Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: formation testing

formation testing

Unveiling the Potential: Formation Testing in Drilling & Well Completion

In the world of oil and gas exploration, knowing what lies beneath the surface is paramount. This is where formation testing comes into play, a crucial step in drilling and well completion that reveals the hidden potential of a formation.

What is Formation Testing?

Formation testing is a process used to gather pressure data and fluid samples from a formation during drilling. This information is vital for determining the formation's:

  • Producibility: Can it produce oil or gas at commercially viable rates?
  • Reservoir properties: What are the porosity, permeability, and fluid content of the formation?
  • Pressure characteristics: What are the reservoir pressure and fluid gradients?

Why is Formation Testing Important?

Understanding these parameters is essential for choosing the most effective completion method for the well. A successful completion strategy maximizes production while ensuring well integrity and safety.

Common Formation Testing Techniques:

Several methods are employed in formation testing, each with its own advantages and applications:

  • Drill Stem Test (DST): A conventional method involving a tool lowered into the well to isolate a zone and measure its pressure and fluid production.
  • Wireline Formation Tester (WFT): A more versatile tool that uses wireline to lower the testing equipment, allowing for greater flexibility and adaptability.
  • Modular Formation Dynamics Tester (MDT): A modern technology that combines the benefits of DST and WFT, enabling comprehensive formation analysis.
  • Production Logging: A continuous logging technique used to evaluate production rates and fluid movement within the wellbore.

Data Interpretation and Completion Planning:

After the tests are conducted, the collected data is analyzed to determine the formation's production potential. This information guides the selection of the appropriate completion method, which can include:

  • Openhole completion: The simplest method, where the well is left open and production occurs naturally.
  • Cased-hole completion: Involves casing the wellbore and installing various components to enhance production.
  • Fracturing: A process used to create artificial fractures in the formation, increasing permeability and enhancing production.

Benefits of Formation Testing:

  • Accurate Reservoir Evaluation: Provides a detailed understanding of the formation's properties, essential for optimizing production strategies.
  • Reduced Risk and Costs: Helps avoid costly mistakes by providing valuable data for well completion design and implementation.
  • Increased Production: Optimizes well performance and maximizes hydrocarbon recovery.
  • Safety and Environmental Protection: Ensures responsible well completion practices, minimizing environmental impact.

In Conclusion:

Formation testing is a vital component in the successful exploration and development of oil and gas reservoirs. By revealing the potential of a formation, this critical process helps to guide well completion decisions and ensure the efficient and responsible production of valuable resources. As technology continues to advance, formation testing techniques are becoming more sophisticated, offering even greater insights into the complexities of subsurface formations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unveiling the Potential: Formation Testing in Drilling & Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of formation testing?

a) To determine the depth of a formation. b) To gather pressure data and fluid samples from a formation. c) To evaluate the drilling efficiency. d) To identify the type of rock present.


b) To gather pressure data and fluid samples from a formation.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common formation testing technique?

a) Drill Stem Test (DST) b) Wireline Formation Tester (WFT) c) Seismic Survey d) Modular Formation Dynamics Tester (MDT)


c) Seismic Survey

3. What information does formation testing provide that is essential for well completion design?

a) The type of drilling fluid needed. b) The reservoir pressure and fluid gradients. c) The size of the drilling rig required. d) The age of the formation.


b) The reservoir pressure and fluid gradients.

4. Which well completion method involves casing the wellbore and installing various components to enhance production?

a) Openhole completion b) Cased-hole completion c) Fracturing d) None of the above


b) Cased-hole completion

5. What is a key benefit of formation testing?

a) Increased drilling speed. b) Reduced environmental impact. c) Accurate reservoir evaluation, which helps optimize production strategies. d) All of the above


c) Accurate reservoir evaluation, which helps optimize production strategies.

Exercise: Formation Testing & Completion Design


An oil exploration company has discovered a promising formation. They have conducted a successful formation test, yielding the following data:

  • Reservoir Pressure: 3000 psi
  • Fluid Type: Oil
  • Porosity: 20%
  • Permeability: 100 millidarcies

Based on this data, the company needs to choose the optimal well completion strategy.


  1. Analyze the data: Describe what the data indicates about the formation's potential for production.
  2. Propose a completion method: Recommend either an openhole completion, a cased-hole completion, or a combination of both, explaining your rationale.
  3. Justify your choice: Explain how the chosen completion method aligns with the formation characteristics and optimizes production.

Exercice Correction

**1. Analysis of the Data:** The data indicates a potentially productive formation with good reservoir characteristics. * **Reservoir Pressure:** The relatively high pressure suggests a good driving force for oil production. * **Fluid Type:** Oil indicates a valuable resource. * **Porosity:** 20% porosity is considered a reasonable value, suggesting ample space for oil storage. * **Permeability:** 100 millidarcies is a fairly high permeability, facilitating the flow of oil from the reservoir to the wellbore. **2. Proposed Completion Method:** Considering the favorable reservoir characteristics, a **cased-hole completion** is recommended. **3. Justification:** * **Casing:** Casing the wellbore provides structural integrity and prevents formation collapse, protecting the wellbore from potential damage and contamination. It also allows for the installation of downhole equipment for optimized production. * **Downhole Equipment:** A cased-hole completion allows for the installation of production packers, valves, and other equipment to control flow, maximize recovery, and ensure well safety. * **Enhanced Production:** This method promotes efficient production by providing a controlled environment and allowing for the implementation of technologies like artificial lift or water injection to enhance oil recovery. **Conclusion:** A cased-hole completion, with appropriate downhole equipment, is the most suitable choice for this formation. It maximizes production while ensuring well integrity and safety, leveraging the favorable reservoir characteristics to optimize oil recovery.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (This comprehensive handbook covers a broad range of topics, including formation testing, reservoir characterization, and production techniques.)
  • Well Testing by Matthew J. Economides and Kamal Aziz (A classic text dedicated to well testing, including detailed explanations of various formation testing methods.)
  • Modern Well Testing by M.D. Ramey, Jr. (An in-depth resource covering advanced well testing techniques and data analysis.)


  • Formation Testing: A Comprehensive Guide by Schlumberger (A technical article that provides an overview of formation testing methods and their applications.)
  • Advanced Formation Testing Techniques by Halliburton (This article discusses innovative formation testing technologies, such as modular formation dynamics testers.)
  • The Importance of Formation Testing in Well Completion Design by Baker Hughes (An article emphasizing the crucial role of formation testing in optimizing well completion strategies.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website: Offers a vast collection of technical papers, presentations, and publications related to formation testing and other aspects of oil and gas exploration.
  • Schlumberger's Oilfield Glossary: A comprehensive online glossary with definitions of various technical terms, including those related to formation testing.
  • Halliburton's Website: Provides detailed information on their formation testing services and technologies, including case studies and technical papers.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "formation testing," "drill stem test," "wireline formation tester," "modular formation dynamics tester," "production logging," "reservoir evaluation," "well completion."
  • Add keywords related to your specific area of interest, such as "formation testing in shale gas," "formation testing in deepwater," or "formation testing in unconventional reservoirs."
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, like "formation testing techniques" or "formation testing data analysis."
  • Explore advanced search operators like "" to narrow your search to a specific website.
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