Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: oil spotting

oil spotting

Oil Spotting: A Lubricating Solution for Stuck Drill Collars

In the high-pressure, high-stakes world of oil and gas drilling, encountering a stuck drill string is a dreaded occurrence. This can happen when the drill collars, the heavy steel sections connecting the drill pipe to the drill bit, become wedged in the wellbore. Oil spotting is a technique employed to remedy this situation, providing a vital solution to free the stuck drill string and continue operations.

What is Oil Spotting?

Oil spotting, also known as "spotting oil," involves pumping a specific volume of oil, or a mixture of oil and chemicals, into the wellbore at a predetermined depth. This "spot" of fluid serves a critical purpose: lubrication. The oil, with its inherent properties of reducing friction, helps to release the stuck drill collars by creating a slippery layer between the metal and the wellbore wall.

Why and How is Oil Spotting Used?

Oil spotting is typically employed when:

  • Drill collars become stuck due to friction: This can occur in tight formations, where the wellbore diameter is close to the drill collar diameter.
  • Formation pressure fluctuations: Changes in pressure can cause the wellbore to constrict, trapping the drill collars.
  • Stuck pipe due to swelling clays: Clay formations can swell in the presence of drilling fluids, potentially jamming the drill string.

The process of oil spotting is a controlled operation:

  1. Isolation: The wellbore is first isolated at the desired depth using specialized equipment like a packer or a bridge plug. This ensures the oil is directed to the exact location of the stuck drill collars.
  2. Spotting: The oil, often mixed with friction reducers or other chemicals tailored to the specific problem, is then pumped into the isolated section.
  3. Waiting: The oil is allowed to penetrate the area surrounding the stuck drill collars, allowing time for the lubrication to take effect.
  4. Recovery: After sufficient time has elapsed, the drill string is slowly rotated and pulled upward, hopefully freeing the stuck collars.

Benefits and Considerations:

Oil spotting offers several advantages:

  • Effective Lubrication: It directly addresses the root cause of the stuck drill collars by reducing friction and aiding in their release.
  • Minimal Damage: Compared to other methods like jarring or pulling with excessive force, oil spotting is generally less damaging to the wellbore and equipment.
  • Cost-Effective: Oil spotting can be a relatively economical solution compared to more complex and time-consuming interventions.

However, certain considerations need to be factored in:

  • Formation Sensitivity: The choice of oil and additives must be carefully considered to avoid adverse reactions with the surrounding formations.
  • Potential for Contamination: The oil could potentially contaminate the reservoir if not managed properly.
  • Depth limitations: Oil spotting may be less effective in deeper wells where pressure and temperature conditions are more extreme.


Oil spotting is a valuable tool in the arsenal of oil and gas drilling operations, offering a solution to the challenging problem of stuck drill collars. By utilizing its lubrication properties and applying it strategically, this technique provides a reliable method to free the stuck drill string, minimizing downtime and maximizing drilling efficiency. The success of oil spotting relies on a thorough understanding of the wellbore conditions, careful selection of the right oil and additives, and precise execution of the procedure. As drilling technology continues to evolve, oil spotting remains a proven and effective solution for a common problem encountered in the industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Oil Spotting Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of oil spotting in drilling operations? a) To increase drilling fluid density. b) To lubricate the drill collars and free them from the wellbore. c) To enhance the drilling rate by reducing friction. d) To prevent the wellbore from collapsing.


b) To lubricate the drill collars and free them from the wellbore.

2. Which of the following situations commonly necessitates oil spotting? a) Excessive drilling fluid loss. b) Drill collars becoming stuck due to friction. c) Encountering a fault zone. d) Loss of circulation.


b) Drill collars becoming stuck due to friction.

3. What is the typical order of steps involved in oil spotting? a) Spotting, Waiting, Isolation, Recovery. b) Isolation, Spotting, Waiting, Recovery. c) Isolation, Waiting, Spotting, Recovery. d) Spotting, Isolation, Waiting, Recovery.


b) Isolation, Spotting, Waiting, Recovery.

4. What is a potential drawback of oil spotting? a) It can increase the risk of wellbore collapse. b) It can damage the drill string. c) It can potentially contaminate the reservoir. d) It can significantly increase drilling time.


c) It can potentially contaminate the reservoir.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of oil spotting? a) Cost-effectiveness. b) Reduced friction. c) Increased drilling rate. d) Minimized damage to the wellbore.


c) Increased drilling rate.

Oil Spotting Exercise

Scenario: You are the drilling engineer on a rig encountering a stuck drill string. The drill collars are suspected to be stuck due to tight formations. You have decided to employ oil spotting to free the drill string.

Task: Outline the necessary steps you would take to implement oil spotting successfully in this situation. Be sure to consider the following:

  • Wellbore Isolation: How would you isolate the stuck section of the wellbore?
  • Oil and Additives: What type of oil and additives would you choose and why?
  • Spotting Procedure: Describe the procedure for pumping the oil into the wellbore.
  • Waiting Time: How long would you allow the oil to penetrate the stuck area?
  • Recovery Procedure: Describe the steps involved in attempting to recover the stuck drill string.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: What factors would you monitor during the oil spotting operation?

Exercice Correction

**Solution:** 1. **Wellbore Isolation:** - Use a packer or bridge plug to isolate the stuck section of the wellbore at the desired depth. Ensure proper sealing to prevent oil from migrating to other sections of the wellbore. 2. **Oil and Additives:** - Choose a high-viscosity oil with excellent lubricating properties. - Consider adding friction reducers and emulsifiers to enhance the effectiveness of the oil. - Consult with a drilling fluid specialist to select appropriate additives based on formation properties and drilling fluid compatibility. 3. **Spotting Procedure:** - Pump the oil mixture into the isolated section of the wellbore at a controlled rate. - Monitor pressure and flow rate to ensure proper delivery and avoid excessive pressure build-up. 4. **Waiting Time:** - Allow sufficient time for the oil to penetrate the area surrounding the stuck drill collars. - The waiting time will vary depending on factors such as formation permeability and oil viscosity. 5. **Recovery Procedure:** - After the waiting period, slowly rotate and pull the drill string upward. - Monitor the weight on the drill string and be prepared to adjust pulling force if necessary. - If the drill string doesn't move, consider increasing the oil volume or waiting longer before attempting to pull again. 6. **Monitoring and Evaluation:** - Continuously monitor the pressure and flow rate during oil spotting. - Observe the weight on the drill string and any indications of movement. - Evaluate the effectiveness of the oil spotting operation and adjust the strategy as needed. **Note:** This is a general outline. The specific details of the oil spotting operation will be determined by the specific wellbore conditions and available equipment.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed. This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of oil and gas drilling, including wellbore mechanics, drilling fluids, and troubleshooting techniques like oil spotting.
  • Drilling Engineering: A Complete Well Planning, Drilling, and Completion Handbook by John Lee. This book delves into the engineering principles behind drilling operations, including stuck pipe problems and solutions like oil spotting.
  • Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering by Robert J. Graebner. This textbook provides a thorough understanding of drilling fundamentals, covering topics like drill string mechanics, wellbore stability, and remedial actions like oil spotting.


  • "Stuck Pipe: Causes, Prevention and Remedial Techniques" by J.P. Sharma et al. This article examines various causes of stuck pipe, including formation characteristics, drilling fluid properties, and remedial actions like oil spotting.
  • "Oil Spotting: A Practical Approach to Free Stuck Drill Collars" by C.T. Davis. This article offers a detailed explanation of the oil spotting technique, outlining its procedures, advantages, and considerations.
  • "Stuck Pipe - Causes and Prevention" by W.S. Gray. This article provides a general overview of stuck pipe issues, including causes, prevention strategies, and remedial actions like oil spotting.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers and presentations related to drilling, wellbore mechanics, and stuck pipe issues. Search keywords like "oil spotting," "stuck pipe," and "drilling fluids."
  • OnePetro: This online platform aggregates technical information from various sources, including SPE, AAPG, and other organizations. You can search for relevant articles and papers on oil spotting and stuck pipe problems.
  • Drillinginfo: This platform provides comprehensive information on drilling and completion activities, including data on stuck pipe incidents and remedial actions like oil spotting.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "oil spotting," "stuck drill collars," "drilling fluid," and "wellbore mechanics" to narrow down your search.
  • Include relevant terms: Add specific terms like "procedure," "benefits," "considerations," "techniques," or "case studies" to find more detailed information.
  • Use Boolean operators: Use "AND" or "OR" to combine different keywords and refine your search results. For example, "oil spotting AND stuck drill collars AND techniques" will return results specifically related to techniques used for oil spotting to address stuck drill collars.
  • Explore related resources: Once you find relevant information, explore related links and references to discover more resources on oil spotting.
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