Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: pusher


The Unsung Hero: The Toolpusher in Drilling & Well Completion

The oil and gas industry is a complex and demanding one, requiring a highly skilled and specialized workforce. Amongst these professionals, the Toolpusher plays a crucial role, often operating behind the scenes.

What is a Toolpusher?

A Toolpusher is the on-site supervisor of drilling and well completion operations. They are responsible for the safe and efficient execution of drilling and completion activities, ensuring that all operations adhere to company policies, regulatory guidelines, and safety standards.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Safety and Operational Efficiency: The Toolpusher oversees all drilling and completion activities, ensuring the safety of the crew and equipment. They manage operational efficiency, maximizing production while minimizing downtime and costs.
  • Crew Management: Leading the drilling and completion crew, the Toolpusher provides guidance, training, and supervision to ensure a productive and safe work environment.
  • Equipment Management: They are responsible for the maintenance, inspection, and repair of all drilling and completion equipment, ensuring its optimal performance and safety.
  • Communication and Coordination: The Toolpusher acts as a liaison between the drilling crew, engineering team, and management, ensuring clear and timely communication of progress, issues, and decisions.
  • Problem Solving: They are equipped to handle any technical or operational challenges that may arise, making quick and informed decisions to maintain the efficiency and safety of the operation.

Shortened Form: "TP"

Due to their crucial role and frequent use in communication within the industry, Toolpushers are often referred to as "TP" for short. This concise designation highlights the vital role they play in the successful execution of drilling and well completion projects.

The Importance of a Toolpusher

The Toolpusher is a vital component of the drilling and well completion team. Their expertise, leadership, and decision-making skills contribute significantly to the safety, efficiency, and profitability of any oil and gas operation. They are the unsung heroes who ensure the smooth and successful delivery of drilling and completion projects, contributing to the industry's vital role in providing energy to the world.

Test Your Knowledge

Toolpusher Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary responsibility of a Toolpusher? (a) Operating drilling equipment (b) Designing drilling plans (c) Supervising drilling and completion operations (d) Managing finances for drilling projects


(c) Supervising drilling and completion operations

2. What is the shortened form often used for Toolpusher? (a) DP (b) TP (c) DW (d) OC


(b) TP

3. Which of the following is NOT a key responsibility of a Toolpusher? (a) Ensuring crew safety (b) Maintaining drilling equipment (c) Approving drilling budgets (d) Communicating with engineering teams


(c) Approving drilling budgets

4. Why are Toolpushers considered crucial to drilling and well completion projects? (a) They are the only ones who can operate drilling equipment. (b) They ensure the safety and efficiency of the entire operation. (c) They have the sole authority to make decisions on the project. (d) They are responsible for all financial aspects of the project.


(b) They ensure the safety and efficiency of the entire operation.

5. What does a Toolpusher need to effectively manage their role? (a) Knowledge of financial markets (b) Strong leadership and problem-solving skills (c) Expertise in geological analysis (d) Experience in marketing and sales


(b) Strong leadership and problem-solving skills

Toolpusher Exercise:

Scenario: You are a Toolpusher on a drilling rig. You receive a report that one of the drilling mud pumps is experiencing pressure fluctuations. The mud engineers believe this may be due to a faulty valve.

Task: Outline the steps you would take to address this situation, considering the safety and efficiency of the drilling operation.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:

  1. Safety First:
    • Immediately inform the drilling crew and ensure the safety of everyone working near the mud pump.
    • Isolate the affected pump and stop its operation to prevent further issues.
  2. Assessment:
    • Consult with the mud engineers to understand the severity of the pressure fluctuations and the potential cause.
    • Review the history of the pump and the last maintenance records.
  3. Decision Making:
    • Based on the assessment, decide whether a temporary fix (e.g., replacing the valve if it's a simple issue) is feasible or if the pump needs to be shut down completely for repairs.
    • Communicate your decision to the drilling superintendent and engineering team.
  4. Action:
    • If a temporary fix is possible, implement it safely and efficiently.
    • If a full shutdown is needed, schedule the necessary repair time and coordinate with the drilling crew for the changeover.
  5. Communication:
    • Keep everyone involved informed of the situation and any changes to the schedule.
    • Document the incident and any corrective actions taken.

Key Considerations:

  • Safety: Prioritize the safety of the crew throughout the entire process.
  • Efficiency: Minimize downtime and maintain the drilling schedule as much as possible.
  • Communication: Keep all parties informed and work collaboratively to resolve the issue.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Handbook by Robert E. Berg (Covers drilling operations and associated roles, including toolpusher responsibilities)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Drilling and Well Completions by Society of Petroleum Engineers (Extensive resource with chapters on drilling and completion operations, highlighting the role of toolpushers)
  • Well Completion Design and Operations by John A. Lee (Focuses on well completion techniques, providing context for the toolpusher's involvement)
  • Oil Well Drilling Technology by John S. Holden (Provides a general overview of drilling techniques and the roles involved, including the toolpusher)


  • The Role of the Toolpusher in Modern Drilling Operations by [Author Name] (Search for articles on industry websites, journals, and databases focusing on toolpusher roles in contemporary drilling)
  • Toolpusher: The Unsung Hero of the Oil & Gas Industry (Search for articles on industry blogs, websites, and publications highlighting the importance of toolpushers)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: Offers industry news, resources, and job postings, including those related to drilling and completion operations.
  • Petroleum Equipment & Services Association (PESA) website: Provides information about equipment and services related to oil and gas production, including those relevant to the toolpusher role.
  • Oil & Gas Job Boards: Numerous online job boards specialize in the oil and gas industry, where you can find descriptions of toolpusher positions and related roles.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "toolpusher," "drilling supervisor," "well completion," "oil and gas," "drilling operations"
  • Combine keywords: "toolpusher responsibilities," "toolpusher duties," "toolpusher training," "toolpusher salary"
  • Use quotation marks: "toolpusher" (searches for the exact term)
  • Add location: "toolpusher jobs Texas" (searches for toolpusher positions in Texas)
  • Utilize advanced search operators: " toolpusher" (searches for toolpusher-related content on the SPE website)
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