Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: fishing tool

fishing tool

Fishing Tools: The Undersea Retrieval Specialists of the Oil & Gas Industry

Drilling and well completion operations, while essential for extracting valuable resources, often present challenges. One such challenge is the unfortunate occurrence of equipment loss downhole. This is where fishing tools come into play, serving as specialized equipment designed to recover lost items from the depths of a well.

A Crucial Role in Maintaining Efficiency and Safety:

Losing equipment in a well can result in significant downtime, financial losses, and even safety hazards. Fishing tools are designed to minimize these risks by providing a means to retrieve lost items, ensuring efficient continuation of operations.

Types of Fishing Tools:

The world of fishing tools is diverse, encompassing a variety of specialized tools designed for specific scenarios. Some common types include:

  • Overshot: This tool uses a slip-jaw mechanism to engage the lost object and lift it out of the well.
  • Junk Basket: A large basket that captures debris and smaller pieces of equipment, enabling their recovery.
  • Magnetic Fishing Tool: Utilizes magnets to retrieve ferromagnetic objects like drill bits or other metallic parts.
  • Grabber Fishing Tool: Features a pair of jaws that can grasp and secure lost equipment.
  • Wireline Fishing Tools: Operated with a wireline system, allowing for precise control and manipulation of the tool downhole.

The Retrieval Process:

The process of fishing equipment from a well is a delicate and complex procedure, often requiring a combination of different tools and techniques.

  1. Identification: First, the type of lost equipment and its location must be determined.
  2. Tool Selection: Based on the identified object, the appropriate fishing tool is chosen.
  3. Deployment: The tool is carefully lowered into the well, guided by a wireline or other means.
  4. Engagement: The tool is manipulated to engage the lost equipment.
  5. Retrieval: Once engaged, the tool lifts the equipment out of the well.

Beyond Equipment Recovery:

Fishing tools also play a crucial role in well maintenance and completion, aiding in tasks like:

  • Removing debris and junk from wells: Ensuring smooth flow of production.
  • Installing or retrieving downhole equipment: Including packers, plugs, and other essential components.

A Legacy of Innovation:

As the oil and gas industry continues to explore deeper and more complex reservoirs, the need for sophisticated fishing tools grows. Ongoing research and development continuously push the boundaries of technology, leading to new and improved tools capable of handling even the most challenging retrieval scenarios.

In Conclusion:

Fishing tools play a vital role in the oil and gas industry, ensuring the safe and efficient recovery of lost equipment and maintaining operational continuity. Their diverse range of applications and ongoing technological advancements highlight their importance in navigating the complexities of drilling and well completion operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Fishing Tools Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of fishing tools in the oil and gas industry?

a) To extract oil and gas from underground reservoirs. b) To prevent equipment loss during drilling operations. c) To recover lost equipment from downhole. d) To monitor the condition of wells.


c) To recover lost equipment from downhole.

2. Which type of fishing tool uses magnets to retrieve metallic objects?

a) Overshot b) Junk Basket c) Magnetic Fishing Tool d) Grabber Fishing Tool


c) Magnetic Fishing Tool

3. What is the first step in the process of retrieving lost equipment using a fishing tool?

a) Selecting the appropriate tool. b) Lowering the tool into the well. c) Engaging the lost equipment. d) Identifying the lost equipment and its location.


d) Identifying the lost equipment and its location.

4. Besides equipment recovery, what other task can fishing tools be used for?

a) Monitoring well pressure b) Removing debris and junk from wells c) Drilling new wells d) Preventing corrosion in pipes


b) Removing debris and junk from wells

5. What is the main factor driving the development of more sophisticated fishing tools?

a) The increasing demand for oil and gas. b) The need to explore deeper and more complex reservoirs. c) The growing awareness of environmental concerns. d) The advancements in computer technology.


b) The need to explore deeper and more complex reservoirs.

Fishing Tools Exercise:

Scenario: A drill bit has become stuck downhole during drilling operations. You are tasked with retrieving the drill bit using a fishing tool.


  1. Identify the type of lost equipment: In this case, it's a drill bit.
  2. Select the most appropriate fishing tool: Based on the drill bit's size, shape, and material, choose a suitable tool. Consider the options listed in the text: Overshot, Junk Basket, Magnetic Fishing Tool, Grabber Fishing Tool, and Wireline Fishing Tools.
  3. Describe the steps you would take to retrieve the drill bit using the chosen fishing tool: Include the deployment, engagement, and retrieval process.

Note: Your answer should consider the specific challenges and considerations associated with retrieving a stuck drill bit.

Exercice Correction

1. **Lost equipment:** Drill bit 2. **Tool selection:** An overshot with a slip-jaw mechanism would be appropriate in this situation, as it can securely engage and lift the drill bit. A magnetic fishing tool might be considered if the drill bit is made of ferromagnetic material. 3. **Retrieval process:** * **Deployment:** The overshot is carefully lowered into the well using a wireline, ensuring it reaches the drill bit. * **Engagement:** The overshot is maneuvered to align its jaws with the drill bit and then activated to grip it securely. * **Retrieval:** Once securely engaged, the overshot lifts the drill bit out of the well. **Considerations:** * The drill bit's size and shape should be considered when selecting the overshot's jaw size and design. * The well's depth and conditions may require specialized wireline techniques and equipment. * The retrieval process must be carefully executed to avoid further damage to the well or equipment.


  • "Oil Well Fishing: A Practical Guide" by Don W. Collins: A comprehensive guide to fishing techniques, equipment, and troubleshooting in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" edited by John M. Campbell: Contains a dedicated chapter on well completion and workover operations, including fishing tool usage.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert E. Cunningham: Covers the principles of drilling, well completion, and associated operations, including a section on fishing tools.


  • "Fishing Tools: A Comprehensive Guide" by Schlumberger: A detailed overview of fishing tools, their applications, and the latest advancements in the field.
  • "Fishing Techniques for Lost Objects in Oil and Gas Wells" by Halliburton: A technical paper focusing on various fishing techniques and their effectiveness in different scenarios.
  • "Fishing Tools: The Unsung Heroes of Oil & Gas Operations" by Baker Hughes: A brief but informative article highlighting the importance of fishing tools in maintaining operational efficiency.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers, including many related to fishing tools and well completion operations.
  • Oilfield Wiki: Provides a comprehensive resource for information on oil and gas operations, including detailed explanations of various fishing tools and their applications.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Companies specializing in fishing tools, like Baker Hughes, Halliburton, and Schlumberger, have extensive online resources detailing their products and services.

Search Tips

  • "Oil & Gas Fishing Tools": Start with a general search to find a variety of resources on the topic.
  • "Fishing Tool Types": Refine your search to focus on specific types of fishing tools and their applications.
  • "Fishing Techniques for [Specific Lost Object]": Use this format to find resources focused on retrieving particular types of equipment.
  • "Fishing Tools [Manufacturer Name]": Search for specific manufacturer websites for product information and technical details.
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