Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: floor crew

floor crew

The Unsung Heroes of the Rig: Understanding the Floor Crew in Drilling & Well Completion

The heart of any drilling or workover rig lies on the rig floor, a chaotic and often dangerous environment where a dedicated team of individuals work tirelessly to extract oil and gas from the earth. This team, known collectively as the "floor crew," plays a crucial role in every stage of the drilling and well completion process.

This article will delve into the world of the floor crew, exploring their key roles, the diverse skills they possess, and the importance of their work in the oil and gas industry.

The Backbone of the Operation:

The floor crew is responsible for a multitude of tasks, ranging from physically demanding activities like handling heavy equipment to ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the entire rig. Their responsibilities include:

  • Running and tripping pipe: This involves connecting, disconnecting, and moving drill pipe and casing strings in and out of the wellbore, a demanding and critical task requiring precise coordination and communication.
  • Handling tools and equipment: The floor crew operates and maintains various drilling equipment like drawworks, mud pumps, and rotary tables, ensuring smooth and effective drilling operations.
  • Managing mud and drilling fluids: They monitor and control the flow and properties of drilling mud, a vital component in drilling operations, ensuring stability and safe drilling.
  • Performing well control procedures: In the event of a well kick, the floor crew plays a vital role in implementing safety procedures to prevent a blowout.
  • Maintaining rig cleanliness and safety: They ensure the rig floor remains organized and free from hazards, fostering a safe and efficient work environment.

A Spectrum of Skills and Expertise:

The floor crew comprises individuals with a range of experience and expertise. Some common positions include:

  • Derrickhand: The most experienced member of the floor crew, the derrickhand oversees all rig floor operations, manages the crew, and provides guidance and training.
  • Rotary helper: A vital member of the team, the rotary helper assists the derrickhand with running and tripping pipe, handling tools, and performing general rig floor tasks.
  • Floorhand: Newcomers to the industry, floorhands learn the ropes under the guidance of more experienced crew members, performing a variety of tasks to gain valuable experience.
  • Toolpusher: The supervisor in charge of the drilling operation, the toolpusher oversees all drilling activities, ensures safety, and manages communication with the drilling crew.

Importance of the Floor Crew:

The floor crew is the foundation of every drilling and workover operation. Their expertise and dedication are paramount to ensuring safe, efficient, and successful drilling operations. Their hard work and commitment contribute significantly to the oil and gas industry's ability to meet the global energy demand.


The floor crew, despite often operating behind the scenes, plays a critical role in the oil and gas industry. Their dedication to safety, efficiency, and expertise are essential to the successful drilling and completion of oil and gas wells. Understanding their diverse roles and the vital contributions they make is crucial to appreciating the complexity and importance of the entire drilling and workover process.

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