Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: miscible drive

miscible drive

Miscible Drive: Unlocking Reservoir Potential with Solubility

In the pursuit of maximizing oil recovery, oil and gas companies employ a diverse range of techniques. One such method, particularly effective for reservoirs with challenging fluid properties, is miscible drive. This enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique harnesses the power of solubility to displace trapped hydrocarbons.

The Principle of Miscible Drive:

Miscible drive hinges on the principle of miscibility, where two substances mix completely and form a single, homogeneous phase. In this context, the injected fluid (solvent or gas) becomes miscible with the resident crude oil. This miscibility effectively eliminates the interfacial tension between the oil and water in the reservoir pores.

How Miscible Drive Works:

  1. Injection: A carefully selected solvent or gas mixture (propane, LPG, natural gas, carbon dioxide, or blends) is injected into the reservoir.

  2. Mixing: As the injected fluid flows through the reservoir, it mixes with the crude oil. This mixing process is critical and depends on factors like pressure, temperature, and fluid composition.

  3. Displacement: Due to the miscibility, the injected fluid effectively dissolves the trapped oil, effectively reducing the interfacial tension between the oil and water. This reduction allows the oil to be displaced from the reservoir rock by the injected fluid.

Benefits of Miscible Drive:

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery: Miscible drive significantly increases oil recovery compared to traditional methods, particularly in reservoirs with low permeability and high viscosity.
  • Improved Sweep Efficiency: The miscible fluid effectively displaces oil from the reservoir, improving sweep efficiency and reducing the amount of oil left behind.
  • Lower Production Costs: By increasing recovery, miscible drive can help lower production costs per barrel of oil produced.

Types of Miscible Drive:

  • First-Contact Miscibility: The injected fluid is miscible with the reservoir oil at reservoir conditions.
  • Multiple-Contact Miscibility: The injected fluid becomes miscible with the reservoir oil after multiple contacts, creating a gradual mixing process.

Factors Influencing Miscible Drive Effectiveness:

  • Reservoir Characteristics: Reservoir permeability, porosity, and heterogeneity play a significant role in determining the success of miscible drive.
  • Fluid Properties: The composition of the injected fluid and the reservoir oil are crucial factors in achieving miscibility.
  • Injection Rates and Pressure: Adequate injection rates and maintaining reservoir pressure are vital for effective displacement.

Challenges Associated with Miscible Drive:

  • High Cost: Miscible drive is a capital-intensive process, requiring significant investments in infrastructure and materials.
  • Complex Operations: Designing and implementing miscible drive requires specialized expertise and careful monitoring.
  • Environmental Concerns: While generally considered environmentally friendly, miscible drive can pose certain environmental risks related to the injected fluids.


Miscible drive is a powerful EOR technique capable of unlocking significant oil reserves. By leveraging the principle of miscibility, this method offers a viable solution for increasing oil recovery and improving overall project economics. However, careful planning, thorough understanding of reservoir characteristics, and effective management of the associated risks are crucial for successful implementation.

Test Your Knowledge

Miscible Drive Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind miscible drive?

a) The injected fluid is immiscible with the reservoir oil. b) The injected fluid reduces the viscosity of the reservoir oil. c) The injected fluid becomes miscible with the reservoir oil. d) The injected fluid reacts chemically with the reservoir oil.


c) The injected fluid becomes miscible with the reservoir oil.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of miscible drive?

a) Enhanced oil recovery. b) Improved sweep efficiency. c) Lower production costs. d) Increased reservoir permeability.


d) Increased reservoir permeability.

3. What are the two main types of miscible drive?

a) First-contact and second-contact miscibility. b) First-contact and multiple-contact miscibility. c) Single-phase and multi-phase miscibility. d) Direct and indirect miscibility.


b) First-contact and multiple-contact miscibility.

4. Which factor does NOT directly influence the effectiveness of miscible drive?

a) Reservoir porosity. b) Injection rates. c) Reservoir temperature. d) Oil price fluctuations.


d) Oil price fluctuations.

5. Which of the following is a major challenge associated with miscible drive?

a) The injected fluid is often corrosive. b) The injected fluid can cause seismic activity. c) The process requires significant capital investment. d) The process can result in irreversible damage to the reservoir.


c) The process requires significant capital investment.

Miscible Drive Exercise:

Problem: A reservoir is being considered for miscible drive EOR. It contains a heavy oil with a viscosity of 1000 cp. The reservoir has a permeability of 50 mD and a porosity of 20%.

Task: Explain why miscible drive might be a suitable EOR method for this reservoir. Consider the reservoir properties and how they relate to the effectiveness of miscible drive.

Exercice Correction

Miscible drive would be a suitable EOR method for this reservoir due to the following reasons:

  • High viscosity oil: Traditional methods struggle to efficiently recover high viscosity oil. Miscible drive, by dissolving the oil, effectively reduces its viscosity, making it easier to displace.
  • Moderate permeability: While a permeability of 50 mD is not extremely low, it is still considered challenging for waterflooding. Miscible drive, with its lower interfacial tension, can penetrate tighter formations and improve sweep efficiency.
  • Moderate porosity: The 20% porosity allows for adequate fluid storage and flow. Miscible drive can effectively displace oil within this porous medium.

However, the specific choice of injected fluid and the injection scheme would need to be carefully evaluated considering the specific reservoir conditions and oil properties.


  • Enhanced Oil Recovery: This comprehensive book by D.W. Green and G.P. Willhite covers miscible drive in detail, including the theoretical principles, design considerations, and practical applications.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: This classic handbook by Tarek Ahmed provides a thorough overview of reservoir engineering concepts, including EOR techniques like miscible drive.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Edited by Gene H. Watkins, this handbook offers a comprehensive discussion on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including miscible drive and other EOR methods.


  • "Miscible Gas Flooding: A Review" by S.M. Ali and A.R. Chisti, published in the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2014. This article provides a detailed review of miscible gas flooding, covering its different types, challenges, and future directions.
  • "Miscible Displacement Processes in Porous Media" by G.F. Peden, published in the Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1966. This classic article provides a fundamental understanding of miscible displacement in porous media and its application to EOR.
  • "Carbon Dioxide Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery" by K.S. Pitzer, published in the Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 1979. This article discusses the use of carbon dioxide as a miscible agent for EOR, highlighting its advantages and challenges.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Digital Library: This online resource provides access to a vast collection of technical papers and presentations related to miscible drive and other EOR technologies.
  • The U.S. Department of Energy website offers information on EOR technologies, including miscible drive, along with research and development initiatives.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary provides definitions of key terms related to miscible drive and other petroleum engineering concepts.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords such as "miscible drive," "enhanced oil recovery," "EOR," "solvent injection," "gas injection," "carbon dioxide flooding," "propane flooding," "LPG flooding."
  • Combine keywords with specific reservoir characteristics, such as "miscible drive low permeability," "miscible drive high viscosity," or "miscible drive fractured reservoirs."
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "site:" to restrict your search to specific websites, for example, " miscible drive."
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, such as "miscible drive mechanism."
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