Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: crankshaft


The Crankshaft: A Vital Component in Drilling & Well Completion

The crankshaft, a seemingly simple yet crucial component, plays a pivotal role in the complex machinery used in drilling and well completion operations. It acts as the bridge between the linear motion of the drilling rig's piston and the rotary motion required to drill into the earth.

Understanding the Function:

Imagine a piston moving up and down within a cylinder. This reciprocating motion, though powerful, isn't directly usable for drilling. Here's where the crankshaft steps in. It is a rotating shaft with offset crank throws, which are connected to the piston via connecting rods. As the piston moves up and down, the connecting rod transfers this linear motion to the crankshaft, causing it to rotate. This transformation from linear to rotary motion is the heart of the crankshaft's function.

Role in Drilling Operations:

In drilling rigs, the crankshaft is directly connected to the rotary table, the platform that rotates the drill string. The rotary table is attached to the top drive, a powerful motor that provides the drilling force. The crankshaft, powered by the engine, transmits this force to the rotary table, enabling the drill bit to penetrate the earth.

Importance in Well Completion:

The crankshaft also plays a crucial role in well completion operations. During this phase, various tools and equipment are lowered into the well to prepare it for production. The crankshaft, connected to the drawworks, a powerful winch, helps lower and raise these tools and equipment into and out of the well.

Key Features and Considerations:

  • Durability: Crankshafts in drilling and well completion operations face extreme stress and wear. They are constructed from high-strength steel alloys to withstand these demanding conditions.
  • Balance: To ensure smooth operation and minimize vibration, the crankshaft must be perfectly balanced. Any imbalance can lead to excessive wear and tear, potentially damaging the entire drilling rig.
  • Lubrication: Adequate lubrication is crucial to reduce friction and wear on the crankshaft. Specialized oil systems are employed to keep the crankshaft running smoothly.


The crankshaft is an unsung hero in the drilling and well completion process. Its ability to convert reciprocating motion to rotary motion forms the foundation for these essential operations. Understanding its role and importance helps appreciate the intricate interplay of components that enable the extraction of oil and gas from the earth.

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