Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: dissolved-gas drive

dissolved-gas drive

The Power of Bubbles: Understanding Dissolved-Gas Drive in Oil Reservoirs

Imagine a bottle of fizzy soda. When you open the bottle, the dissolved carbon dioxide gas escapes, creating those satisfying bubbles that make the drink so refreshing. Now, imagine a similar process happening deep underground, driving oil towards your wellbore. This is the essence of Dissolved-Gas Drive, a critical reservoir drive mechanism in the oil and gas industry.

A Reservoir's Natural Energy Source

Oil and gas reservoirs are not simply vast underground lakes of oil. They are complex systems containing hydrocarbons trapped within porous rock formations, held in place by a pressure gradient. This pressure is what drives the fluids, including oil and gas, to the surface when a well is drilled.

Dissolved-Gas Drive is one of the mechanisms responsible for generating this pressure. In this process, oil reservoirs contain dissolved gas (primarily methane) within the oil itself. This dissolved gas acts like tiny bubbles trapped in the oil, contributing to the overall reservoir pressure.

The Bubble Effect: Driving Oil to the Surface

As oil is produced from the reservoir, the pressure decreases. This pressure drop causes the dissolved gas to come out of solution, forming bubbles. These expanding bubbles create a significant increase in volume, pushing the oil towards the wellbore.

The Importance of Understanding Dissolved-Gas Drive

Understanding Dissolved-Gas Drive is crucial for several reasons:

  • Production Forecasting: Knowing the amount of dissolved gas and how it behaves under different pressure conditions allows engineers to accurately predict the amount of oil that can be recovered from the reservoir.
  • Reservoir Management: This knowledge informs decisions about well placement, production rates, and secondary recovery techniques like waterflooding to maximize oil recovery.
  • Well Design: Understanding the gas drive mechanism is vital for designing wellbores that can safely handle the influx of gas as the pressure drops.

Solution-Gas Drive: Another Name, Same Phenomenon

Dissolved-Gas Drive is often referred to as Solution-Gas Drive. Both terms refer to the same process, highlighting how the dissolved gas in the oil drives the production of oil.


Dissolved-Gas Drive is a vital natural energy source in many oil reservoirs. Its understanding is fundamental to ensuring efficient and sustainable oil production. By comprehending the role of dissolved gas, engineers can optimize reservoir management strategies and maximize the recovery of valuable hydrocarbons from the earth.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Chapter 8: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms)
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by John D. Donaldson and Henry R. Pittman (Chapter 3: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms)
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by Schlumberger (Chapter 5: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms)


  • Reservoir Drive Mechanisms by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
  • Gas Drive Reservoirs: An Overview by Schlumberger
  • The Importance of Understanding Dissolved-Gas Drive in Oil and Gas Production by Oil and Gas Journal
  • Understanding Dissolved-Gas Drive for Optimal Reservoir Management by SPE Journal

Online Resources

  • SPE website: (Search for "dissolved-gas drive" or "solution-gas drive")
  • Schlumberger website: (Search for "dissolved-gas drive" or "solution-gas drive")
  • Oil and Gas Journal website: (Search for "dissolved-gas drive" or "solution-gas drive")
  • Wikipedia entry on Reservoir drive mechanisms:

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "dissolved-gas drive", "solution-gas drive", "reservoir drive mechanism"
  • Combine keywords with specific topics: "dissolved-gas drive production forecasting", "dissolved-gas drive reservoir management", "dissolved-gas drive well design"
  • Include relevant publication types: "dissolved-gas drive article", "dissolved-gas drive book"
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