Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: coiled-tubing workover

coiled-tubing workover

Coiled Tubing Workover: A Versatile Tool for Well Maintenance and Intervention

In the dynamic world of oil and gas production, well integrity and efficiency are paramount. When a well faces challenges such as declining production, fluid influx, or formation damage, a workover operation is often required to restore or enhance its performance. Among the various techniques employed for well workovers, coiled tubing has emerged as a highly versatile and efficient solution.

What is Coiled Tubing Workover?

Coiled tubing workover refers to a well intervention technique that uses a continuous steel tube, typically 0.75 to 1 inch in diameter, coiled on a reel at the surface. This flexible tubing is run into the wellbore in one piece, inside the existing production tubing, allowing for a variety of operations, including:

  • Stimulation: Injecting fluids like acids, proppants, or chemicals to improve well productivity by removing blockages and enhancing permeability.
  • Well Cleaning: Removing debris, scale, and other deposits from the wellbore to restore efficient flow.
  • Well Intervention: Isolating zones, plugging or repairing leaks, and retrieving lost equipment.
  • Production Optimization: Replacing downhole equipment, adjusting production rates, and managing water or gas influx.

Advantages of Coiled Tubing Workover:

  • Versatility: Coiled tubing can perform a wide range of tasks, making it suitable for various well conditions and operational needs.
  • Flexibility: Its inherent flexibility allows for navigation in complex wellbores with tight radius bends and deviated sections.
  • Efficiency: Coiled tubing operations can be conducted quickly, minimizing downtime and maximizing production.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to conventional workover methods, coiled tubing can often be more economical due to reduced rig time and manpower.
  • Safety: The continuous tubing and controlled deployment minimize the risk of tool drop or equipment failure.

Coiled Tubing Deployment and Operations:

The coiled tubing unit is typically rigged up over the wellhead, with the reel containing the tubing. A control head is used to connect the tubing to the wellhead, ensuring a pressure-tight seal. The tubing is then injected into the wellbore using a hydraulic drive system.

During operations, the coiled tubing is used to carry fluids, tools, or other equipment downhole. The tubing can be manipulated using specialized downhole tools, allowing for precise operations and control. After the operation is complete, the coiled tubing is retrieved back to the surface, ready for the next intervention.


Coiled tubing workover has become an indispensable tool for modern well maintenance and intervention operations. Its versatility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness make it a preferred choice for optimizing production, mitigating well problems, and extending the lifespan of oil and gas wells. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even greater advancements in coiled tubing technology, further enhancing its capabilities and applications in the future.

Test Your Knowledge

Coiled Tubing Workover Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary benefit of using coiled tubing for well workover operations? a) It can be used to inject high-pressure fluids. b) It is a very efficient method for drilling new wells. c) It offers versatility for a wide range of well interventions. d) It is the most cost-effective method for all well interventions.


c) It offers versatility for a wide range of well interventions.

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical application of coiled tubing workover? a) Well stimulation b) Well cleaning c) Well abandonment d) Production optimization


c) Well abandonment

3. How is coiled tubing deployed into the wellbore? a) It is lowered downhole on a cable. b) It is pumped downhole using a high-pressure fluid. c) It is injected into the wellbore using a hydraulic drive system. d) It is manually pushed downhole using a specialized rig.


c) It is injected into the wellbore using a hydraulic drive system.

4. What is a significant advantage of coiled tubing workover compared to traditional workover methods? a) Coiled tubing is less likely to cause damage to the wellbore. b) Coiled tubing operations require less manpower and rig time. c) Coiled tubing is more effective in stimulating tight formations. d) Coiled tubing can be used to access wells in remote locations.


b) Coiled tubing operations require less manpower and rig time.

5. Which of the following is NOT a reason for using coiled tubing for well workover? a) To inject chemicals for stimulation b) To remove debris and scale from the wellbore c) To replace downhole equipment d) To drill a new well


d) To drill a new well

Coiled Tubing Workover Exercise

Scenario: A well is experiencing a decline in production due to the build-up of paraffin wax in the wellbore. The operator decides to utilize coiled tubing workover for cleaning the wellbore.


  1. Identify the specific coiled tubing operation required for this scenario.
  2. Describe the process of how this operation would be performed using coiled tubing.
  3. Explain the potential benefits of using coiled tubing for this specific task compared to traditional workover methods.

Exercice Correction

1. Specific coiled tubing operation: Well Cleaning

2. Process: * The coiled tubing unit is rigged up over the wellhead, and the tubing is connected to the wellhead. * The coiled tubing is injected into the wellbore using a hydraulic drive system. * A downhole tool, such as a jetting nozzle, is attached to the coiled tubing. * The jetting nozzle is used to direct high-pressure fluids (such as water or chemicals) to dislodge the paraffin wax from the wellbore. * Once the wax has been removed, the coiled tubing is retrieved back to the surface. * The well is then ready for production.

3. Benefits: * **Efficiency:** Coiled tubing operations are typically faster than traditional workover methods, minimizing downtime. * **Cost-effectiveness:** Reduced rig time and manpower requirements can result in lower overall costs. * **Versatility:** Coiled tubing can be used to target specific zones in the wellbore, allowing for more efficient cleaning. * **Safety:** Continuous tubing and controlled deployment reduce the risk of equipment failure or damage to the wellbore.


  • "Coiled Tubing Operations: A Practical Guide" by William H. Frantz and Harold M. Hise (ISBN: 978-0878148196): This comprehensive guide covers various aspects of coiled tubing workover, including equipment, techniques, safety, and troubleshooting.
  • "Petroleum Production Engineering" by William C. Lyons (ISBN: 978-0136032825): Chapter 10 of this textbook delves into well intervention methods, including coiled tubing operations.
  • "Well Intervention and Workover: Principles and Practices" by John C. McCain Jr. (ISBN: 978-0123848207): This book provides a detailed overview of well workover techniques, with a dedicated section on coiled tubing operations.


  • "Coiled tubing: A versatile tool for well intervention" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This article highlights the benefits and applications of coiled tubing in well workover operations.
  • "Coiled Tubing Workover Techniques for Improving Well Productivity" by Schlumberger: This article discusses various coiled tubing techniques for well stimulation and optimization.
  • "The Evolution of Coiled Tubing Technology" by Baker Hughes: This article traces the development and advancements in coiled tubing technology over the years.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources, including technical papers, case studies, and industry events related to coiled tubing.
  • *Schlumberger: * Schlumberger's website provides in-depth information on their coiled tubing services and technologies, including case studies and technical articles.
  • Baker Hughes: Baker Hughes offers a dedicated section on their website focusing on coiled tubing technology, services, and applications.

Search Tips

  • "Coiled Tubing Workover + specific application": For example, "Coiled Tubing Workover + Stimulation" or "Coiled Tubing Workover + Well Cleaning".
  • "Coiled Tubing + technology": For example, "Coiled Tubing + jetting" or "Coiled Tubing + milling".
  • "Coiled Tubing + company name": For example, "Coiled Tubing + Schlumberger" or "Coiled Tubing + Baker Hughes".
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