Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: intermediate casing string

intermediate casing string

The Unsung Hero of Deep Wells: Understanding Intermediate Casing Strings

In the world of oil and gas exploration, drilling deep wells is a complex and challenging endeavor. The sheer pressure of the earth's formations, combined with the potential for unstable rock, requires a strategic approach to ensure wellbore stability and prevent catastrophic failures. One vital element in this strategy is the intermediate casing string.

What is an Intermediate Casing String?

An intermediate casing string is a crucial component of the well construction process. It is a string of steel pipe, typically larger in diameter than the surface casing, which is set in the wellbore after the surface casing but before the production casing.

Why is it necessary?

The primary function of an intermediate casing string is to:

  • Protect the wellbore from caving: As drilling progresses deeper, the pressure exerted by the surrounding formations can cause the wellbore walls to collapse. The intermediate casing acts as a structural support, preventing this collapse and ensuring a stable passage for drilling operations.
  • Seal off formations: Depending on the geological conditions, certain formations encountered during drilling might contain undesirable fluids or gases that need to be isolated from the production zone. The intermediate casing helps to create a barrier, preventing these fluids from migrating into the wellbore and contaminating the production stream.
  • Facilitate drilling and completion: Setting the intermediate casing allows the drilling crew to focus on drilling through the remaining formations to the target zone, knowing that the upper portion of the wellbore is protected and sealed.

When is it required?

In relatively shallow wells, a surface casing and a production casing might be sufficient. However, in deep wells, where the pressure and complexity of formations increase, one or more intermediate casing strings may be required. The number and placement of intermediate strings are carefully planned based on the geological profile of the well, the expected pressures and risks, and the overall well construction strategy.

Key Features of Intermediate Casing Strings:

  • Larger Diameter: Intermediate casing strings are generally larger in diameter than the surface casing to provide greater structural support and facilitate the installation of downhole equipment.
  • High Strength Materials: The casing is typically made of high-grade steel, capable of withstanding the immense pressures and stresses encountered in deep wells.
  • Specialized Connections: Special connections between individual casing joints are used to ensure a strong and leak-proof seal under high pressure.
  • Cementing: After setting the casing in place, a cement slurry is pumped down the annulus (the space between the casing and the wellbore wall) to seal the casing to the surrounding formations.


The intermediate casing string plays a critical role in ensuring the success of deep well drilling and production operations. Its ability to stabilize the wellbore, seal off unwanted formations, and facilitate drilling and completion makes it an indispensable component of well construction. By understanding its purpose and importance, we can appreciate the complex and intricate engineering involved in the successful exploration and extraction of oil and gas resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unsung Hero of Deep Wells

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of an intermediate casing string?

a) To prevent blowouts during drilling. b) To hold the drill bit in place during drilling. c) To protect the wellbore from caving and isolate formations. d) To transport oil and gas to the surface.


c) To protect the wellbore from caving and isolate formations.

2. When is an intermediate casing string most likely to be used?

a) In shallow wells with low pressure. b) In deep wells with complex formations and high pressure. c) Only during the initial stages of drilling. d) Only during the production phase.


b) In deep wells with complex formations and high pressure.

3. What is a key feature of intermediate casing strings?

a) They are always made of plastic. b) They are typically smaller in diameter than the surface casing. c) They are designed to withstand high pressures and stresses. d) They are only used in wells with a single production zone.


c) They are designed to withstand high pressures and stresses.

4. How is an intermediate casing string secured in the wellbore?

a) By using a special type of glue. b) By pressing it against the wellbore walls. c) By using a cement slurry to seal it to the formations. d) By relying on the pressure of the surrounding formations.


c) By using a cement slurry to seal it to the formations.

5. Why is the intermediate casing string considered an "unsung hero" of deep wells?

a) It is a very expensive component of well construction. b) It is not as visible as other parts of the drilling process. c) Its importance is often overlooked by the general public. d) It is not actually necessary for successful drilling.


c) Its importance is often overlooked by the general public.

Exercise: Understanding Intermediate Casing Placement

Scenario: A drilling crew is preparing to drill a deep well in an area with multiple complex formations. They need to decide where to place their intermediate casing strings.


  • Identify the factors the crew should consider when deciding where to place the intermediate casing strings.
  • Suggest potential locations for the intermediate casing strings based on the information provided.

For example: The crew should consider the depth of each formation, the pressure within each formation, and the potential for instability in each formation. They should then place the intermediate casing string at strategic points within the well to protect the wellbore and isolate formations as needed.

Exercice Correction

**Factors to consider:** * **Depth of formations:** Casing should be placed below formations with high risk of instability or that need to be isolated. * **Pressure within formations:** Higher pressure zones require stronger casing and potentially multiple intermediate strings. * **Potential for instability:** Formations with known instability issues should be isolated with casing. * **Wellbore size:** Larger diameter casing may be needed to facilitate future operations. * **Production strategy:** Casing placement might need to accommodate multiple production zones. **Potential locations:** * **Below a formation known to have high pressure and potential for instability.** * **Between two potentially unstable formations.** * **Above the production zone to isolate it from unwanted fluids or gases.** **Justification:** * Placing the casing at these strategic points ensures wellbore stability, prevents the mixing of undesirable fluids, and protects the production zone, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of the drilling operation.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by Robert N. Schlumberger: This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of well construction, including casing design and installation.
  • Drilling Engineering by John A. Edwards: Provides detailed information on drilling practices, including casing design and cementing.
  • Oil and Gas Production Operations by T. P. Hughes: Covers the production phase of oil and gas wells, with a section dedicated to casing design and maintenance.


  • "Casing Design and Installation" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This article provides a detailed overview of casing design principles, installation techniques, and best practices.
  • "Intermediate Casing: The Unsung Hero of Deep Well Drilling" by Oilfield Technology Magazine: This article explores the importance of intermediate casing in deep well drilling, highlighting its role in wellbore stability and safety.
  • "Cementing of Intermediate Casing Strings" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: This article focuses on the cementing process for intermediate casing strings, discussing its importance for wellbore integrity and production efficiency.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - This website provides access to a vast library of technical papers, articles, and publications related to oil and gas exploration and production, including information on casing design and installation.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): - This organization provides resources and training materials for drilling contractors, including information on wellbore stability, casing design, and drilling safety.
  • Schlumberger: - This global oilfield services company offers a range of technical resources and information on well construction, including casing design and installation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "intermediate casing string," "casing design," "wellbore stability," "cementing."
  • Include relevant industry terms: "oilfield," "drilling," "production," "well construction."
  • Combine keywords with phrases: "importance of intermediate casing," "intermediate casing design considerations."
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases: "intermediate casing string design"
  • Use site filters: " intermediate casing string" to search specifically within the SPE website.
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