Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: company hand

company hand

The Company Hand: An Essential Part of Drilling and Well Completion

In the world of drilling and well completion, the term "company hand" refers to a skilled and experienced individual who plays a vital role in ensuring safe and efficient operations. They are the hands-on, multi-talented workforce who work closely with the drilling crew, carrying out a wide range of tasks under the direction of the company representative.

Who is the Company Representative?

The company representative, often referred to as the "company man" or "wellsite supervisor," is the individual responsible for overseeing all aspects of the drilling and completion operations on behalf of the oil or gas company. They act as the liaison between the drilling contractor and the company, ensuring that the work is conducted according to the approved plans and specifications.

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Company Hand:

Company hands are crucial members of the wellsite team, contributing to the success of every operation. Their responsibilities encompass a variety of tasks, including:

  • Rig Maintenance and Housekeeping: Keeping the rig clean, organized, and in good working order is a priority for company hands. They assist with daily maintenance tasks, such as cleaning equipment, greasing parts, and ensuring the safety of the rig environment.
  • Drilling Operations: Company hands assist the drilling crew with various tasks, such as:
    • Handling and Running Tubing: Loading, unloading, and running the tubing string, ensuring it's properly connected and sealed.
    • Handling Drill Pipe and Casing: Assisting with the handling, running, and pulling of drill pipe and casing strings.
    • Monitoring Drilling Parameters: Recording and monitoring drilling parameters such as weight on bit, rotary speed, and mud flow rate.
    • Maintaining Mud System: Cleaning and maintaining the mud system, ensuring proper mud circulation and quality.
  • Well Completion Operations: Company hands are also involved in well completion activities, which include:
    • Installing and Cementing Casing: Assisting in the installation and cementing of casing strings to protect the wellbore and isolate different zones.
    • Running Completion Strings: Assisting in the running of completion strings, including tubing, packers, and production equipment.
    • Performing Well Tests: Assisting in performing well tests to evaluate production rates and reservoir characteristics.

The Importance of Experience and Expertise:

Company hands need to be physically fit and possess strong technical skills. They often have years of experience in the oil and gas industry, developing a comprehensive understanding of drilling and completion operations. They work closely with the drilling crew, learning from experienced professionals and gaining valuable hands-on knowledge. This experience allows them to quickly adapt to changing conditions and contribute effectively to the team's success.

In Conclusion:

The company hand plays a critical role in the efficient and safe execution of drilling and well completion operations. Their dedication to their tasks, coupled with their expertise and experience, makes them valuable assets to any wellsite team. As they work alongside the company representative and the drilling crew, they contribute to the success of every operation, ensuring that the well is drilled and completed to the highest standards.

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