Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: master bushing

master bushing

The Unsung Hero of Drilling: The Master Bushing

In the world of oil and gas exploration, every component plays a crucial role. While giants like drilling rigs and wellheads attract attention, a small but vital element, the master bushing, quietly orchestrates the smooth flow of drilling operations.

What is a Master Bushing?

Essentially, the master bushing is a metal sleeve that sits within the rotary table, a large rotating platform at the top of the rig. It serves as the connecting link between the rotary table and the kelly, a heavy pipe that connects the drill string to the rotary table.

Functions of a Master Bushing:

  1. Accommodating Slips: The master bushing houses slips, which are gripping devices that hold the kelly in place during drilling. These slips are crucial for ensuring the kelly doesn't detach during the drilling process, preventing potential accidents and costly downtime.

  2. Transmitting Rotation: The master bushing transmits the rotating motion from the rotary table to the kelly. This movement drives the drill bit deep into the earth, allowing for the extraction of oil and gas.

  3. Supporting the Kelly Bushing: The master bushing also provides support for the kelly bushing, another vital component that connects the kelly to the drill string.

Types of Master Bushings:

Master bushings come in various designs depending on the size of the kelly and the specific drilling requirements. They can be made of different materials like steel, bronze, or special alloys to ensure durability and resistance to wear and tear.

Importance of a Master Bushing:

The master bushing plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and efficiency of the drilling process. A well-functioning master bushing:

  • Prevents kelly slippage and accidents.
  • Ensures smooth and consistent drilling operations.
  • Minimizes downtime and maintenance costs.
  • Enhances the overall drilling efficiency.

Maintenance and Replacement:

Like any vital component, the master bushing needs regular inspection and maintenance. This includes checking for wear and tear, lubrication, and ensuring the slips are in good working order. If damage or excessive wear is detected, the master bushing needs to be replaced.


While the master bushing might not be the most glamorous component in the drilling process, it plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of operations. Its role in connecting the rotary table to the kelly and facilitating the transmission of rotating motion is vital for successful oil and gas extraction. Understanding the function and importance of the master bushing is crucial for anyone involved in drilling and well completion operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Master Bushing Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a master bushing?

a) To connect the drill bit to the kelly b) To transmit rotation from the rotary table to the kelly c) To support the weight of the drill string d) To provide lubrication to the drilling components


b) To transmit rotation from the rotary table to the kelly

2. Which of the following components is housed within the master bushing?

a) Kelly bushing b) Drill bit c) Slips d) Rotary table


c) Slips

3. What is the main advantage of using a master bushing made of special alloys?

a) Increased weight for better stability b) Improved resistance to wear and tear c) Easier installation and removal d) Enhanced aesthetic appeal


b) Improved resistance to wear and tear

4. What is the primary reason for regular inspection and maintenance of a master bushing?

a) To ensure compliance with safety regulations b) To prevent accidents and downtime c) To optimize drilling speed d) To enhance the appearance of the drilling rig


b) To prevent accidents and downtime

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a well-functioning master bushing?

a) Reduced drilling costs b) Increased drilling speed c) Improved drilling safety d) Enhanced drill bit lifespan


d) Enhanced drill bit lifespan

Master Bushing Exercise

Instructions: Imagine you are a drilling engineer inspecting a master bushing. You notice signs of wear and tear on the slips and a slight wobble in the kelly when rotating the rotary table.


  1. Identify the potential problems: What might be causing the wear and tear on the slips and the wobble in the kelly?
  2. Suggest solutions: How would you address these issues to ensure safe and efficient drilling operations?

Exercice Correction

**Potential Problems:**

  • Wear and Tear on the Slips: This could be due to:

    • Excessive pressure: The slips might be gripping the kelly too tightly, causing premature wear.
    • Improper lubrication: Lack of lubrication can lead to friction and accelerated wear.
    • Damaged slips: The slips themselves might be worn out or have damage that impairs their functionality.
  • Wobble in the Kelly: This could indicate:

    • Loose or worn master bushing: The master bushing itself might be worn, allowing for some movement in the kelly.
    • Misaligned components: The master bushing, rotary table, or kelly could be misaligned, leading to the wobble.

**Suggested Solutions:**

  • Wear and Tear on the Slips:

    • Adjust Slip Pressure: Reduce the gripping pressure on the slips to minimize wear.
    • Lubricate Slips: Apply appropriate lubricant to the slips to reduce friction.
    • Replace Damaged Slips: Replace any worn or damaged slips with new ones.
  • Wobble in the Kelly:

    • Inspect and Replace Master Bushing: Thoroughly inspect the master bushing for wear and tear. If damaged, replace it with a new one.
    • Align Components: Check the alignment of the master bushing, rotary table, and kelly. Make adjustments as necessary to ensure proper alignment.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Treatise by M.E. Economides, K.G. Nolte, and J.E. Spath
    • Relevance: Contains extensive information on drilling equipment and components, including master bushings.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by T.D. Ramey, Jr.
    • Relevance: Comprehensive guide on petroleum engineering, including a section on drilling operations and equipment.
  • Drilling and Well Completion by John A. Logan
    • Relevance: Covers various aspects of drilling, including the role and function of master bushings.


  • "Master Bushing: An Unsung Hero of Drilling" (This article!)
    • Relevance: Provides a detailed explanation of master bushings and their importance.
  • "Drilling Equipment and Operations" by The American Petroleum Institute (API)
    • Relevance: A detailed resource on drilling equipment and operations, including information on master bushings.
  • "Master Bushing Maintenance and Troubleshooting" by industry publications like "Oil & Gas Journal" or "World Oil"
    • Relevance: Articles focused on maintenance and troubleshooting of master bushings.

Online Resources

  • The American Petroleum Institute (API):
    • Relevance: API standards and publications provide valuable information on drilling equipment.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE):
    • Relevance: SPE publications and resources cover a wide range of topics related to petroleum engineering, including drilling operations.
  • Oilfield Glossary:
    • Relevance: Provides definitions and explanations of various terms related to the oil and gas industry, including "master bushing."
  • Drillinginfo:
    • Relevance: Provides industry news, data, and analysis related to drilling and well completion.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "master bushing" + "drilling" + "rotary table" + "kelly"
  • Include specific brands or manufacturers: "Halliburton master bushing" or "Baker Hughes master bushing"
  • Look for industry publications: "Oil & Gas Journal" + "master bushing" or "World Oil" + "master bushing"
  • Explore forums and online communities: Search for "drilling forums" or "oil and gas forums" to find discussions on master bushings.
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