pressure in the formation exceeds the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling fluid. * **Lost circulation:** The formations may be porous and fractured, leading to the loss of drilling fluid into the formation. * **Wellbore instability:** The high pressure could cause wellbore instability, leading to potential collapses or cavings. **Types of Mud for the Reserve Tank:** * **Heavy Mud:** To combat high pressure, a heavy mud with higher density and viscosity than the active drilling fluid should be stored in the reserve tank. This will help maintain hydrostatic pressure and control potential kicks or blowouts. * **Polymer-Based Mud:** To address the risk of lost circulation, a polymer-based mud should be readily available. This type of mud can form a gel-like seal, preventing further fluid loss and potentially sealing off the lost circulation zone. **Reasoning:** * Heavy mud is crucial for well control, providing a quick solution to potential high-pressure situations. * Polymer-based mud is essential for lost circulation control, enabling rapid sealing of the leak and minimizing the risk of fluid loss. This combination of mud types in the reserve tank will provide a robust safety net against the identified risks, ensuring a more efficient and safer drilling operation.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Complete Well Planning and Drilling Handbook by John A. Lockwood
  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by William C. Lyons
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering by D.R. K. Raghavan
  • Oil and Gas Production Operations by E. A. Musa
  • Well Control: An Essential Guide for Drilling and Completion Operations by Steve M. Holditch


  • "The Importance of Reserve Mud Systems in Drilling Operations" by SPE Journal (Search online for specific articles)
  • "Lost Circulation Control in Drilling Operations" by Journal of Petroleum Technology (Search online for specific articles)
  • "Well Control and Emergency Procedures in Drilling Operations" by Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings (Search online for specific articles)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): - Offers a wealth of information on drilling and well completion, including articles, publications, and webinars.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): - Provides industry standards and best practices for drilling and well completion.
  • Drillinginfo: - Offers data and analytics on drilling and production operations, including information on mud systems and well control.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "reserve mud tank", "emergency mud system", "well control", "lost circulation control", "drilling fluids", "mud density", "drilling operations", and "well completion".
  • Combine keywords with phrases like "best practices", "industry standards", "safety procedures", "case studies", and "technical guidelines".
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases to refine your search results.
  • Use the advanced search options in Google to filter results by date, type, and other criteria.
  • Explore related search terms by clicking on "Searches related to..." at the bottom of the Google search results page.
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